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"Hello," I Lied.

Chapter Twentyone.


He doesn't remember me. I don't want to believe it but that last incident proved it to me. Since then, it's been a week, and I haven't been able to leave. I have three broken ribs, a broken arm, I'm having blood work done, and they also want to check my mental stability.

I haven't seen Nate since the last time I walked into his room, because..well, I'm not sure why. I don't want him to hate me, and I'm scared he'll pass out again. I decide to get up and take a walk, I mean it's the only thing I can do lately. Sighing, I slip my feet into the green slippers they gave us to match the green hospital shirt and pants.

I open the door, looking down the hallways. I smile when I realize that there aren't any nurses around, shuffling down the hallway. "Oh Jack, my boy!" A weary voice exclaims from the doorway that I had just passed. I retrace my steps back to the room to see the occupant sitting up in her bed.

Mrs. Carvea, an older woman who is here to treat her diabetes. Smiling, I walk up to the chair and sit down as she hands me a cup of coffee. "So, how are you?" She asks in a regal voice that put me at ease.

"Same old tests. They're going to run me in for a screening later to see how my bones are coming along." I reply, motioning towards my arm.

"That's not what I want to hear about." She quirks her brow at me. I sigh and take another sip of coffee.

"Uhm, well, It's been okay," I look at her sheepishly . "Okay, no progress. I've only peeked into his room while he was sleeping. I was making my way there now." I finish and she shakes her head.

"The doctors in this place are complete fools! They know what's good for our bodies and organs but," her smile grew. "Not what's good for our hearts." I groan. I really wanted to see him. I know I care for him and his well-being, and I'm pretty sure I like him. But I'm never good with this mushy stuff.

"Thank you Mrs. Carvea." I say in a voice barely above an whisper and set down the now empty coffee cup. As I walk out though I hear her say something about sweet young love, making me scoff. It sounds so cliche but yet she makes me feel better.

I pass up the elevator opting for the stairs. Never really liked them, I guess it was because I grew up watching the goriest horror movies I could get my hands on. I take a deep breath going down the stairs and gasp at the pain the ricochets through my chest. My ribs are still sore and bruised.

I regain my normal breathing pattern and push open the heavy metal door in front of me. Looking down the long hallway, I frown. Should I do this? Okay, maybe I'll just look into the room to see if he's awake or not then I'll make my decision. "I feel like such a creeper." I mumble to myself as I walk quietly to room number 234 and peek into the crack of the door.

Not being able to see anything really and not hearing anyone talking, I open the door more. Gasping, I stare at Nate, sitting in a chair while staring at his hands. The sun shining in on him from the open window makes him look beautiful, well...even more than normal. Fuck I'm becoming obsessed with this boy.

"Who are you?" He asks as my eyes shoot wide. I stand up straight and open my mouth to try and speak but nothing comes out. "Oh, you're that Jack guy." That stings and my throat goes dry.

"I-I'm sorry I just needed..uhm. I mean, I just wanted to see how you were doing." I get out with much difficultly. He looks at me, eyes narrowed and his nose scrunched up. "I'll go then, sorry to have bothered you." But he stops me by mumbling something.


"I said to stay for a little while." This causes me to stare at him in shock. "I mean, please? It's just, I don't know why I was in the car with you or even who you are." Okay, I have to blush now. I remember perfectly what we were doing in the car and I don't think Nate would like it.

"Okay" I whisper, sitting in the chair next to him. I breathe in deep and feel the pain in my side once more, but I ignore it by looking into his deep, curious eyes. I decide to tell him the our story.
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Oh, wow. Haven't updated in foreverrrr. Sorry about that guys. Well, you knoooow.
Comments motivate faster updates *winkwinknudgenudge*


Shout out to Cassie and Kiersten! w00t! Love you guys!