Our Last First Kiss

If That

I had finally found time to take Shiloh out on a date. School was about to start up in two weeks, which bummed me out since I'd be asleep for every class. Sam had us running all over the place, but thankfully he was giving me the night off. This was my opportune moment to take Shiloh out on one of the dates. My time limit was close to over too, so I really had to surprise her. This would probably be the only date I could go on with her for about another year, knowing Sam.

"Jacob?" my father called my name and I snapped out of my thoughts. Looking over at him he tilted his head and gave me a worried look. "Did you hear me?" he asked and I blinked a few times.

"No, I'm sorry. What did you ask?" I questioned as I stood up from our small kitchen table.

"I asked where are you taking Shiloh." He said. I called Shiloh early this morning telling her I was taking her out on a date and well I really had no plan. Looking at the clock I groaned, only two hours until I would go pick her up.

"I don't know." I muttered and my father huffed shaking his head.

"You say you have a surprise date for her and have no plan, that's not good." My father said sitting back in his wheelchair.

"Thank you captain obvious!" I grumbled as I walked down the small hallway to my room. If nothing else I could at least get all dressed up for her. Shutting my door I fell onto my small bed and sighed. "What's clean?" I wondered aloud as I went through the three baskets of clothes that I owned.

Some of my shirts were ripped a bit, had bloodstains, or didn't fit anymore. Being a shape shifter really did a number on clothes. At least I wasn't like Paul though shifting anytime I got mad. Actually he had gotten a bit better about it, since Shiloh came around. I think she's done good for the whole pack.

Embry isn't so shy anymore, Quil is, well he's still the same, Seth isn't as childish as before, and Paul isn't a time bomb waiting to explode. It was weird how one girl could do that, but it happened. Hell she even has Leah in a better mood, which is impressive.

Shiloh was brave too. Having to deal with everything from us being shape-shifters, to those damn werewolves, and those filthy bloodsuckers. I tense up just thinking about all of it. When we came back from the fight with the werewolves five days ago she stayed by Paul's side the whole night.

At first I was jealous, but then I realized she was just worried about him. It wasn't out of love, well not that kind of love anyways. The next day she even made Leah breakfast and talked to her for several hours. I couldn't believe how much Shiloh had changed the pack. No, I couldn't believe how much she changed me. Before I was just brooding over Bella, but now it was like Bella didn't matter at all.

"Jacob you have a visitor!" my dad called from the living room. If it's Sam telling me I have to patrol tonight I am going to kill him. Pulling on a black t-shirt I walked out of my room and groaned. Oh joy, it's Paul.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Can I come with you?" Paul asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"On my date?" I questioned and Paul nodded. "My first date with Shiloh?" I was hoping he'd see the importance of this to her and me. Paul nodded his head once again and I shook my head. No he can't come!

"Please." Paul begged, that was something he hardly ever asked me for anything. Besides if I said no he usually just let it go, but he was begging. Maybe if he got down on his knees I would.

"Why?" I asked him crossing my arms over my chest.

"I won't bother you guys." Paul assured me.

"But why?" I glared at him. He was planning something and I would figure it out.

"Okay," Paul sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. My brows furrowed as he started to pace in my living room. He looked very confused I guess you could say. His eyes seemed to be sparkling, which was weird. I licked my lips and shifted my weight around. "The thing is...it's just that...well, I mean...what I'm trying to say is—"

"Spit it out Paul!" I snapped getting annoyed with his babbling. Never in all my years of knowing this guy have I ever seen him so worked up. It was kind of interesting to say the least. I've seen him worked up over something related to the pack, but something told me this hand nothing to do with them.

"Sorry, it's just difficult to explain." He apologized and it was sincere, this was different. I'm not really sure how to react to this.

"Why?" I questioned him. My eyes studied his stance, his face, everything. There was just something different about him and it was weird. He was getting on my nerves though, but what else is new. "Paul, come on." I growled looking at the time.

"Okay, so like," he paused for a long time as if he was thinking it over in his head. I huffed loudly and he flinched looking back to me. "Right, I know it's like unexpected and all, but please just let me go with you." He begged and I rolled my eyes, after all that he just said the same thing.

"What is the matter with you?" I questioned sneeringly. Was this some annoying little joke he was playing so I’d be late for my date? He had no reason to do that, Shiloh was my girlfriend and imprint and he need to back off. I knew he and Shiloh were like brother and sister basically, but really I was getting pissed.

"You know what," Paul sighed rubbing the back of his head. "This conversation just between you and me okay." He smiled weakly.

"If that." I scoffed.

"I'll go now, good luck tonight." Paul said waving goodbye as he started walking backwards towards the door. I had on eyebrow raised at him as he watched me nervously. That's right Paul you better be scared of me, but that wasn't like him at all. The look on his face told me he was jittery, which was odd too. I mean this guy was usually the one with the scowl on his face.

"Paul," I called him before he shut the door and he turned around. "I don't know what just happened here, but if you sabotage my date with Shiloh tonight. I'll kill you." I smirked at the last part and Paul snickered.

"Like you could really hurt me," he scoffed and I clenched my fist about to egg him on. "Shiloh would never forgive you if you fought me." Paul smirked and shut the door before I could say anything else to him. When I get back tonight I am so going to kill him. At least he was acting like himself again for those few moments.