My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!

Jasper's pov.

Jasper's pov

That Devin kid is such an asshole! I mean it's none of his business if I talk to Julie. She's not his actual sister. Yea calling Julie a slut was a bit extreme but he didn't need to get so protective of her. And now thanks to that jackass I have detention today. First day here and I already have detention. And did Devin get a detention? No. He's a football player. Of course he wouldn't get detention.

Good news is that Julie has practice after school so I can probably get a ride home with her. Bad new is that Julie will probably tell me to fuck off or something like that and then leave me alone in the parking lot. Oh well it's worth a shot. I'll explain that I didn't mean to call her a slut and maybe she will drive me home. Either that or she'll run me over. Let's hope it's the first one.

Finally detention is over with. Now all I have to do is find Juliana and apologize and hopefully she'll take me home.

As I was walking past the girls' bathroom I heard some girls talking. I stopped when I recognized the voice.

"Danny told you what?" I heard Juliana ask. Danny? Wait that's Juliana's brother's name. Mrs. Garcia told me about him at dinner last night after Juliana left.

"He told me Juls. He told me about Dean abusing you. He said that he caught Dean smacking you." That voice sounded familiar too. It's that girl that Juliana was talking to this morning. The one that asked if I was cute.

"He was lying. Dean doesn't abuse me. He never has. If he would I would dump him." Even I could tell that Juliana was lying.

"Danny told me this when he was in the hospital about to die. He didn't have a reason to lie. I'm so stupid! I should have known he wouldn't lie when he was about to die!" The other girl yelled. Damn it! What was her name?! I heard Julie say it before. Natalie? Natasha? Natasha! That's it! That's the other girl's name! Juliana whispered something that I couldn't hear.

"Honey it is as bad as it seems. Either you break up with him or I tell Devin." Natasha said. Devin. Psh. What is he going to do? Beat Dean up? That's not going to do anything. It'll just make Dean madder. Trust me I know. My father used to abuse me when I was kid. Then one night he got drunk and wrapped his car around a tree. He died instantly.

"Don't tell Devin." Juliana said.

"Then break up with him."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Dean would beat me if I break up with him." See? Even she knows he would. She would need someone there at all times watching her.

"Not if Devin is there to watch out for you." Natasha suggested. Stupid Devin. Just because he's protective of Juliana doesn't mean he'll want to watch her at all times.

"Do you know what everyone will think if I broke up with him? Head cheerleader and quarterback always go out. It's like a rule." That's bull shit. It's a stupid high school cliche that the quarterback and head cheerleader go out. But they don't always go out.

"People will understand if you tell them what he did."

"I don't want people to know."

"Sweetie I'm not giving in. I will tell Devin if you don't break up with Dean." It was silent for a while.

"Wait." Juliana said.

"What?" Natasha asked.

"Give me to the end of football season to break up with him." Juliana begged. Football season? That's three months away.

"Two weeks."

"A month." Too long.

"Three weeks and if he hurts you before that break up with him then or I'm telling Devin." Natasha said.

"Fine. Three weeks. I'll break up with him in three weeks from today." Juliana agreed. That's still too long.

"And?" Natasha asked.

"And if he hurts me before that I'll break up with him then." Juliana said

"Good. Now hurry up. The girls are waiting to start practice."

"Thanks Nats." Juliana said

"For what?"

"For caring."

"Girl you are my best friend. I will always care." Just as I was about to leave the bathroom door opened up. Natasha narrowed her eyes at me before closing the door.

"What are you doing?" Natasha hissed.

"Nothing. I was just walking by." I glared right back at her.

"Yea right. And I'm the Pope." She said sarcastically.

"Nice to meet you Pope." I said using the same tone of voice.

"How much did you hear?"


"You going to tell?"

"Who would I tell?"

"Stupid question. You don't care about her."

"That's not true."

"So why'd you call her a slut and say that she slept with the whole football team?"

"I said probably slept with them."

"Either way why'd you say it?"

"I was mad. I didn't mean it."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes and started walking away. I ran after her.

"You do know that if she breaks up with him then she will need someone watching her to make sure that asshole doesn't try to hurt her?" I asked her.

"That's why I'm here. And Devin would protect her."

"What if neither of you can watch her?" She stopped and glared at me.

"So you want her to stay with Dean?"

"No. I'm just saying that it'll be hard to make sure he doesn't try to hurt her again."

"Well if neither of us can do it then I suppose you would watch her." Natasha smirked.

"And get in a fight with Devin again? I don't think so." I shook my head.

"I thought brothers were supposed to protect their sisters?"

"Technically she isn't my sister. We aren't really related."

"Whatever. She's still your sister. You can help make sure Dean doesn't come anywhere near her."

"And if she tells me to leave her the fuck alone?"

"Don't listen. I'm sure you're a pro at that." She smirked and then walked off.