An Arranged Marriage to a Vampire, When did this Happen!

Chapter 1: The Gifts

Friday April 3rd, 2009 6:30am
~Rachelle’s P.O.V. ~

All week has been amazing. School has been great all week thanks to Jesse. Each day I found a small gift from him in my locker. And they were all cool.
On Monday I got a black rose necklace. Tuesday I got a black rose anklet, Wednesday there were a pair of black rose earrings, black onyx studs and black hoops. Thursday I got a black rose charm bracelet. I can’t wait to see what I will get today!
Normally I don’t wear anklets but I will wear the one he got me along with everything else.
Besides the rose necklace I wear my silver cross necklace that my Grandpa got me before he got put in the hospital, two years ago, and I don’t leave home with out it.
My ears are priced all the way up on both ears, my nose is pierced, and I have my left eyebrow pierced. I wear one of the black onyx stubs in my nose. The black hoops are small, so I have them in my cartilage. The black rose earrings are dangly, so I wear them in my first holes. The rest of the earrings are silver, blue, purple, and black and they are all different.
I love the black rose bracelet; I always wear it now along with black, purple, blue, and red gel bracelets.
That basically concluded what I was wearing, besides my black tank top with a guitar on it, black jeans, black skater shoes, and my black Tinkerbelle jacket. (I know that’s a little weird but hey I love Tinkerbelle, I think she is awesome.)
My make-up is the easiest thing I do in the morning. Black eye-shadow and black eyeliner and that’s it.
This morning when I woke up I went to the bathroom and turned mine and my sister’s hair straighter on. Now it should be hot enough to straighten my hair quick. It tool about 10-15 min. for me to straighten it. After that I brushed my teeth and put on my ACDC hat. I had to put a new coat of black nail polish on my nails.
After I was done with that stuff I got my water from the freezer and put it in my bag, grabbed my black purse, and headed out the door to go to my bus stop, well that’s what my mom thought when she saw me leave our house. I actually went passed my bus stop, went around the corner , went to Danielle’s house , got her , and went to the next corner and waited for Jesse and Phil to get there to pick us up and take us to school.
I’m glade that Jesse just happens to be a Junior and he has his license. And waiting for Jesse is better then waiting for the bus and having to ride it with all the lower classman and the middle school students, who think their all big and bad when in reality they are not their just loud.
Speaking of which, Jesse just pulled up. Me and Dani got in and I plugged my Ipod into Jesse’s stereo system and we all listened to my favorite song by Disturbed called Deceiver. After that song was over Jesse just happens to pick the next song and low and behold it is our song, Whispers in the Dark by Skillet. By the time that song was over we where at the school.

~Jesse’s P.O.V. 6:50am~

When me and Phil picked the girls up, Rachelle gets right in and plugs her ipod into my stereo and played her favorite song by Disturbed called Deceiver. I’ve herd it so much that I got the lyrics memorized.
You've been caught in a lie!!
You can't deny it!

So let the war begin
You're far from innocent
Hell I just don't know where it will end
You are the one to blame
You made a habit of
Fucking up my life. (OW!)

Another fallacy
Is laid in front of me
Now I just don't know
What to believe
Another animal
Sent to devour what-
Ever's left inside
I know now!
It's all been a lie
And I'll never come to know why
Awoke to discover
You leaving me now

It's all been a lie
And I'll never come to know why
You've mastered the art of
Deceiving me now.

A mortal enemy
Has been revealed in me
How come I wasn't able to see
Another vampire getting their fix from

Sucking up my life (OW!)
An evil entity
Had taken hold of me
Ripped out my heart and started to feed
I still remember when
I thought that all you were
Eating was my pride
It's all been a lie
And I'll never come to know why
You've mastered the art of
Deceiving me now.
This idiot won't let me go
Slowly penetrating the mind
I tell you now, my little puppet
You'll suffer me
You don't want to let me go
Till I've taken over your life
I'll ensure you survive
Little puppet don't die
Let me, let me die
Little puppet don't die
Let me, let me die
Little toy don't die
I can also hear them in Rachelle’s head and I can hear her singing them too. She has a beautiful singing voice. She is also very good at playing her bass guitar.
After her song was over, I turned it to our song: Whispers in the Dark by Skillet. (I now the lyrics to that song too.)
Despite the lies that you're making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is just waiting
To turn your tears to roses

Despite the lies that you're making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is just waiting
To turn your tears to roses

I will be the one that's gonna hold you
I will be the one that you run to
My love is a burning, consuming fire

No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear my whispers in the dark
No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark

You feel so lonely and ragged
You lay there broken and naked
My love is just waiting
To clothe you in crimson roses

I will be the one that's gonna find you
I will be the one that's gonna guide you
My love is a burning, consuming fire

No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear my whispers in the dark
No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark

No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes I'll light the night with stars
Hear the whispers in the dark
No, you'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark

I loved what she was thinking at that moment. I looked over at her and smiled. But then I had to immediately turn back and face the road.
I love listening to Rachelle’s thoughts, most of the time anyways. When she isn’t thinking about something that only a girl should really know. Truest me there are just some things that guys shouldn’t really know.
So when we got to school, I waited for Danielle and Phil to get out before I gave Rachelle her last little present before her birthday tomorrow.
I saw her reaching for the door handle and I told her, “wait I have something to give to you before we get in school.”
So I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out a ring box. She gasped at the site of it and I smiled at what she was thinking. She thought it was an engagement ring.
“Ok before you get too excited it isn’t an engagement ring.” I heard the thought leave her mind and a new one come in its place. She was curious to know what the ring looked like. ”Here,” I handed the box over to her, “open it.” So she opens it and gasps.

~Rachelle’s P.O.V. 7:05am~

Oh my God. When Jesse told me to stay in the car I was cool with it. Then he pulls out a ring box and I immediately got really excited and I’m thinking oh my god is that an engagement ring?
“Ok before you get too excited it isn’t an engagement ring.”
So after he said that I was just curious of what the ring looked like.
“Here,” he hands me the ring box, “open it.” So I did and gasp. The ring was so beautiful. It went with every thing else. The ring had a rose on it. The rose had black onyx gems set in it, and the band of the ring was silver.
I was so exited; I didn’t know what finger to put it on.
Jesse grabs my right hand and puts the ring on the finger next to my pinkie. I stared at the ring some and admired how it looked on my finger. Then I lean over and kiss him. We were really getting into the kiss when my cell phone vibrates and causes e to jump. Jesse just laughs.
I pulled out my cell and look at it I got a text from Dani saying:
From: Dani (My Twin)
U 2 hurry up & quite
sucking each others
face off.

So I sent on back that says:

To: Dani (My Twin)
Ok we’re hurrying up.
OMG!! I have to show
u what Jesse gave me its
so beautiful. Lol how
would u know that??

From: Dani (My Twin)
Omg cant wait to see it!!
Well maybe I know that
b/c me and Phil r like still
in the parking lot waiting
4 u guys and we can c
Jesse’s car!!
So I look out the front window and see her and Phil waving at us. I wave back and Jesse kisses me some more. Out of the corner of my eye I see Dani shake her head and roll her eyes. Then Jesse breaks the kiss and we both laugh. I text Dani and tell her we’ll be right there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Deceiver and Whispers In The Dark are two of my favorite songs