An Arranged Marriage to a Vampire, When did this Happen!


March 28th, 2009 1:00pm
~Rachelle’s P.O.V.~

It’s a week before my birthday and I ain’t got a clue what I am doing. Well besides letting my strict parents know that I have a boyfriend. Hopefully they won’t flip out on me. Well hey they shouldn’t. I did tell Jesse that I couldn’t have a bf until I was 16, that my parents know about anyways.
Hey I can’t help it he’s hot. I mean when he asked me out in the beginning of the year I was surprised. Because me I’m Semi-Goth and not al that good looking.
Ouch!! Just got slapped by my “Twin”, Danielle. Ok so I am good looking. Danielle says I’m gorgeous, just that I hide it under all the black I wear.
And as it turned out Jesse is Semi-Goth when he isn’t playing sports. Hey I was down with that. And man did he look good in black. Sorry I’m rambling, I happen to do that a lot.
Ok so since it’s a week away from my 16th birthday, Hopefully Jesse will take me out for it. I can’t wait for my b-day.
In fact I’ll be meeting Jesse in a few, along with Danielle’s bf Philip. Danielle is my cover for every where I go to hang with Jesse, except at school. Like if he wants me to go to the movies with him, I always ask my parents if I can go to the movies with Danielle. They pretty much always say yes. I do go with Danielle but we meet up with our boy friends all the time.
Jesse is so great he has made my life 10x better. Before he came into my life, my life sucked. The only Grandfather I knew died 2 years ago in May. Ever since that day my life went down hill and just kept going. My attitude and everything about me changed. I became a completely different person all together.
Sorry I’m kinda getting off topic.
“Come on Dani, let’s go. Oh and don’t forget to log off.”

~Jesse’s P.O.V. 1:15pm~

Ok so it’s a week before Rachelle’s Birthday and I have the best thing planed for it. Every day this week I’m going to give her something and on her birthday I’m taking her out.
“Come on Phil, we got to meet our girls in 10 minutes. Get off my laptop. Man your going to see your girl soon. Geesh man.”
“Ok hold on let me finish this then tell her I’ll see her in a few.”
“Dude make it quick. I want to see Rachelle.”
“Dude you just saw her the other day and you just got off the phone with her 30 minutes ago.”
“Yeah so. You saw Danielle yesterday too and you where just IMing her on MY laptop. So we’re even.”
“Ok, ok your right. I’m done.”
“Don’t forget to turn it off. I don’t need the batteries to die again because you forgot to turn it off.”
“Ok.” This time he actually turned the power off.
“Ok. Let’s go. They’ll be waiting at the park.”
“Ok.” We both hurried down the stairs and out the door. But before I got but the door my father called me.
“Coming. Phil get in the car and start it.” I said, handing my keys to Phil. “I’ll be right out.”
“Ok man.”
I walked into my living room and saw my dad sitting on the couch, watching TV with my brother. “What do you want dad? I got to be somewhere in,” I looked at me watch. “5 minuets can you make this quick?”
“Take your brother with you. You two haven’t spent time together in a while. Don’t give me that look mister. It could be worse I could have you take your sister.”
At that I gave in and gave a quick glare at my brother. “Fine he can come with me. I’ll take him over my sister any day.”
“Good. You guys have fun.” I just rolled my eyes at that.
“Come on dork you’re going to make me late.”
“Hey I’m not a dork.”
“Whatever.” Then I just laughed. “Just get in the car.”
We didn’t leave right away because Phil had to protest and just had to call Danielle and tell her. Well hey I texted Rachelle and told her before Phil called Danielle so they already knew. The text went something like this:
To: Rachelle(my love)
Hey I have to bring my
dorky brother. sorry it
cant b just us 4.

From: Rachelle(my love)
Ah that sucks. did ur
dad make u bring him??

To: Rachelle(my love)
Yeah he did cuz we
dont hang out 2gether

From: Rachelle(my love)
Is it cuz of me??

To: Rachelle(my love)
No! dont worry. its
cuz i don’t want to
hang with him

From: Rachelle(my love)
Oh ok love u see u
in a few

To: Rachelle(my love)
Ok love u 2 c ya in
a few

From: Rachelle(my love)

So yeah. Phil was told that they knew already. When he was told that he looks at me and mouths “you,” just nodded. Then finally he hung up.
So we where on our way there. I couldn’t help but think back to the first time I talked to Rachelle. The only thing is she didn’t know it was me at the time. It was on an internet game called Crimson Moon (the url is it’s a site where you can be a vampire, werewolf, or a hybrid. My name on that game was nullviod and I was a vampire. Her name was horsefan10 and she was a vampire, too.
So we ended up talking when we where on. Then she gave me her e-mail and I gave her mine. That is after we both found out each others age and what sate we lived in. And it turned out that we both live in New York. And the funny thing is we both talked about meeting each other.
So when I saw here at the same school as me I just about went crazy with excitement. She sent me pictures and gave me a brief description before school started just in case we went to the same school. I saw her the second day of school, but I didn’t have the courage to ask her out at the time. I wanted to see how she was around her friends. But when I finally asked her out she looked really surprised that I did. If it was for the fact that I am a jock and she is Semi-Goth I didn’t know. But I told her I was cool with her being Semi-Goth because I am too, when I’m not doing sports for school. After I told her that she said that she could go out with me. Man I was so happy.
When we got to the park I didn’t see the girls. So I called Rachelle and asked her where they were.
“We’re almost there. I had to make my dad some coffee before we left.”
“It’s ok. I’m just use to you girls being here before me and Phil is all.”
“Ok well you should be able to see us any minute.”
“Ok, oh I see you. You look beautiful today.”
“Thank you. And I see you. Be over in a sec. kay.”
“Kay. See ya.” Right when I closed my phone she came running over and I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her.

~Rachelle’s P.O.V. 1:20 pm~

So Danielle got off my laptop just a few minutes before Jesse texted me to tell me his brother had to come with him and said he was sorry it couldn’t be just the four of us like it normally is. I was ok with it as long as his brother doesn’t annoy us.
When I was upstairs, my room is the basement. I told my dad that I was going with Dani and that me and her were going to the park and them to Wal-mart and that I would be back later. He said I could but I had to make him some coffee. Luckily the water was already hot so I wouldn’t have to wait for it to heat up. So I made him coffee and before I left my house I looked at the time. We where going to be late, the first time for us. Normally the guys are late, well at least our boyfriends are always late, but we don’t mind it that much.
Me and Dani where rushing a little. We decided to run down a block. This sucked for me because of my Asthma and the fact that I was wearing all black and stupid me I forgot my inhaler which was in my room. Danielle had to cover her self after that block because of a pervert who lives on the next block.
When we where a few yards from the park, Jesse called me. ”Where are you two?”
“We’re almost there. I had to make my dad some coffee before we left.”
“It’s ok. I’m just use to you girls being here before me and Phil is all.”
“Ok well you should be able to see us any minute.” Just when I said that I saw him standing next to his car and I waved.
“Ok, oh I see you. You look beautiful today.”
“Thank you. And I see you, be over in a sec. kay.”
“Kay. See ya.” And right after he said that I closed my phone and started running over to him.
When I got there he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me.
After he kissed me I had to catch my breath, due to the running and the kiss.
He took one look at me and was like, “forgot your inhaler again?” When I nodded he held out his hand, “let me see you purse,” so I gave it to him. He looked in it and pulled out me other inhaler. I don’t remember putting it in there. ”I think you forgot about putting it in there hun. I always see you pulling it out in school when ever you need it. So obviously you where in a rush to get here and forgot it was in there.” Then he kissed me again after I took my inhaler.
After that we all got in the car. Phil sat in the back with Danielle and Jesse’s brother and I sat in the passenger seat next to Jesse. We left, went to a movie and had dinner.
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~please leave a comment tell me how u like it~