My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!

The party.

(Three weeks later)

It’s been three weeks since me and Jasper started dating. Today is Friday and my parents are still on a business trip so I have the house to myself. Devin, Jasper, and Natasha convinced me to go to a party tonight. I was already dressed and everything for the party.

Natasha and Devin were at their houses getting ready. I’m in my room trying to finish my homework before the party. I say trying because Jasper’s behind me, with his arms around me, kissing my neck.

“Jasper, stop.” I giggled moving my neck away from him.

“Why?” He asked. I could hear a smirk in his voice. I turned my head and saw that he was wearing a smirk.

“Because it’s distracting.” I smiled.

“That’s the point.” He said before kissing my lips. I immediately gave in to the kiss as soon as his lips touched mine. His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him while mine went around his neck. His tongue grazed my bottom lip asking for permission. I opened my lips slightly for his tongue to pass through.

His tongue explored my mouth as we fought for dominance. He won. He flipped us so we were laying on the bed. He was holding himself above me with his arms.

Our make out session was cut short by the doorbell. I pulled away from Jasper and looked at my clock. It was almost nine, which means Natasha and Devin were going to be here any minute to go to the party with us..

“See Jasper? My homework isn’t done yet.” I complained.

“And?” He asked not taking his eyes off me.

“I wanted to get it done before the party.”

“You can do it tomorrow.”

“I have plans.”

“What about Sunday?”

“I guess I could do it on Sunday. But I hate doing it so late.” I sighed.

“I’m sorry. I won’t kiss you again.” He said before getting off my bed. I grabbed his arm pulling him back on my bed.

“I didn’t say I didn’t want you to kiss me anymore.” I said smiling.

“Well I’m a distraction.” He smirked.

“Yes, but a good distraction.” I smirked back.

“Oh really? Prove it.” He said. I leaned over and pecked his lips. Before I could pull away he put his hand on the back of my head so I couldn’t pull away. I smirked into the kiss as I kissed him back he moved so I was on his lap, without breaking the kiss.

“What are you guys doing up-?!” I heard an angry Natasha ask as she opened my bedroom door. I quickly pulled away from Jasper and looked at her surprised.

“Natasha! What are you doing here?!” I yelled jumping off my bed. I pushed her out of my room closing the door behind me. I still haven’t let anyone see my room. Well except for Jasper, but that’s because he saw when I accidentally left the door opened.

“Devin and I rang the bell like five times and no one answered it.” She said.

“So that gives you the right to barge into my room?!” I know I shouldn’t be the angry on here but still, she knows not to go in my room.

“I thought your door was locked like it always is. Wait. Why was Jasper in your room?! You won’t even let me in it.” She said getting angry again.

“Jasper already saw my room the first day he got here. He already knows what’s in it.” I said.

“Oh so you only knew him one day and let him see your room but you won’t let me, your best friend since first grade, even get a peek of your room?!”

“I didn’t let him see it! I was in my room and he knocked on it telling me that dinner was done! He called me Ana so I was angry when I opened the door! I pushed him out of the way and forgot to close my door! It was an accident!” I yelled.

“I don’t even see what the big deal is! It’s just art! It’s not like it’s something embarrassing!”

“It’s not just art! If you looked at them you would have seen that they are mostly of my brother!”

“Your brother? But I thought you didn’t draw him anymore. You told me it was too hard on you to draw him.” She said quietly.

“It is. But I can’t help but draw him. It’s the only way I can remember him.” I said just as quietly.

“I’m sorry Juls. I didn’t know.” She shook her head apologetically.

“It’s ok. At the moment, it does seem kind of stupid though.” I laughed.

“Not really. You put up a strong front but inside you are torn. You don’t want anyone knowing that.” She wrapped me in a hug.

“Who are you, Dr. Phil?” I asked letting out a small laugh. She laughed too.

“Just call me Dr. Nats.” She said. I pulled away from her and smiled at her.

“Thanks.” I said.

“You’re welcome. Now let’s go to the party.”She said.

“Wait. I have to get Jasper.” I said. I opened my door and heard someone fall down. I looked down and saw Jasper on the floor smiling guilty at me.

“Uh hi Juliana. I was just… umm… you know you have a very interesting ceiling.” He said looking at the ceiling.

“Mhmm. Whatever you say, eavesdropper.” I smiled rolling my eyes. He gave me that same guilty smile as he got up.

“Sorry. I heard you yelling and-”

“It’s ok.” I cut him off.

“Let’s go down to the party.” Natasha said walking into my room again. But I didn’t care now. She looked at the pictures and smiled at me before walking out of the room.


When we pulled up to the party, I saw some of the kids already drunk outside.

“I’d say we’ll have about an hour before the cops come.” Natasha said looking at the yard.

“Then let’s make the best of it.” Devin said wrapping an arm around Natasha. She started blushing. They started going out last week.

“Come on Jasper.” I said. He got out of the car hesitantly. He was looking at the house as if something was wrong.

“Jasper what’s wrong?” I asked walking over to him.

“It looks familiar.” He said quietly.

“The house?” I asked. He nodded his head.

“Do you want to leave?” He looked down at me biting his lip.

“Yea. I think we should just go.” He said.

“I’ll call Nats and Devin.” I got out my phone and dialed Natasha’s phone number. It just continued to ring.

“She probably can’t hear it over the music. I’ll try Devin.” I dialed Devin’s number. It went straight to voice mail.

“His phone’s off. We can just go find them.” I shrugged.

“Yea. But stay close to me just in case.” He wrapped his arm around me securely. We walked inside the house looking for Natasha and Devin.

They weren’t in the front room. They weren’t in the kitchen. Or the dining room.

“Where are they?” I wondered out loud.

“Maybe they’re in a bedroom.” Jasper shrugged. I could tell he was worried though.

“Who’s house does this look like, Jasper?” I asked him. Before he had a chance to answer I heard a bone-shilling voice.

“Couldn’t resist me could you?” I didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. We turned around and came face-to-face with Jon.

“What are you doing here Jon?” Jasper growled at him. His grip on me got tighter, but not too tight that he was hurting me.

“Did you forget that I live here, baby brother?” Jon asked smirking at Jasper. Jasper didn’t look surprised.

“I knew I recognized the house.” Jasper glared at him.

“Did you? I thought that maybe you were bringing Ana here for me. Just like, whats-her-name.” Jon smirked.

“I didn’t bring Kelly to you. I just brought her over here to hang out. I didn’t know you were going to rape her.” Jasper said getting extremely mad.

“I didn’t rape Kelly, J.” Jon said.

“Then how did she get pregnant?”

“It was consensual.”

“She has to want it to be consensual, dip shit.”

“Aww. My brother learned a new word.” Jon said in a baby voice pinching Jasper’s cheek.

“Fuck you.” Jasper said slapping his hand away.

“I’ll get your girlfriend to do that.” Jon smirked at me.

“Don’t you fucking touch her.” Jasper threatened.

“But what if she wants me to touch her? How about it babe? You want me to touch you?” Jon said pulling me away from Jasper, so I was standing beside Jon. I stared at Jasper wide eyed.

“Get your hands off of her Jon. I’m not playing.” Jasper said. He didn’t sound as threatening as before. He sounded more worried now.

“Not so tough when I have your girl are you?” Jon asked.

“Get off me!” I yelled trying to wiggle away from him.

“I don’t think I will.” Jon said holding onto me tighter. He was hurting me now. Suddenly I saw Jasper’s fist fly out and hit Jon in the stomach. Jon let go of me and doubled over holding his stomach.

“Come on Juls.” Jasper said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door.

“Wait! We forgot Devin and Natasha!” I yelled when we got outside.

“Juls!” I heard Natasha yell. I turned my face and saw her and Devin running towards us.

“Hurry!” Jasper yelled. We all got in the car and Jasper took out of there as fast as he could.

“What happened? One minute we were dancing, the next I hear Juliana scream.” Natasha said worriedly.

“That was Jon’s house.” I said trying to calm my breathing.


“It’s not his fault Devin!” I yelled back.

“It never is!” He yelled sarcastically.

“It’s not! He thought it looked familiar! He wanted to leave, so we went inside to find you! But we couldn’t!” I yelled.

“It is my fault, Juliana.” Jasper sighed.

“What?!” I yelled looking at him surprised.

“It’s my fault.” He repeated.


“I should have gotten you out of there before he touched you.”

“HE WHAT?!” Devin yelled.

“Not like that! He just pulled me away from Jasper. That’s why I was screaming.” I said.

“It doesn’t matter. I should have gotten you out of there.”

“It’s not your fault.” I shook my head.

“Juls, I think that maybe-”

“Don’t say it.” I cut Jasper off, knowing what he was going to say.

“Yea Jasper. Please don’t say it. You’re the first boyfriend that treated Juliana good. All the others either beat her, or cheated on her. And you’re the only boy, only person, Juliana has fully trusted since Danny died. So please don’t do it.” Natasha said backing me up.

“What? How do you know?” Jasper asked.

“She allows you in her room. I’m not even allowed in her room.”

“Not even her parents are allowed in her room.” I was surprised to hear Devin’s voice. I would think he would want Jasper to break up with me.

“Please don’t.” I said shaking my head.

“I’m putting you in danger.” Jasper sighed.

“No you aren’t.”

“If you keep hanging around me, it gives Jon more chance to hurt you.”

“Then I’m putting myself in danger. If you break up with me, I will not leave you alone. I love you Jasper.” I said. We pulled into my driveway and everyone looked at me.

“You love me?” Jasper asked. I nodded my head.

“Wow.” Natasha said.

“I can’t believe it.” Devin shook his head.

“Why are you so surprised?” Jasper asked looking at them confused.

“After Danny died, I promised to never let anyone get close to me, or let myself love anyone else.” I said. Jasper looked at me.

“I love you too Juliana, but-”

“But nothing. If you really love you, you won’t do this to me.” I said. He took my face in his hands. He closed his eyes and kissed me. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine with his eyes still closed.

“Fine. I won’t do it.” He sighed. I smiled and kissed him again.

“Awww!” Devin and Natasha yelled from the back seat. I looked at them and laughed.

“Eavesdroppers.” Jasper mumbled.

“Look who’s talking!” Natasha yelled pushing his shoulder.

“Come on guys. Let’s watch some movies.” I said laughing.
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Sorry for not updating in a while. I've had writers block and I've been working on a new story, "Stop pretending. I know you really love me" I'll try to update again.