My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!

The cemetery

I got to the cemetery and walked towards the back where Danny's grave was. I sat down on my knees in front of the grave and just let my tears fall. After a while of crying I wiped my tears away and looked at the grave. There were a lot of flowers from the kids at school and my family.

"Hey Danny." I cleared my throat before going on. "I miss you. Mom and dad miss you too. Well everyone misses you." I let out a small chuckle. "Everyone is doing fine here. Mom and dad have been going back to work. I'm back on the squad. Here I made this for you." I laid down the drawing on the grave. "So you'll never guess what mom and dad got. No it's not a puppy. Although that would have been better. They adopted a boy. I mean can you believe it? You haven't even been gone that long and they already got another boy. Not just any boy either. A real jerk. He is the exact opposite of you. He ran into the car you got me. Then he said it was my fault because I was putting on lip gloss. He also said that I didn't have a brain. I have a brain. We both know that.

"I don't know what to do Danny. I don't want another brother. Do you know what he called me today? Ana. He actually called me Ana. Nobody calls me Ana. That was your name for me. I wanted to slap him so bad. But I didn't. He didn't know anything about it. Then he went in my room. You know nobody goes in my room. Not even Nats has been in my room. You were the only one allowed in my room." I sighed and closed my eyes listening to the wind around me. If I listened real close I could almost hear it say "I love you Ana." I smiled and opened my eyes.

"I love you too big brother." I whispered. I stood up and brushed the dirt off my jeans. I taped the picture on his grave so it wouldn't blow away. I took one last look at the grave before walking away. I walked home with a smile on my face. I always felt better after talking to my brother.

When I got home I went inside my house and saw my parents sitting on the couch making out.

"Oh my god!" I yelled putting my hands over my eyes.

"Juliana." I heard my mother gasp. I kept my hands over my eyes though.

"I'm just gonna- well yea." I said walking towards the stairs with my hands still over my eyes. I stumbled on the first step but quickly stood up again. I uncovered my eyes and ran up the rest of the stairs. Just as I got to my room Jasper's door opened up.

"What's up with you?" He asked.

"Don't ask." I shivered.

"Well can I ask you a different question then?"

"Depends." I said suspiciously.

"Who was that drawing of?"

"Why does it matter?" I asked calmly though on the inside I wanted to tell him to fuck off.

"It's just that you were really upset when I picked it up."

"It's none of your business." I turned around and put my hand on my door knob.

"Was that your brother?" He asked. I took a deep breath but didn't turn around.

"It. Doesn't. Concern. You." I said slowly before walking into my room. I turned around and locked the door. Then I walked to my bed and fell down on it. I immediately fell asleep. It's been a long day and I have another long day tomorrow.