My Parents Adopted the Hot, Conceited, Hot, Jerk, Hot, Asshole of My School. Did I Mention He's Hot?!


Juliana's pov

So it's been four days and Dean hasn't done anything to hurt me. He's been really happy about their win on Friday night against our biggest rivals. Thankfully Natasha has kept her promise and hasn't said one word to Devin. Well at least Devin hasn't confronted me about it. But I'm pretty sure he would if Natasha told him. The weird thing is that Jasper has been nice to me lately. I'm sure we just got off on the wrong foot but still, it's kind of weird.

"So we still going shopping for homecoming dresses?" Natasha asked as we walked down the hallway to our next class.

"Of course. After practice you, me, Remy, Katlin, and Tory are going shopping." I nodded my head.

"Wait I thought Kara and Jordan were going too." She asked.

"Well Kara said that she and Michell have plans and Jordan is sick today."

"Oh." She nodded her head in understanding.

"What's up babe?" I heard Dean ask as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Hey Dean." I smiled a fake smile.

"Juls we have to get to class." Natasha said pulling on my arm.

"I just need to talk to Juliana for a second." I knew something was wrong. He never used my full name unless something was wrong. I tried to think of what I could have possibly done this time but nothing came to my mind.

"Fine. Juls remember our promise." She said. I nodded my head. She looked back at Dean. It looked like she was trying to decide if she should leave or not. I bit my lip hoping she wouldn't say anything. Finally she nodded her head and walked away. As she was walking I saw her pull her phone out probably texting Devin. But Devin isn't in school today. As soon as she was out of sight Dean grabbed my arm.

"What did you tell her?" He whispered glaring at me.

"N-nothing." I said wincing at his grip. For some reason he always grabbed my arm in the same place. My bruises were just now healing and now I would have more bruises. Just what I need. At least I have on a long sleeved shirt this time.

"You're lying." He glared.

"N-no I'm not." I stuttered.

"You stutter when you lie."

"N-no I don't." Damn it. Suddenly he slapped me. Hard.

Jasper's pov

Something about what Natasha said to me the other day got to me. In a way Juliana is my sister. Ok never mind. I can't think of her as my sister. To me she's hot and a brother isn't supposed to think their sister is hot.

Anyways I've started being nice to Juliana. Well I try to anyways. But sometimes it's hard to be nice to a spoiled little rich girl.

I was walking to my class when my phone started ringing. I pull it out and see a number that I didn't recognize. I opened it up and saw a text.

-Jasper? It's Nats.-

-How you get my number?- I texted back

-It doesn't matter. Juls is in trouble. I would text Devin but he's not here today. DO SOMETHING!-

-What do you want me to do?-

-I don't know. Dean's probably hurting her right now. You're a guy go beat his ass!-

I sighed and closed my phone. I could either go to class and ignore Natasha asking me to help or I could go beat up that asshole. What the hell. I already got in one fight this year it won't hurt to get in another.

I turned around and started walking trying to find Juliana. I turned a corner and stopped. Juliana was standing in the middle of the hallway with Dean. To a normal person it would seem as if they were having a conversation. But I knew by the way he had her arm that it was far from normal.

"You stutter when you lie." Dean whispered glaring at her.

"N-no I don't." She stuttered. I knew where this was going. I saw Dean's hand fly back and smack her across her face. I don't know if it was because Juliana's my 'sister' or the fact that I hated seeing girls get smacked around by their boyfriends, but the next thing I know I've got Dean on the ground punching him.

"Jasper stop it!" Juliana yelled trying to pull me off Dean. I just continued punching him.

"Jasper you're going to get in trouble!" I heard someone scream.

"Jasper get up! Someone is going to get the teacher!" Juliana yelled pulling me off him. I stopped punching Dean and let her pull me up.

"Let's go." I said.

"Wait." She said. She turned around and looked at Dean who was getting up glaring at me.

"Dean... we're done." She said calmly. She turned back around and grabbed my hand pulling me away.

"I'm gonna get you bitch!" I heard Dean yell. Juliana stopped walking. I could see the fear in her eyes. I wrapped my arm around her and walked with her to another hallway. When we got to an empty hallway I pulled out my phone and texted Natasha.

-She's ok. Dean slapped her and I beat him up.- I said.

-Thanks J. :) - I rolled my eyes and put my phone away. I turned back to Juliana who was leaning against a locker with that same scared look in her eyes.

"Hey? Are you ok?" I asked her. She just shook her head. I wrapped her in a hug.

"I won't let him hurt you again. You got me, Devin, and Natasha looking out for you." I whispered. She nodded her head and pulled away.

"W-why? Why did you beat him up?" She asked looking at me with her big hazel eyes.

"You're my sister. I won't let anything bad happen to you." I said.

"T-that's what Danny said when he saw D- him, slap me." I could tell she was afraid to say Dean's name.

"He must have been a really good brother." I said.

"He was. He was my best friend. I told him things I could never tell anyone. Not even Nats. Then he just died. One minute he was driving me from a party and the next he's lying in a hospital bed dying." She said tears falling from her eyes.

"I'm sorry Juls." I whispered. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. I could tell that she wanted to say something but all she said was "Thanks." Then she turned around and walked away. I ran up to her.

"I don't think it's safe for you to walk around without anyone with you." I said. She nodded her head.

"I just want to go home." She whispered.

"Ok. Let's go." I walked with her to the office.

"Mrs Benz? I'm not feeling so well. I'm gonna go home." Juliana whispered to the secretary.

"Of course dear. Do you have someone driving you home?" Mrs. Benz asked.

"I am." I told her.

"Alright. Just sign out." She said. We both wrote our names down. Just as we were done the principle's office opened up.

"That's him." I heard a girl say. I turned around and saw she was pointing to me.

"Jasper may I have a word with you?" The principal asked.

"I'm actually taking Juliana home. She's not feeling good." I told him. I knew what he was going to say. I was in trouble for fighting. Again.

"Fine. I'll make this short. Did you beat up Dean Rivera?"

"Yea." I shrugged.

"And why is that?" I looked at Juliana she was looking down at the floor.

"He was being a jerk." I shrugged looking back at the principal.

"This is your second time in a fight and it hasn't even been two weeks yet. We won't tolerate this in our school. I'm afraid I have to give you a three day suspension. I'll call your parents." He said.

"Whatever." I said. He went back to his office. The girl walked up to Juliana.

"Juls are you ok?" She asked staying away from me.

"Yea Remy. I'm ok. I can't go dress shopping today though." Juliana said.

"Alright. Is Dean ok?" Remy asked. I snorted.

"I don't know and I don't really care. We aren't dating anymore." Juliana said quietly.

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you later." Juliana grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the office. We got to her car and I got in the driver's seat. Juliana handed me the keys and got in. We drove to her house in silence.
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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Please continue to comment!