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"Hello," I Lied.

Chapter Twentytwo.


The rest of the week is basically the same. The doctors checked my vital signs, took weird tests on my brain, and I had to see a series of therapists. My brother almost cried when he saw me, which is weird in itself. He never cries. He wanted to stay the night when he first got here, but the doctors told him it wasn't allowed, so that's out.

I'm kind of lonely here. The agonizing pain only starts up when I try to think really hard or move around too much, so it's pretty difficult to actually do anything besides sleep. Hell, I even woke up once screaming from the pain.

The doctors said that I must have been dreaming about something that's happened recently. I didn't tell them I also woke up with a huge hard on. I ignored that fact and continued with the therapy sessions, getting more and more frustrated at this loss of memory. I mean, how can you just not remember something that just happened to you??

So it's Sunday, and the doctors said that the people I usually talk to are all off today, so I have nothing to do. I want to go outside, but I'm scared of freaking out in front of other people, so I have to be content with just sitting by the window in the sunlight.

Looking at my hands, I notice the little scars from the 'car accident' they told me I'd been in. I honestly don't remember. They also said I was intoxicated, and my shirt had been pulled off. The only other person in the car with me was the driver and that guy who visited me last week. Apparently we were friends..more than friends?

A gasp from the doorway makes me turn. The same guy who I was just thinking about is standing there, staring at me. "Who are you?" I ask him, forgetting his name for a second. "Oh, you're that Jack guy." I remember now. His mouth opens as if he wants to say something, but nothing comes out. Finally he speaks.

"I-I'm sorry I just needed, I mean I just wanted to see how you were doing." I narrow my eyes, wondering what the hell he wants to see me for. "I'll go then, sorry to have bothered you." He starts to back out and something in me wants him to stay. I mumble just that.

"What?" He asks, confusion in his eyes.

"I said, stay for a little while." His face registers shock and I back peddle. "I mean, please? It's just, I don't know why I was in the car with you or even who you are."

A blush burns his cheeks and I smile, thinking about how cute it is. Huh. Well, I mean, now that I'm looking at him, he is rather..beautiful. His hair's a bit long, but it looks like it's supposed to be in..a certain style. I don't know. Well, I doubt they let you do your hair in here, anyways.

"Okay." He whispers. Sitting down next to me, his knee brushes mine, sending shivers from the tips of my fingers to the bottom of my spine. Ignoring it, I listen as he tells me what really happened.

"Wait, what? Ryan?! I was..I was with Ryan? What the hell..This is fucked up." He nods, tears in his eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you okay? What's wrong?"

He shakes his head, continuing with the story. "I honestly don't know why you were with that pimp or anything. But..after that, we kind of..well, we were both pretty drunk. I could smell the alcohol on your breath, taste it.."

What? He tasted my mouth? That only means.."Wait, did we..did we have sex?" His eyes go wide.

"No! Geez..I mean, we were probably going to..if Chrishawn hadn't.." Tears filled his eyes again at the mention of his friend. Feeling sympathy, I pulled him into a tight hug as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"I'm so sorry about your friend." He sniffs and pulls away, somewhat reluctantly I noticed.

"But, that's how it happened. I don't know..we were so fucked up. We were just getting to be friends, and then it all messed up with Jamie and Ryan and all that..and then we both, well..didn't really cope well, I guess. Nate, I have to ask you a serious question, though." His eyes turn dark as he faces me, a determined look on his face.

I gulp, nervous. "Yeah?"

"Are you a prostitute?" If I had been drinking anything at the moment, I would have spit it all out on his hospital gown.

"What?! No, I mean.." I fumble, not sure. "I don't know I am? I really don't know.." Suddenly a flash of pain makes me tremble, causing all my muscles to tense. I want to scream, but my face is screwed up in agony.

"Nate!" A pair of arms hold me until the pain goes away, and I open my eyes, which have teared up, to see Jack staring at me with concern and worry. "Do you want me to go get help?" I shake my head slowly.

"No, they only make me lay down if it happens. It doesn't matter." A person flashes through my head. "Jack, whose Suzy?" He shrugs.

"No clue. Why?" I think harder, ignoring the warning going through my brain telling me that another wave of pain will ensue if I push myself too hard. I guess it's easier to go through with Jack here, though. Another image pops into my head this time, causing me to blush furiously.

"U-uhm, Jack?" He looks at me, still holding me in his arms. "Uh..I just..I kind of.." I don't know how to tell him what I saw. Him licking my chest, sucking on my skin?

"What? Did you remember something?" I nod, feeling really hot all of a sudden.

"Uh..well, had a glimpse of what we were doing in the" I mumble, looking away. Jack laughs, letting me go slightly.

"Wow. What a thing to remembe- Oh fuck. That''re starting to remember! That's so awesome! Nate.." I catch a glimpse of emotion in his eyes before his lips press to mine softly, making me melt totally.

A cough at the door interrupts, well, whatever we were doing, and we both jump, looking up to see Kyle and my dad, waiting at the door. Kyle pushes forward. "So do you remember now?" I shrug.

"Only a, bits and pieces, you know? Kyle, whose Suzy? Blond hair, flashy outfit, red lipstick.." I ask, fishing for answers or something. What confuses me is the look of embarrassment on his face.

"Uh..I don't know. Nope. Uh, I'm gonna go get a soda, I'll be back, okay?" He leaves the room, and an awkward silence settles on everyone. Jack gets up.

"I'll..I'll see you later, okay? I'm scheduled for release soon. Uhm," He looks at dad, "See you later, then."
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I spoil you guys ^.^