My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!

Homecoming and bad feelings

“So Devin told me that him and Jasper will be over here around 7:15/7:30” Natasha said. We were in her bathroom finishing putting on our makeup.

“That mean’s they’ll be here any minute.” I said looking at the time on my cell phone. A look of panic crossed Natasha’s face.

“Nuh uh!” She said. She took my cell phone away and looked at it.

“Shit.” She mumbled. She hurriedly finished her makeup.

“How do I look?” She asked. She was wearing the dress we got from the mall, black sandals, and a pair of small, silver, hoop earrings. Her hair was pinned up in a bun with a strand of curly hair hanging down on both sides of her face.

“Three words. You. Look. Hot!” I smiled at her.

“You don’t look so bad your self.” She smiled back. Along with the dress I got from the mall I had red heels, dangly diamond earrings, and a charm bracelet that Jasper got me. I had curled my hair a let it lay down in ringlets instead of pinning it up like Natasha’s.

Just then the doorbell rang. Natasha looked at me excitedly.

“That’s them.” She said.

“Let’s go!” I said just as excited as she was. We walked down the stairs and opened the door. Devin and Jasper were standing there. When they saw us they’re mouths almost dropped to the floor.

“Oh stop drooling.” I rolled my eyes as Natasha just giggled. Hey closed their mouths and cleared they’re throats.

“You look amazing.” Jasper said smiling at me. I looked down and blushed.

“Thanks.” I mumbled.

“So we have some bad news.” Devin said. I looked up at him and Jasper.

“What kind of bad news?” I asked suspiciously.

“My car broke down.” Jasper sighed.

“Can’t we use yours?” I asked Devin.

“Mikey crashed it a couple days ago.” Devin said. Mikey is Devin’s older brother. He didn’t have his own car so Devin would let Mikey borrow his when Mikey had to go to work or college.

“Well that’s just great. What are we going to do?” Natasha asked.

“We could always take a cab?” Devin suggested. Natasha and I glared at him.

“A cab? We are not going to go to homecoming in a cab.” Natasha said.

“I’ll call Remy and see if she can take us.” I sighed. I got out my cell phone and dialed her number.

“Hello?” Remy’s voice came over the phone. She sounded sick.

“Remy are you ok?” I asked.

“No. I have the flu and my mom won’t let me go to the homecoming.” She said coughing.

“Great.” I said sarcastically.


“I was wondering if you could take me, Natasha, Devin, and Jasper to homecoming with you and your boyfriend. Jasper’s car broke down and Mikey wrecked Devin’s.” I sighed.

“I’m sorry Julie.” She said apologetically.

“It’s ok. Get better ok?”

“Thanks. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Ok. Bye.” I hung up.

“Nope. She’s sick with the flu and her mom won’t let her go anywhere.” I sighed.

“Well this is just great! I do not want to miss homecoming.” She pouted.

“Why don’t we just take-”

“Do not say cab.” Natasha groaned.

“Nats, I think we’re going to though.” I said. She groaned again.

“I’m sorry babe.” Devin said wrapping an arm around her.

“Come on Jasper. Let’s go inside and look up the number for a cab company.” I sighed. He followed me inside.

“What’s wrong with your car?” I asked as I took out a phone book and started looking for the number.

“Dead battery.” Jasper said sitting beside me on the couch.

“Found one.” I said. I took out my cell phone and dialed the number. Just after the second ring, Natasha ran into the house.

“We got a ride!” She said excitedly.

“What?” I asked.

“Devin called Mikey to see if he could get one of his friend’s to us and Steven said he would!” I closed my phone.

“Thank god.” I sighed. Jasper chuckled and wrapped an arm around me. We stood up and walked outside. Steven’s car was already outside waiting for us. We got in and he drove us to the dance.


The dance was going great. Except for Jasper’s car breaking down, we didn’t have anymore problems. Nothing else was wrong. Then why did I feel like this night was going to end horrible?

We were all sitting at one of the tables laughing and having a good time, well Jasper, Devin, and Natasha were, I was sitting quietly trying to figure out when I had a bad feeling.

“Juls? Want to dance?” Jasper asked me, bringing me out of my thoughts. A slow song was playing.

“Yea. Sure.” I mumbled. I followed Jasper out to the dance floor. Jasper wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Juls are you ok?” He asked. I looked up at him.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“You seem… out of it.”

“I’m ok.” I lied.

“Juls.” He gave a ‘yea-right’ look. I sighed.

“I just have a bad feeling, like something’s going to happen, and I can’t figure out what.” I admitted.

“Nothing bad will happen to you Juls. I’ll make sure of it.” He said looking in my eyes. I wanted to believe him, I really did, but the feeling was just too strong for me. I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by the principal on the stage.

“It’s time to announce your homecoming, king and queen!” He said. Everyone got quiet as they waited. Devin and Natasha came up to us.

“Your homecoming king is… Devin Collins!” Everyone started cheering. Devin seemed surprised but walked up to the stage. It got quiet again.

“And your homecoming queen is… Natasha Brown!” Natasha was even more surprised than Devin. She stood where she was with her mouth open a little.

“GO!” Me and Jasper shouted, giving her a little push. She snapped out of her daze and ran up to the stage where Devin was waiting. He smiled at her as she walked towards him. When she got there he gave her a kiss. There was a bunch of “Awwws” from the crowd.

For the rest of the dance I shook off the bad feeling in my stomach and let myself have a good time. It’s my last homecoming so why not be happy.


“I still can’t believe I’m homecoming queen.” Natasha whispered. We were in Steven’s car heading back to my house.

“You deserve it.” I said hugging her.

“You winning homecoming queen sure put Juls in a better mood.” Jasper smiled wrapping an arm around me. Instantly the feeling came back. I just smiled at my friends, ignoring the feeling.

“Yea what was wrong anyways?” Devin asked.

“Just a bad feeling.” I shrugged.

“You’re ok now though right?” Natasha asked.

“Yea.” I nodded my head.

“Hey, what house is yours?” Steven asked.

“It’s just a little further up.” I said.

“The one with the cop car?” He asked.

“WHAT?!” I yelled. I looked out the window as we pulled up to my house. Sure enough, there was a police car and a cop was standing at my door knocking. Steven stopped the car and I jumped out of the car. The cop turned around o face me.

“Are you Juliana Garcia?” He asked me.

“Yea. That’s me. What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly. His eyes were filled with sorrow and grief.

“Ma’m I’m sorry, but there was an accident.” After that sentence everything was daze. I could hear the police officer say something about a plane crash and my parents dying. I could hear Natasha crying. I felt someone put their arm around my waist pulling me close. I could hear voices asking if I was ok. Then another voice saying I just need to lie down. But it all seemed so distant. The police office apologized one more time before walking away. I felt dizzy and light headed. Someone lead me into a house. I just sat down on a couch before everything went black.
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I'm so sorry for the wait! I promise the next one will be out sooner, probably either tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for the comments! :)