My Cat Has Isuues

Meeting The Change

The crisp, razor like wind stung her pallet face, whipping her long lucious wavey hair behind her, making it knot and tangle with the purple hood of her hoodie she was wearing beneath her black, now sand covered leather jacket.
The sound of the jaw like waves, crashing down against the solid, moss hugged rocks that edged the sandy coast of Indianas new home town.
There were others on the beach, not many as you would expect, but a few, some couples taking a romantic walk, arms linked, stepping in time leaving deep soggy footprints in the merky brown sand.
There was a group of children, the youngest in dungarees and a blood red jumper beneath, running after the dog they had with them, in his little green wellingtons kicking up the sand at the other children, one mainly, the eldest, who wore long baggy denim jeans and a beige coat with grey fur around the hood that coverd her long black shaggy hair.
Along the edge of the sea was a person on a pure white horse with long thin swaying grey hair and bounced along with its trot. The rider was too far to see their looks.
Indiana knelt down, grasping a fistfull of sand and watched it fall gracefully through her thin fingers. It made her feel relaxed, watching the sand fall, the sound of the waves and the gulls, soaring through the air above.
The wind caught up and knocked her balance, making her fall on her bottom into the sand, kicking some into the air.
"Need a hand?" a deep growly voice, hiding laughter spoke to her, with a hand at her reach.
Taking it, blushing from embarrasment, it pulled her to her feet and she brushed herself of, looking at the lanky shape helping her.
"Thanks" She replied in barley a whisper.
what a great start.
"It's alright, it didnt look very comfortable!" The sweet irish accent was mysteroius and desirable.
Looking up at this stranger, she was not quite sure how to react.
They wore a black cargy material coat with alot of pockets and a deep grey wooly hat, with a cap like flap that covered low over his eyes leaving a shadow over his nose and purple cotton scarf that was wrapped around his neck and mouth, protecting their lips from the harsh wind.
"You looked like you were lookin' for somone, can i be of any help?" He swivelled on the stop, pushing his hands deep into his lower pockets, brushing up his shoulders as a harsh wind blew down his neck.
"Oh no, just looking at the sea. I have just moved up here, my mother and father are unpacking, i wanted to get some air and stretch my legs from the long..." She stopped horrified at the laughing stranger before her.
His laugh was deep and soft.
"What? What are you laughing at?" Scolding furiously at the stranger she stood erect, despite the wind blowing strong at her back, as if it wanted to knock her down. She has embarrassed herself enough, she wasnt going to let it get any worse.
"Im sorry, its just you're accent! So posh! Its obvious you're not from Ireland! Why, its like being around the queen!" He burst into a much stronger laugher, leaning back slightly.
"Yes well! At least my accendt doesn't sound silly like yours!" She regreted saying this.
Would he get angry and shout at her, bully her in the future?
"OK OK! I'm sorry if i have offended you, how about i make it up to you by walking you back home my lady?" his mocking was more like charms to Indianas ears, although she couldnt see his face, he sounded beautiful, no matter how bad his grammer was.
He waved his arm away from the beach towards the swirly path that lead toward the houses and shops, Indiana started walking.
"Im Isaac by the way" He lifted his head and she tried to get a glims of his face, but his hat was still too low. They wern't on the beach anymore, why is he still hiding his face? what is his secret? Indiana was desperate to know.
"Indiana, Indy for short" She was still trying to get a look at his face.
"Like the treasure hunter?" He snorted and looked back down at the pavment as he walked beside her.
"Where do you live?" he carried on looking at the floor.
"Originally London, bu the place is too crowded and fast, so we moved here" She kicked a coke can that lay abandoned on the floor and it swirled in front of Isaac her new friend.
He immediatly kicked it ahead, so she could continue kicking it between them.
"I geussed that, i was meaning now, im walking you home you see, but i dont know where that is yet" He kicked the can back to her again but slightly to hard and it bounded of the fence beside them and back to himself.
"Oh i see, it's umm, just past that park and up that road, i think its next to a farm. By the way, that was my turn to kick it" She wanted to look cool and not so curious about Isaac.
"Well if you want it come and get it!" He ran ahead, kicking the can infront of him and turned to face Indiana teasing her with the can, dribling it around his feet.
Straight away indiana pounded towards him, thinking this is her chance to get her own back from laughing at her.
He continued dribling at around his feet and kept putting his back in front of her in diffense. This really annoyed her, she jut wanted to get at the can of him.
"Well, arn't you compettitive!" He skipped up the can and kicked it high into the air.
Indiana jumped and headbutted the can and it shot across the road and into a wall, while she fell back, rubbing her head furiously as the pain throbbed in her head.
"Well wasn't that clever!" He laughed at her yet again.
Why was she so desperate to impress him?
"I should be getting back now, they would be needin my help" Indiana just wanted to escape before she could embarras herself even more and headed swiftly towards the park.
Daring to look back Isaac was following behind her, his hands back in his pockets and staring at her.
She walked ahead faster, swinging her arms and flicking her hair behind her.
Turning to look again he was still there walking behind her.
Why was he followng her? Was that why he kept his face hidden, so he could stalk her?
"I can walk myself home thanks" She called to him, unsure whether to be harsh so he stops following her or kind because may just be making sure she got home okay.
"I'm sure you can my dear!" He called back, still following behind her.
Shaking her head she walked as fast as she could, through the trees of the park and when she got round the corner of the stoney path so he was out of sight for a few seconds, she ran a little, starting to get affraid.
Her feet started hurting walking so hard across the stoney path through her sea blue converse and sweat was building up on her forhead.
She could here his footsteps scraping across the stones and he coughed. His footsteps started fading away though and when she turned around to see, he was gone.
Indiana stopped and looked around behind her, to see if he was hiding beyond the bushes or decided to go back.
There was no sign of him and she breathed out heavy, relieved.
Turning round to continue home a figure jumped out of the bushes before her, making Indiana let out a scream.
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