Status: Complete

South Brook High: Operation Get Back Together with Aden is a Go

Chapter 9

I can hardly believe what's happening right now. I can't believe that I'm in Aden's room sitting on his couch with him on my lap and am making out with him! Unless I'm dreaming again. No that's not likely. I remember waking up this morning. When Aden pulled away he stared in to my eyes running his fingers through my hair. I smiled holding him tighter and said "Just like old times right?" He chucked laughing and said.

"Yeah. Almost." I jumped at the sound of Aden's house phone ringing. He got up and walked down stairs to go answer it. I looked around his room again. I haven't been here in so long. I got up and walked to Aden's bed and sat down. I smiled to myself remembering when I used to sleep in this bed next to Aden. I leaned back then shot up when I felt something hard on my back. It was Aden's journal. I looked at the door then got up and stood at the top of the stairs. He was still talking on the phone.

I hurried back to his room and flipped through the pages of his journal looking for any recent dates. The only one I saw was written on December 18th the day we broke up. I shook my head putting the journal back down. I don't wanna read that. I already know what he would have written.

I just broke up with Damon. He's such a selfish little bastard. I'm glad I got rid of his ass. He's such a free loader. I take him in to my home caring and loving him unconditionally then he has the balls to say he doesn't feel the same way. What a dick wad. I should have left his sorry ass a long time ago.

Yeah. I bet he wrote something like that. I walked back over to Aden's couch and sat down. I closed my eyes remembering everything Aden and I have been through. I thought back to when we first met. I thought of our first kiss, and first fight. I remember what we did when we went to the library. I remember when we went to my house and my dad tried to kill us. I remember when we were at the mall in hot topic. I remember when Aden told me that he was attracted to me and only me. I remember when I told him that I felt like I was always holding back. I remember when he left me for about two hours and went to therapy, then when he came back we went to the movies. I remember our last date to the movies where he broke up with me. I remember crying myself to sleep that night. I remember waking up the next morning when my mom tried to help me out of bed. I remember everything.

Aden came back upstairs and sat on my lap again. "You OK?" he asked snuggling in to my neck.

"We've been through a lot together haven't we? " He smiled nodding.

"Yeah. We've been through so much crap. I don't even know how we had enough time to have all these feelings for each other." I nodded. Yeah he's right. With all the crap that happened when we were dating I don't know how we even realized how much we loved each other.

"I love you Aden. With all my heart. Be my boyfriend again? I promise that this time I won't let you down. I promise to love you unconditionally and care for you more then anyone else. I can't live with out you. It took me two months to realize that. I need you in my life. Be apart of it again?" He thought it over for a moment then nodded.

"Yeah. I guess we could give us another shot." I smiled then leaned in and kissed my boyfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠

Hehe and so the South Brook High series comes to an end.

Thank you for subscribing and reading my story! :]

Final Comments about the whole story? ( I love it when people tell me details ;D)