Our Last First Kiss


It was getting late. I was probably going to leave the comfort of Emily's home and head out. The boys seemed to have the same idea. It was eight and the sun hand just completely gone into darkness. I looked out the window while helping Emily clean up the kitchen.

"Emily, we're heading out." Sam said walking into the kitchen. The beautiful woman turned around and nodded her head as he placed a kiss on her forehead. I smiled at the little loving moment as he hugged her tightly and kissed her several more times. She giggled and kissed him on the lips before pushing him away.

"Go on, be careful." She said to him and he nodded his head before releasing her from his strong grip. He turned to look at me and I smiled not really knowing what else to do.

"Would you like an escort home?" Sam asked looking at me. My uncle's house was about a mile or two down the road, I could manage. Even though the sun was pretty much gone and it was basically pitch black outside.

"No, thank you though." I smiled waving away the offer. Sam nodded stiffly not sure he really wanted me to walk home alone. I could understand that though, it was dark, I was new, and a wild animal would probably attack me. However I wasn't too worried it was a straight shot back to my uncle's house.

"Are you sure?" Emily asked for Sam and I turned to her nodding.

"I'll be fine," I assured them both. "I better go before it gets even darker." Sam was about to protest, but I was already walking towards the sliding glass doors of the house. Paul was standing on the porch with Quil and they both turned to look at me.

"Where are you going?" Paul asked in a annoyed tone.

"Home." I responded walking down the porch steps and onto the gravel road. I heard the door slide open once again and then shut.

"Wait a second Shiloh." Jacob called out running over to me. I turned around and looked up at the massive boy standing before me. He was really huge compared to me standing at six feet even while I was a mere five foot five. Not to mention he was all muscle too.

"What?" I asked him placing my arms behind my back.

"I don't want you walking home alone," Jacob admitted after a few seconds of silence between us. Chuckling softly I smiled at him and nodded my head gesturing for him to walk along with me.

"Have fun Jake!" Quil shouted and Paul started laughing. Jacob turned around and glared at his two friends who waved at him with smirks painted onto their faces. I furrowed my brows; they had been acting weird since we left the cliffs. Jacob shook his head and mumbled a few things under his breath, but I only picked out 'stupid' and 'damn legend' and something like 'imprinting bullshit'.

"Is something wrong?" I asked as the night fell upon us. Crickets were chirping and the breeze was blowing gently.

"Huh, oh no, no." he smiled at me, but it wasn't reassuring.

"Uh-huh." I said in disbelief.

"Did you have a nice time today?" Jacob asked. He probably just didn't want an awkward silence between us, but neither did I. His eyes were looking everywhere except for me and I think he was blushing a bit, but I couldn't tell in this light.

"Yeah," I smiled looking into his warm eyes. He smiled at me and nodded happily. "Tell that to the guys for me too." I told him looking up at the bright full moon shining above us lighting our way. The clouds had cleared and everything had a silver glow, it was magical.

"Sure, sure." He nodded. I didn't say anything to him. The beach was in our view we were halfway home. The sound of the water racing up the beach was soothing. I wanted to make a little detour over to the water and put my toes in the sand, but it was late and I had a time limit.

After a minute or two of silence Jacob stopped suddenly and I turned around to look at him. He stared off towards the forest and his body was very tense, much like Quil's when we had been going to the cliffs. It was weird; there was nothing there that I could see.

A long and ominous howl filled the air and Jacob growled clenching his fist. Something wasn't right I could tell by his face. He looked worried and a bit angry. I walked over to him and placed a hand gently on his arm. Jacob jumped slightly and looked down to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. Surely a wolf howl in the distance didn't freak him out, but when his gaze met mine I knew it wasn't fear. No the look on his face and the fire in his eyes showed anger.

"Shiloh," Jacob started, but something started rustling through the tree branches. I looked over and Jacob growled his body heat radiating. He had felt warm all this time, but now it was pure heat. I stared at him as he shook a bit getting angrier by the minute. What was going on? Licking his lips Jacob stepped in front of me as a creature lurched forward from the forest. "Stay behind me." Jacob ordered and I nodded my head.

"What is that thing?" I asked, but Jacob didn't answer nor did he look away from the huge creature coming towards us. It stood on two legs much like a human, but it was hunched over, its eyes glowing darkly, its body covered in black wiry like hair. I shivered as the beast growled and then let out a bark. Stumbling back Jacob turned to me.

"Get back." He commanded and I nodded walking away even farther. The beast roared with anger and I gasped falling off my feet. Jacob growled and started to shake and before my eyes his body changed. He shifted into a huge wolf with long thick russet colored fur. Within two seconds he went from human and morphed into a huge wolf.

"Holy shit!" I squeaked crawling away. The beast that came form the forest jumped towards my direction, but the wolf Jacob had become knocked him down. I screamed loudly as they thrashed around beside me. Getting up onto my feet I started running back for Emily's house.

Snarling, fangs, claws, blood, and fur. It was so blurry as the two tangled with each other. The russet wolf was slightly bigger and slightly stronger as it pinned the other down. Within seconds though the black wolf like human kicked the other away. The russet wolf flew into a tree with a loud thud and fell to the ground. I stared at the wolf as it growled revealing its sharp razor like fangs. It shook off the shock and the other black wolf like human howled loudly. What was going on?
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Thank you all for the comments.
I loved them!

If I get more comments soon I'll update again first thing tomorrow!
