My Best Friend's Girlfriend.

Chapter 1

Everyone thought that Nathan and Cali would end up an item. It seemed like one of those inevitable things; they finished each other’s sentences, spent almost all their time together; they pretty much knew one another inside out. For instance Nathan was the only person to know that Cali was 99% sure she was gay.

Cali leaned over Nathan’s lap to reach for the television remote, stretching out her finger tips until she had it in her grasp.

“Move over, you fat git!” She cried, slapping him lightly on his chest for emphasis.
“Ah, Cal, you make it almost too easy...” Before she could say anything, he flipped her over so that she fell flat on her back on her living room floor, popcorn spilling everywhere.

“Dick!” She screamed, laughter spilling out of her until they were both gasping for breath. He reached out his hand and pulled her back up beside him, grinning infectiously. Nathan was unnervingly attractive, most girls went crazy for him, but he was one of those guys who were satisfied to sit around on their arse instead of trying to find a girlfriend. Which was crazy in the scheme of things since he wouldn’t have to try hard; girls fell at his feet when he walked down the college corridors. Cali often contemplated how much easier her life would be if she could only be attracted to him. She could have the contemporary, conservative life that her parents had always wished for her.

But for now, she too was content to spend all her time with him watching films, going out, and complaining about too much coursework.

“So, buddy, what’re we doing this weekend?” Nathan asked, resting comfortably back against the settee to watch ‘Friends’.

“What do we do every weekend? Movie day on Saturday, lunch at The Burger Bar on Sunday, and studying on Sunday night!” Cali was puzzled; they’d been in the same routine for over a year – why question it now?

“Oh...Okay.” Nathan said with a slight frown on his lips.

“If you want to say something, then spit it out.” Cali laughed. She swung her legs over his lap, and leant back against the arm rest.

“Well...That girl, Rhea, it’s her eighteenth on Saturday night. She’s invited us to her meal at Aldfredo’s. You forget?”

“Nathan, we hardly freaking know her! Why the hell would we go to her birthday thing?”

“Dunno. I guess it would be cool to get out once in a while though. I’m eighteen in a month, I want to get out and meet people!”

“Right... Well yeah, sure, if that’s what you want to do.”

“Will you come?” Cali rolled her eyes, pouting slightly.

“I guess.” Nathan grinned, relief displaying itself clearly on his neatly chiselled features.

“Thanks Cal. We’ll do what you want to do next weekend, kay?” He said eagerly. Cali sighed – what she wanted to do was movie days and The Burger Bar. Plus, she couldn’t quite ignore the fervour in his voice when he spoke the name ‘Rhea’.
♠ ♠ ♠
It will get better...promise =]
