Our Last First Kiss

The Fight

Jacob's Point Of View

Leah cried out once again and I quickened my pace hoping I could get to her in time. She was in pain, severe pain I could feel her thoughts flooding my own. Seth had just transformed and he was coming at full speed.

Hang on Leah! Seth thoughts shouted in my head. I jumped over a fallen over log and veered to the left. Paul appeared beside me and I looked to him nodding my head. We covered another three miles before Seth caught up with us.

Guys hurry! There's to many of them! Leah's thoughts screamed in my head over and over. My legs burned as I tried to run faster, but I was going at my maximum pace. We were getting closer I could hear the growling and snarling.

Paul bared his fangs and pounced onto one of the werewolves trying to attack Leah. It howled in pain as it thrashed around trying to get Paul off. Seth ran to his sister's side and lowered his head, ears flat against his head, and fangs bared. There were three werewolves in this little clearing and blood was everywhere.

Seth! I growled seeing a fourth werewolf coming from behind. Seth whirled around and snapped at the beast as it tried to take him down. Quickly I jumped onto the werewolf's back and brought him down. Paul was now fighting two werewolves while I was tangled in with this one. Get Leah out of here, now! I hissed and Seth nodded turning to his sister trying to help her up.

Another werewolf sunk his teeth into my right shoulder and I howled in pain. Shaking myself free I snarled and had a head on collision with the beast. The one beneath me got free and went after Seth and Leah.

My eyes widened and my heart raced as the werewolf gained on the two siblings. Leah's right hind leg was mangled with blood pouring from a huge bite mark, across her chest was a huge gash and the blood tainted her light gray coat.

A loud roar was heard and the werewolf going for Leah and Seth was knocked down. Relief washed over me as Quil and Embry jumped into the fight. Once they were free to go again Seth started urging his sister to move, but she was in too much pain.

Paul yelped loudly. My eyes darted over to him as I saw one of the werewolves had a hold of his neck and slammed him down into the ground while the other one jumped onto his back ripping his claws into him. Anger flared within me, as my friends remained tangled in a bloody battle.

Paul! Embry growled as he ran over to his aid taking the other werewolf off his back. I had to finish this quick. Enough was enough, this was our land and these mangy mutts didn't belong here. Turning around I clawed at the werewolf that kept snapping at me. I jumped forward and brought him down onto his back. It growled and thrashed around trying to break free, but I clawed at his chest ripping it to shreds. He whined and dug his claws into my shoulder. I snarled and bit at his neck, but he kicked me off before I could get a good bite. I slammed into a tree and roared with anger as my fur spiked up.

Jake get down! Jared's voice filled my head and I did as I was told. He jumped over me tackling down one of the many werewolves that seemed to just keep appearing. Sam appeared behind the werewolf I had just been fighting. He jumped on his back and crushed the bones in his neck shaking him around as if he was a piece of meat.

About damn time! I growled at Sam. He looked at me and dropped the werewolf he had just killed.

We ran into a few of them on the way here. Sam explained and I nodded my head stiffly. My attention quickly turned back to the others. Jared and Embry were tag teaming against one of the werewolves. It quickly found an escape though. Jared and Embry were about to go after it, but Sam barked at them. They stopped and looked to us.

We're just gonna let them go? Jared thought looking at Sam.

Yes for now. Sam nodded his head and I growled when one of the werewolves was about to attack Sam. My ears flattened against my head and I sprang forward. We collided in mid air. The werewolf landed to the left of Sam and I landed back where I was standing previously.

Sam snarled and quickly jumped into action. The two tossed each other around ripping into each other's skin. They snapped and growled, flipping each other over. Sam took one big bite into the beast shoulder and shook him around viciously. When Sam tossed him into a tree the werewolf whined and quickly darted off into the forest. Sam snarled his black fur sticking up sharply.

I've had enough of this! Paul snapped as he took the final werewolf down snapping its neck and then shook it around like a chew toy. Blood dripped onto the ground and Paul crunched down even harder before dropping him. I looked at Paul seeing that he was torn up pretty bad. His shoulder was practically ripped open, his left hind leg had several bite marks, his neck had many cuts, and blood was just dripping off of him.

Leah what happened? Seth asked his sister who was lying on the ground.

I was walking and three werewolves came out of nowhere, She paused shaking her head trying to remember. They started attacking me and I couldn't fight them off. Sam walked over to her and I knew he felt bad when he saw her wounds.

Why did these monsters even come here? It made no sense for them to be here, we hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. I walked over to Leah and sat down near her head. She was breathing heavily. Looking around the clearing I noticed the ground was torn up from the fight and struggles. Some of the bushes around here were broken and had blood on their leaves.

Come on we got to get you back. Sam said nuzzling Leah with his nose, but she shook her head.

I can't. Leah whined and I turned to her.

You have to. I told her. She growled at me and I turned away from her cold glare.

Yes you can, now get up. Sam ordered, but Leah refused to once again. Seth whined laying down beside his sister. Paul limped over to us and I looked at him. He was in a lot of pain, I could see from his contorted face. Can you make it? Sam questioned looking at Paul.

Hey I'm not a little girl. Paul thought while looking down at Leah. She snarled at him sitting up attempting to snap at him, but he jumped beside me. He grunted at the pain and shook his head continuing his way back home.

You gonna let him get away with that? Quil asked wagging his tail as he looked at Leah.

Ugh, men! Leah snapped at Quil's feet, but he bounded away catching up with Paul. I snickered standing up myself as Leah slowly tried to walk. Sam remained where he was as the rest of us started heading home. I stopped and turned around to look at him. Whining a bit he glanced over at me.

I'm fine let's go home. Sam said trotting over to me.
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P.S. Next chapters are in Jacob's View, until stated other wise.