My Best Friend's Girlfriend.

Chapter 3

Cali didn’t feel hungry, so shared a calzone with Nathan who hoovered most of the meal up in minutes leaving her with just a few bites. The bastard would probably still make her pay half.

“Who’s for dessert?!” Rhea squealed excitedly. She caught Cali’s eye for a second two long, wearing her brilliant smile and making Cali’s stomach lurch very slightly.

“I think I want the chocolate cake.” Nathan said, a huge beam on his face.

“Me too!” Rhea cried, and they high fived across the table.

Why would you high five over chocolate cake?? Cali mused. Wow, she was in a worse mood than she’d thought – she and Nathan would regularly high five over stupid things such as both needing to go to the toilet...

She shifted herself to the right slightly, desperately trying to keep her cleavage out of Erik’s eye line. It didn’t work; his eyes simply widened at this new point of view. Cali rolled her eyes. It was all Georgie’s fault – she was such a slut she probably didn’t own a top that didn’t show off her breasts.

The rest of the restaurant was pretty quiet; only two other tables were occupied which must have been unusual for a Saturday night. Cali checked her watch for the hundredth time and saw that it was almost nine o’clock. On a normal Saturday, she and Nathan would have been at hers, putting on yet another film, and gorging on popcorn and sweets. How she longed for the good times.

Rhea, on the other side of the table, stretched her arms up above her head; her eyes squeezed shut as she yawned. Cali was just about to smirk at how stupid she looked when she saw the red vest top part with the rise of her jeans. Slowly, slowly, Rhea’s tone, bronze coloured stomach was revealed, and Cali had to fight to control herself. To top it off, Rhea let out a little moan, “Mmmm. Jeez, I need to go to bed!”

Cali quickly recovered and stared at her knees until the dizziness passed.

“Well, you better wake up! We still going to the pub?” Someone called down the table.

“Sure – I’m eighteen, gotta make the most of it! You coming, Nate?” Nate?

“Uh, well me and Cali, we don’t have I.D...” Nathan looked so embarrassed, that Cali almost felt sorry for him. The tips of his ears had gone scarlet, and he was fiddling with his napkin.

“Oh, fuck that. We know a little pub ‘round the corner, they don’t care as long as someone’s got I.D. So? Will you come?” Cali already knew what the answer would be, but she wouldn’t make it any easier for Nathan who was trying to catch her eye and ask her silently. She ignored him and acted like she was texting. In fact she was playing Snake.

“Err... Cali?” She gave in and looked up at him. He looked so incredibly desperate. How in all conscience could she say no? So instead she rolled her eyes and nodded.