My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!

That's because she is!

I got to my first class, English. I walked in and saw that everyone was already sitting in their seats, by everyone I mean Jasper too. This could not get any worse. When the teacher heard me walk in she stopped talking and turned to me which made the rest of the class turn towards me.

"Juliana, thanks for finally joining us." She said smiling.

"Sorry I'm was late Mrs. Brookes." I apologized. I knew I didn't have to give a reason for being late. All the teachers adored me.

"Oh it's all right. Just sit down in your seat." She smiled.

"Alright." I smiled back before making my way to my seat. I stopped just as I got to it. Jasper was in my seat.

"Is there a problem Juliana?" Mrs. Brookes asked noticing that I stopped walking.

"Uh he's in my seat." I told her pointing to Jasper.

"There's a seat right next to him. Just sit there." She said.

"Um ok." I said. I didn't want to argue with her so I sat down beside Jasper. Mrs. Brookes started the lesson again.

"Julie? Are you ok?" Jasper whispered. I just ignored him. Some of the football players were in the classroom and I have no doubt they would tell Dean that I was talking to Jasper.

"Juliana? What's wrong?" He asked again.

"Juls I know something is wrong. I can see it in your eyes." He said.

"Hey Juls? Is this guy bothering you?" Devin, one of Dean's friends, asked me. Devin had been like a brother to me since Danny died. He was really protective of me. He sat behind me so I turned to face him.

"What guy?" I asked Devin. If I told Devin that Jasper was bothering me he would tell Dean then Dean would beat me and Jasper up.

"The guy beside you." Devin said confused.

"Oh him?" I asked pointing to Jasper.

"Yea him. Is he bothering you?"

"Nope." I smiled and turned back towards the front of the classroom. But did that stop Devin from telling Jasper to leave me alone? Not. A. Chance.

"Hey who are you?" Devin asked Jasper. Jasper glared at him.

"Why do you wanna know?" Jasper asked.

"You're bothering one of my friends." Devin replied.

"Devin it's ok. He wasn't bothering me." I told him.

"Figures she'd be friends with a bone head like you." Jasper said.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Devin yelled. Oh god. Mrs. Brookes turned to the classroom.

"What is going on back there?" She asked.

"It means that only a slut like Juliana would be friends with a bone head like you!" Jasper yelled.

"Hey!" I yelled glaring at Jasper.

"For your information Juliana is not a slut!" Devin yelled.

"You would know! She's probably fucked all the guys on the football team!" Jasper yelled. Then Devin punched him. They started fighting. I don't know which I should be shocked about more. The fact that Jasper called me a slut and said I slept with the entire football team or the fact that Jasper and Devin were now fighting.

"Stop that you two!" Mrs. Brookes yelled running over. Everyone was in a circle watching the two of them fight.

"Devin stop it!" I yelled. Steven, another football player helped me pull Devin away from Jasper.

"He called Juliana a slut!" Devin yelled trying to hit Jasper who was being held back by another football player.

"That's because she is!" Jasper yelled.

"If her brother was here you would be dead!" Devin yelled.

"SHUT THE HELL UP DEVIN!!" I yelled really loud. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over at me surprised. I never yelled. Since Danny died I was quiet and tried not to get into conflicts.

"Juls I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking." Devin said.

"No you weren't. Neither of you were." I glared at both of them.


"Danny is dead Devin. He was my brother. I don't need you to act like my brother now." I glared at Devin. I let go of him as the bell rang and walked out of the classroom.