My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!


"You guys know each other?" My dad asked looking at me and the jerk.

"Barely." I glared at the jerk.

"That's enough for me." The jerk said.

"Believe me jerk I don't want to know you any more than I already do."

"My name's Jasper." He glared.

"Hmmm. I like Jerk better." I smirked. He looked like he was going to say something but my mom beat him to it.

"Juliana Gracia do not be so rude to your new brother." She said. I almost gagged. He could not be my new brother. He wasn't my brother. He would never be my brother. No one could take my brother's place. Especially a jerk like him.

"Whatever." I crossed my arms and looked down.

"Why don't you show him to his room?" My dad asked. I looked back up and smirked at him.

"Well gee dad I would if I had know about this before and knew what room was his." I said.

"It's right next to yours." He said not noticing my sarcastic tone.

"Fine." I mumbled. I walked past Jasper and walked up the stairs with him following me.

"This is your room." I said stopping in front of his room.

"There's a bathroom the connects to your room and one that connects to mine so we won't have to wait for the other to get out of the bathroom. My parents' bedroom is on the floor above us." I continued.

"Wait you have three floors?!" Jasper asked surprised.

"Yea." I nodded my head like he was an idiot. Which he probably is.

"So is this your room?" He asked about to grab my door handle. I slapped his hand away.

"Let's get somethings straight. This is my room. You don't go in it. Nobody goes in here. Not my parents. Not the maids. Not even my friends. but especially not you." I glared at him.

"Must be something embarrassing." He smirked.

"You will never find out. And another thing. At school you will not talk to me. You will not say hello. You will not wave or nod to me. You will not even acknowledge me. You will not talk to my friends or my boyfriend. You will stay as far as possible from me. I have my friends and you have... well whoever you hang out with. And as far as I'm concerned you. Are. Not. My. Brother." I said glaring at him.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." He smirked.

"Good." I said but didn't move. We kept glaring at each other seeing who would give up first.

"You know you're kinda hot when you're mad." He smirked.

"Fuck off." I glared before turning and going into my room. I took out my key and locked my door so no one could get in.

My room wasn't embarrassing. It's was nice. A normal girl's room. I had an ipod stereo,a bed, a TV, a closet, a mirror, and of course a bathroom connected to my room. But it was the drawings that I had. They were all over my room. I'm a good artist I just don't like anyone to see them. They're mostly portraits of my brother and my friends. Some were of places I would visit. Like the cemetery when I went to my brother's grave. Or the lake I found behind the park that I go to to be alone. I took out a fresh piece of paper and put it on my easel.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath remembering what my brother looked like. I opened my eyes and focused on the paper. I wasn't aware of anything else besides the drawing. I was just about done when there was a knock on my door snapping me out of my focus.

"Juliana your mom said it's time for super!" Jasper yelled. I sighed and looked at my picture. It was my best one ever. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I looked at the picture. my drawings were the only was I could see my brother. I quickly wiped the tear away as Jasper knocked on my door again.

"Come on Ana!" He yelled again. I looked up suddenly at the door. Ana. Danny was the only one who called me Ana. Nobody else had thought of it. I walked to my door unlocked it and yanked it open.

"What did you call me?" I asked glaring at him.

"Ana. It's my nickname for you. I figured no one else would call you it." He smiled proud of himself.

"Never call me that again." I hissed. He gave me a confused look.

"Why?" He asked. I took a deep breath but couldn't bring myself to say it.

"J-just don't. Ok? Please?" I asked quietly.

"Juliana are you ok?"

"Yes. Let's just go." I said pushing my way through forgetting to shut my door.

"Whoa." I heard Jasper say. I looked back in time to see him walking in my room looking at all the drawings on my walls. He stopped at the easel and looked at the drawing of my brother. He picked it up and looked at it.

"Put that down!" I yelled running over to him. I grabbed the drawing and yanked from him.

"Juliana who was that?" He asked.

"Just get out." I closed my eyes and pointed to the door. He walked out with me behind him. I shut my door and locked it so no one else could get in. I walked down stairs and to the dining room.

"I'm not hungry." I told my parents. They were already sitting at the table with Jasper. He gave me a weird look.

"But honey we made your favorite. Vegetable lasagna." My mom said.

"I don't want to eat. I'm gonna go for a walk." I told her.

"Well ok. But be back before dark." She said.

"Yea. Sure." Then I walked out of the house and to the cemetery.