Status: This story is currently being updated on a daily basis.

Midnight Malignants

Halloween night is known as the night when the ghastly ghouls and the dreaded dead are closest to the border of our living world; the day which they risk themselves to cross over into our peaceful world, yearning to send its inhabitants into a downward spiral of chaos.
Strangely enough, for the past several days, Chelsea has noticed a mysterious man with a curious set of rabbit ears following her. Believing it to be a simple before-Halloween game, she thinks nothing of it. That is, until the day he presents himself as a threat to her.
An extravagant adventure begins when Chelsea and her best friend, Josey, realize that Halloween isn't all it is cut out to be, and the dangers they in the face of are actually very real.
Unfortunately, Chelsea is met face to face with the reality of one of the holiday's most renowned horrific creatures of the night: vampires.
  1. He's Following Me
    If he keeps it up, I'm going to turn into some paranoid psycho. Is it reallynecesary? Does he really need to follow me like this? And what is with those ears?
  2. Chased Down
    Having a stalker is fine to me, really. Having a stalker who follows me home at night, chases me down, and probably wants to kill me? I don't like that idea so much.
  3. Prepare To Be Slayed
    I've got a rubber stake and I'm not afraid to use it. Seriously.
  4. Bushes Are Good For Cover
    It's typical. She's always late. Where the hell is she? Really, on the night of Halloween, the night I've been paranoid about running into that creep on, she picks tonight to be late.
  5. The Midnight Race
    It's funny how something so seemingly innocent can turn into something horrific.
  6. Peter Cottontail
    That silly wabbit, always playing games.
  7. Tombstone Terror
    What happens in the graveyard, stays in the graveyard.
  8. Unwillingly Offered
    Last time I checked, I wasn't contending in a game of "Who Wants To Be Your Sacrifice?".
  9. Goodbye, Goodbye
    This is the end, isn't it? But why can't I find the little light at the end of my tunnel?
  10. Satanic Saviour
    Whoever said time didn't matter: I will hurt you.
  11. Unholy Soil
    Oops. Did I do that?
  12. Run
  13. I Had My Chance
    Too bad it passed by too quickly for me to snatch.
  14. Unanswered Questions Leave A Lone Girl Dying
  15. Tonight, We Break Hearts
    It's a shame it has to be this way, but I promise I'll return.
  16. Take Me Away
  17. A History of Horror
  18. Release, Set Sail, Go
  19. More Than Anything
  20. Followed
    It is becoming a familiar feeling, sadly.
  21. Those Cold, Dead Eyes
  22. Hybrids
  23. The Process of Healing Is A Cruel One
  24. It's Over