Status: Slowly Active. Very Slowly. Sorry! =/

Pick Your Poison

Please don't call me that.

I'm a little man, and I'm also evil, also into cats. Also into caaaats!

"Hello Peter, what can I do for you on my day off?” I say answering the phone.

"Well... I need you." The bassist replies.

"I always knew you'd come to your senses, Wentz." I say jokingly.

"Oh yes Amelia, I want your hot bod. Ha ha. No, but seriously. I need you to come in to work tonight." He says, his voice going into automatic "boss" mode.

"Are you serious? Pete, it's my day off, all I want to do tonight is watch movies with Lillie." I complain.

"I know, but Hon you're the best bartender we have. You have to be here. Please?" Pete pleads.

I sigh in defeat and say, "Yeah, whatever. I'll be there around 9."

"Thank you!" He exclaims. After hearing a click I hang up the phone and toss it lightly to the couch.

I walk over to the entertainment center and turn on the radio to hear the sound of Paramore's song Brick by Boring Brick. I dance into the kitchen and start cleaning up the messy room. Hearing a squeak and I look down to see my small pet bulldog, Lillie, she makes another attempt to bark again and I notice that she has no food in her bowl.

Picking up the chrome bowl I walk over to the cabinet containing her treats and food, I fill the bowl and set it back down on the floor. I stroke the small animal's back and walk out of the room.

Walking into my room I glance at the clock on the bedside table, I notice I have a few hours before work so I decide to take a nap. I lay down and fall asleep.


I awake to Lillie licking my face. I smile and sit up. Once again I look at the clock and see that I have to be at work in 2 hours. Groaning I walk into my bathroom to take a shower. Twenty minutes later I walk to my closet and grab a pair of skinny jeans, my shredded Angels and Kings shirt and a set of matching underwear.

I get dressed and slip on a pair of heels. I walk into the bathroom and blow dry my hair. I turn on my curling iron and decide to do my make up while it's heating up.

I brush a dark burgundy eye shadow on my lids and apply some eyeliner, mascara, blush, and lip gloss. I curl my hair into waves and pin it to the side using an over-sized flower. I slide on a ring and bracelet, I turn out the light and walk into the kitchen. I walk to the refrigerator and pull out left over lasagna, and put it in the microwave for a few minutes. While it's heating up I collect my phone, wallet, lip gloss, and iPod and put them into an over sized black bag.

Hearing the microwave ding I grab a fork and pull the plastic bowl out of the microwave. I eat the Italian dish quickly and put the empty bowl into the dish washer making a mental note to start it later. I pick up Lillie, turn out the lights and turn off the stereo. Walking out the front door I lock the deadbolt. I set Lillie on the ground and walk to my car, the small animal closely follows.

I get in my car and Lillie jumps into my lap then hops into the passenger seat. I start the ignition and drive to Angels and Kings. I park the car in the faculty parking lot and gather my purse and Lillie into my arms. I walk into the back door and set Lillie down. I put my belongings in a cabinet and walk to the bar area. I close the door separating the back room from the main area.

"You're late," I hear from behind me.

Turning around I see Pete. I smirk and say, “Am I? Or are you just early?"

"I'm pretty sure you're late." He says leaning against the bar. "Anyways tonight there is an Academy concert a few blocks away. So there's going to be an after party here starting at eleven."

"Oh yay, rock stars. My favorite brand of drunk.” I say in faux excitement.

Pete just smiles and walks away. You shake your head and walk over to a customer.


Eleven rolls around and the bar starts filling up with concert goers. People start thrusting concert tickets into my face. I check each one before serving them their desired drinks and taking their money.

A man with short dark hair catches my eye. He walks over and asks for a bud light and a "Nails for breakfast, Tacks for snacks." I make the drinks and hand them to him. He hands me some money and walks away. I study him as he walks away.

"Amelia!" I hear.

I walk towards the voice and see the back room door cracked open. My heart pounds as I get closer knowing that Pete found Lillie.

I walk through the door and see Pete standing over Lillie with an annoyed look on his face. I look down at Lillie and see that she's chewing on an action figure of Pete.

I burst out in laughter at the sight and say, "well at least now we know how she truly feels about you."

He sighs and says, "Amelia, you know she can't be here."

I kneel down and pick up Lillie. "I know, and I'm sorry. It's just that I didn't want to leave her at home alone."

"I guess I can understand that. She can stay here for the rest of the night, but this can't happen again, ok?" He says.

"Yeah, I promise, I won't bring her to work again." I say smiling slightly. Pete walks over and wraps his arms around me in a hug. Lillie licks his cheek.

"And you little miss. You ruined my action figure." Pete says to Lille. She yips and lightly bites one of his fingers. He jerks his hand away and scowls. I giggle and let Lillie down.

"Well now, Mr. Wentz, if you don't mind I'm going to go back to work." I say turning around I open the door, and Lillie runs out ahead of me. "Lillie! No!" I yell at the little figure, I chase after her. I see her jump onto one of the couches and into the lap of someone and slow to a stop.

He strokes Lillie's back and says, "Hey, is this little one yours?"

"Yeah, I'm so sorry Mike." I say standing in front of him.

"No sweat. Would you like to have a seat?" He asks.

"Sure." I say sitting next to him.

"So, what's her name?" He asks sparking up a conversation.

"Her name's Lillie, and mine's Amelia." I respond.

"Well here's where I'd introduce myself, but I guess you already know my name, huh?" He says.

I nod and say, "Indeed I do Mike."

“So how is it you know my name?” he asks curiously.

“Well, I’m a fan of The Academy, and a bunch of other Decaydance bands.” I say.

“Oh, that’s pretty cool.” He says looking down at Lillie.

Looking towards the bar I see Pete looking at me I sigh and say. “As much as I hate it I have to get back to work."

"Okay, would you like me to watch Lillie for you?" He offers.

"Um, sure. That'd be great, if it's not too much trouble." I say.

"None at all. I'll just get her back to you before I leave." He says smiling.

"Thanks Mike." I say smiling as well. I get up and walk back to the bar to take care of customers.

"Hey, can I get a Clothes Off?" Someone asks.

I look up and see my friend, Emily. "Yes you can. That'll be 10 bucks." I say as I make the drink.

I hand her the drink in exchange for some money. "So was that Mike Carden you were just talking to?" She asks.

"Yes it was." I say making a drink for myself.

"Why is Lillie with him?" She says looking over at him.

"He offered to watch her for me." I say with a smile.

"You like him!" Emily accuses.

I glare at her playfully and walk to another customer.

*Mike's POV*

"Who's dog?" I hear next to me.

I look over at William and say, "the bartender's." I stroke the animal’s back and look at Amelia.

"Ooooh! You like her!" He exclaims bouncing in his seat.

Blushing slightly I say, "Shut up Bill!" I look back towards the bar and see a blond sit in front of Amelia. Taking a drink from my beer I look down at the small creature in my lap. I continue to pet Lillie as she falls asleep.

"You know what I've always wondered Bill?" I ask the taller man sitting next to me.

"What's that Mike?" He says turning to me.

"How is it that dogs can fall asleep anywhere? Even if it's really loud."

"I don't know Micheal." He says.

"You like him!" I hear over the loud music.

*Emily's POV*

Amelia started to ignore me after I accused her of liking Mike. I knew she did, but she would never admit it. Turning around in my seat I see Mike watching Amelia. I decide to walk over and see what's up with him. Grabbing my drink I hop down from the bar stool I was sitting on. As I near Mike I trip over my own feet, sending my drink flying towards William Beckett. He screeches from the cold liquid and jumps up from his seat.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" I grab his arm and pull him to the bar. Grabbing a handful of napkins I start dabbing at his shirt trying to rid his clothing of the citrus flavored liquor.

He swats your hands away and says, "I'm fine. Thanks for helping me though."

I nod and sigh. "I really am sorry William."

"Hey, it's just a little liquid, don't worry about it. How about you let me buy you a drink." He says smiling despite the growing stain on his shirt.

I smile back and say, "Sure I'd like that thanks."

*Amelia's POV*

After watching the chaos between Emily and William take place I walk over and make another Clothes Off. I walk back over to William and Emily and set the drink on the bar. "That'll be 10 dollars," I say.

William just looks at me and says. "How'd you know what she wanted?"

Raising an eyebrow I smirk and say. "Emily's my best friend. Besides, she always gets a Clothes Off. Just like I always drink..."

"Black Mambas!" Emily exclaims smiling.


I look at the clock and see that it’s 2am. Sighing I drop my head onto the bar. Emily pets my head and says, “Are you tired Hon?” I just nod your head.

“Amelia!” I hear Pete yell.

“Dear God! What?!” I yell back tiredly.

“Nothing.” Pete says smirking.

I sigh in annoyance and say, “Why aren’t you hanging out with your Gay Lover?”

“Umm, because Emily’s hogging him!” He says walking over.

“Emily, quit hogging Pete’s Gay Lover.” I playfully scold.

"I don't wanna!" She says clinging to a confused William.

"Umm, what's going on? I spaced out for a second." He says.

Everyone laughs and I hear, "Hey Amelia!"

I look over at Mike and see him waving me over. I walk over to him and sit down. "Yes, Mr. Carden?"

"Yeah first off, please don't call me that, and second, Lillie's asleep, and I can't feel my legs." He complains.

Smirking I pick up the small animal. "Better?" I ask.

"Yep, thanks." He says.

"No Problem, so how long are you going to be in town?" I ask curiously.

"A few days. Why?"

"No reason, I was just wondering if maybe tomorrow of you weren't doing anything, you'd want to hang out." I reply shyly.

"Sure, that'd be great. What's your number so that I can call you and see where to meet and such." He says getting his phone out.

I grab the device, enter my number and hand it back to him. "How about this, you bring William with you and I'll bring Emily with me. That way they can hang out too." I suggest.

"Sounds good." He says smiling.

"Alrighty, I think I'm going to convince Pete to let me go home. Goodnight Mike." I say. I kiss him on the cheek and stand up.

I walk up behind Emily and say, "Hey wanna go home, Em?"

She turns around and nods. "Yes I do."

"Yo! Peter! I'm going home!" I yell at the short man.

He looks over at me from his position on William’s back and says, “Ok whatever, see you in a few days.”

I shake my head at the two boys as William gives Pete a piggy back ride. I pick up Lillie and walk with Emily to the back room. I grab my purse and walk out to my car. I drive home and walk into my apartment with Emily following.

"Alrighty. Home sweet home." I say. I kick off my heels and walk into you’re my room. Emily come in and lays down on my bed and falls asleep. I grab a pair of shorts and a tank top and walk into the bathroom to change. I come back into the bedroom and slip Emily's shoes off and lay a blanket over her. I walk to the other side of the bed and lay next to her letting sleep overcome me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! First chapter!!!!!! I'm so happy. I've had this idea brewing in my mind for so long! And now it's finally out! Go comment!!!!!! Also much love goes out to xFar-From-Lonelyx for letting me use her in this!!!

Mucho Love!

Also at the end of each chapter I'm going to post a link to Polyvore to show what Amelia's wearing. Polyvore