My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!


I made my way inside the school and to my locker. I started getting my books that I need when a pair of hands went over my eyes.

"Guess who." They said.

"Hmmmm could it be my annoying best friend Natasha?" I asked sarcastically.

"Awww. Who gave it away?" She asked pouting as she took her hands away.

"I'm just smart like that." I smirked.

"Not according to the guy you got in a wreck with yesterday." She said.

"Well he was just a jerk." I said.

"Probably was. You never told me if he was cute." She smirked.

"So does this mean you're over Mark?" I asked. Mark is her ex. He cheated on her and then broke up with her. She was a mess for weeks.

"Yup. So is he cute?"

"Of course I am." Jasper said walking by us smirking at me.

"That's the same guy I saw you listening to music with in your car." She said.

"Same guy I got in a wreck with and my new brother." I told her closing my locker door.

"Whoa back up there. Brother?" She asked.

"Yea. My parents thought it would be best to move on and adopt." I told her with a blank expression.

"Oh sweetie." She said wrapping me in a hug.

"It's ok Nats." I told her holding in my tears.

"You sure?" She asked. I nodded my head.

"Good because I just might like your new brother." She said pulling away from me.

"Oh god." I groaned.

"Hey babe. What's wrong?" Dean asked walking up to us and kissing my cheek.

"Well-" Natasha started to say but I cut her off.

"Nothing." I said. Natasha gave me a confused look. I just ignored it.

"Good. So who was that boy that was in your car this morning?" He asked.

"Well that's my cue to leave." Natasha said. If she knew what was about to happen she would stay with me. But no one knew about it except my brother Danny.

"Bye Nats." I told her she gave me one last hug before walking away.

"So?" Dean asked.

"My brother." I told him. I knew he wouldn't believe me. He gets jealous way too easy and then when I tell him the truth he thinks I'm lying. Just like now. The hallways were pretty empty. Dean looked around to make sure nobody was watching and grabbed my arm. He dragged me to an empty hallway with no classroom, just lockers.

"Dean you're hurting me." I told him trying to get away from his grasp.

"Who was he Juls?" He asked still not letting go of my arm. I knew there was going to be a bruise there. I would have to wear my jacket now to cover it up.

"I told you, he's my brother." I winced as his grip tightened.

"You're brother died last year Juls. Or did your pretty little mind forget that?" He asked tapping my forehead rather hard.

"Of course I remember Dean. He was all I cared about." I told him as tears started flowing from my eyes. His eyes darkened and I knew I shouldn't have said that.

"Dean I didn't mean it like that." I said quickly but it was too late. He pushed me against one of the lockers.

"All you care about? What about me huh?" He asked in a harsh whisper.

"You know I care about you Dean. I love you." I told him.

"Just not as much as your brother?" He asked. What was with him? Of course I cared more about my brother than him. Hell I care more about Jasper than him. Truthfully I hated Dean. I was only with him because that's how it should be. The quarterback and head cheerleader always date. Everyone in school thought that's how it should be.

"My brother and I share a different kind of love. It's a brother sister love. With you it's a real love." I lied. I didn't love Dean at all. He slapped my face making my head snap to the side. I kept my head turned as tears fell from my eyes. My brother hated Dean. This is why. Danny caught Dean slapping me. Danny would always ask me why I went out with Dean in the first place and i always gave him the same bull shit lie. Because I love him.

Dean took my face gently in his hands. He turned my head so I was looking at him. When I looked at him it looked like he was crying. But I wasn't fooled. He always did that after he hurt me.

"Babe I am so sorry." He said still crying.

"I know." I told him nodding my head.

"Forgive me?" He asked. Most people would say 'Fuck you' and walk away. But as I said before I couldn't leave him. So I nodded my head.

"Of course." I whispered. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I broke away after a few seconds.

"I have to get to class." I told him. He nodded his head. Before going to class we stopped at his locker and got his jacket which he gave to me to cover the marks on my arm. Luckily there was no mark anymore from when he slapped me.