Him and I


We watched the emerald waves crash and the sunset glow, We laughed as the sand warmed our feet. These were the days I lived for, just me and him, him and me.
Just us, enjoying the world as it should be.
But today was differant.
I moved from under his arm and looked him in the eye,
"I love you."
He smiled and kissed me on the cheek,
"I love you too."
"No you don't."
I pushed away and started filtering the sand through my fingers.
His hand rested under my chin and lifted my face up to his eyes,
"I do love you."
I closed my eyes,"If you really loved me, you wouldn't be leaving."
He chuckled,"Is that what this is about?"
"I'm serious."
He pulled me close and nuzzled his face into my neck,
"I am too, I love you more than anything."
We sat there and listened to eachothers hearts beat.
"What if you meet someone there and forget about me?"
Stroking my hair he replied,
"Don't be silly, no girl could replace the spot you have in my heart."
I smiled faintly,"Really?"
He sweetly pecked me on the forhead,"Of course."
Pressing my face into his sweater smelling the sweet scent of his cologne,
"Will you miss me?"
"Of course! I'll miss you every second of the day! Will you miss me?"
I laughed,"Maybe."
"What?!" He teased over dramatically

The sky was slowly disapearing now, the air suddenly became colder and rushed over our skin for the last time.
I smiled sadly and ran my hands through his hair,
"You'll call everyday?"
He grinned,
I laughed and softly pecked him on the lips.

He leaned back bringing me down with him as we watched the glittering ocean fall back and forth.
I closed my eyes and thought about the situation at hand,
He was leaving for college tommorrow, all the way across the country, and leaving me here to finish my senior year, completely unfair.

I know he loved me but I couldn't help but get the feeling of uneasyness, who knows what kind of girls are there, but I know none of them can get in between our love.



I took a deep breath and brushed the hair out of my eyes that were lingering a little to long on a passing bikini clad babe , I caught her attention and gave her a little nod, she smiled and waved then started to whisper to her friend, yeah I was good.
She tightened under my arm, crap, she saw that.
"What?" I asked innocently
She lowered her voice,"Slut."
I chuckled, "You don't know her though."
She turned her whole body around to face me,"I was talking 'bout you."
I attempted to pull her against me but she resisted,
"What's wrong?" I asked obliviously
She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply,
"If your going to be like that, how can I possibly trust you when your away?"
I hesitated, I would like to think I can hold off my temptations and wait for her but honestly, I don't think I can.
She searched my face and tears started to swell in her eyes,
"Babe I-" She cut me off as I tried to reach out for her.
Her eyes glowed red from either the flow of salty tears or the pure anger inside,
"Don't. Call. Me. Babe."
We sat in silence until she bluntly spoke,"Acualley, don't ever call me anyway, okay?"
I didn't respond, just looked at her sadly, sad to see her go, sad that I let her go.

. . . .

It was dark now, no more beautiful sunset, just bleak nothingness that spread for miles.

. . . .

The girl stood up, gathered her things and started to walk away in hysterics from the spot where her former love sat, in a daze, contemplating weither or not run after her or not, which was obviously what the girl wanted him to do, to prove his love and faithfulness tword her.

For her prince to run and sweep her off feet, to take her away from everything.

But he didn't.

The young man sat there watching one of the best things in his life leave, he dumped his head in his hands and silently started to count the grains of sand below him.

I walked until the street lamps light up the dark night, I smiled to myself and turned around expecting him to be there, waiting for me to run into his arms and love him forever.

But he wasn't though.

I was by myself, at night, no direction home, no way to get there, and no phone.
My body started to shake as it fell to the ground, my sobs could probably be heard for miles on end, my eyes stung horribly, heart aching.

I was by myself.
♠ ♠ ♠
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