My Best Friend's Girlfriend.

Chapter 6

Cali sat as far as she could away from Nathan and Rhea, curled up in her favourite armchair. The other two chatted cheerfully, drinking hot chocolate. In the end she excused herself and went up to her bedroom, lying on her bed with music playing so loudly she could hardly hear her own thoughts. It hadn’t even occurred to her that she was attracted to Rhea; yeah, she was hot, but she’d just assumed that it was simply unnecessary jealousy that Nathan wasn’t just hers anymore.

But if this was the case, then why on earth did her stomach explode every time she locked eyes with Rhea? Why could she not even stand to be in the same room as the two of them, even when they weren’t being at all coupley?

Cali had only had one girlfriend before. She and Nathan had got into such a bad argument that they hadn’t been on speaking terms for months. During this time, Cali had been forced to be sociable and make friends at college which had led to meeting Freya Jones. She’d been...intoxicating? Perhaps that was the only word to really describe her. They had spent four spectacular weeks in each other’s pockets; they’d done everything together. But then, out of nowhere, Freya had decided that perhaps she wasn’t gay after all, and had broken up with Cali, leaving her heart broken.

Nathan had found her sobbing so hard she thought she might die on the wall outside of her house. She couldn’t bear to go in, in case her mum saw her like that, so she’d just sat there. Nathan hugged her hard enough that she could almost believe that she wasn’t broken after all, and from then on, all was forgiven; they were best friends again. Now they couldn’t even remember why they’d argued in the first place.

It had killed Cali for about a month to see Freya’s blank eyes slide right by her, but she’d gotten over it with help from her best friend. Now, she didn’t bat an eyelid when Freya kissed her ever-changing boyfriends in the college corridors. She was a soul-sucking bitch, and as Nathan incessantly repeated, ‘There are plenty more fish in the sea.’ But Cali hadn’t taken this approach; instead she had sworn herself off relationships, instead deciding that celibacy was the way to go after just one painful relationship.

But now, just one look from Rhea was making her feel like her bones were made of jelly. But she was forbidden; she was Nathan’s girlfriend, and that probably made her so much more tempting. It wasn’t like anything could ever, or would ever happen, but it just didn’t seem fair that Nathan had seen her first.

Cali flipped through her diary, looking at the pages from just over a year ago.

Dear Diary. Nathan’s being a bastard. He still won’t talk to me. I’ve started hanging out with some girls from my psych class. There’s this really hot girl – Freya Jones. I think I have a crush on her.

Dear Diary. I think Freya was coming on to me yesterday at this sleep over. I wanted to kiss her so badly. I can’t even talk when she’s near me, it’s so stupid! I’m too scared to make a move in case she doesn’t like me.

Dear Diary. Freya and I kissed last night!! It was amazing, she’s amazing. I’m staying over at her place tomorrow for the night. She’s incredible, it’s so easy to talk to her now.

Dear Diary. Freya told me she thinks she’s falling for me yesterday. I feel the same. It’s only been three weeks, but I can’t imagine her not being in my life. I don’t even notice Nathan not being around anymore. I see him at college but he hardly acknowledges me. But its okay, Freya’s always there.

Dear Diary. Freya told me she doesn’t want to see me anymore. I want to die.

Cali was not completely stupid; it wasn’t like she never wanted a relationship again. She just didn’t think she was mature enough to handle the heartache when it all went wrong, so it was easier just to wait until she was. Perhaps when she was fifty, and she had it all figured out.

Her bedroom door opened slightly and, to her surprise, Rhea’s fresh green eyes were peering through the gap.

“Hey.” She said softly.

“Come in.” Cali said, rolling up from her stomach into a sitting position. She could not be bothered to turn down the music, so let Rhea talk a little louder.

“I was just looking for the toilet.”

“Down the hall on your left.”

“Thanks... You coming back downstairs?”

“Sure, in a bit.”

“30 Seconds to Mars, huh?” Rhea said, referring to the music screaming out of the stereo. “You should listen to Imogen Heap, she’s pretty fantastic.” Rhea was already backing out of the room, looking almost confused.

“Cheers, I’ll look her up.” Cali replied, without any intention to do so. She felt bad about leaving the two of them in her living room, despite the fact that they probably liked it that way. So she switched off her music and slid down the banister that dropped her right behind the sofa.

“Oh, you’re back then...” Nathan grunted irritably.

“Back with a vengeance. I think we have some burgers in the freezer – want one?”

“D’you even have to ask...?” They grinned at each other, and Nathan followed her into the kitchen to monitor her burger making – such procedures also had to be overseen.