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"Hello," I Lied.

Chapter Fourtyfour


Rachel decided to take me shopping while they plan for the party. She lends me her cell phone to not only call dad and Kyle, but Jack, too. He doesn't answer, which I think is pretty weird. Maybe he just doesn't answer calls from strange numbers. Leaving a message, I try to sound happy for him- but not too happy, I don't want him to think I don't want to come back.

"Hey, Jackal. I just got here this morning, and I'm having fun. I miss you. I'll be home as soon as I can, okay? Love you." It kind of sounded a little rehearsed, but I had been thinking about what I was going to say, and I guess it all just blurted out.

Dad told me he was with some friends, and that the court date is still being set, but they'll need us bright and early tomorrow morning. Kyle's with his friends, too. How predictable- we all just split without even saying goodbye and went to find our friends. Not that I'm complaining, of course.

I was going to ask dad for some money, but Rachel offered to pay. I refused at first, but then she pulled out like, five credit cards, and she chose that moment to tell me what she's been doing since I left town.

Rachel's been working full time as a publicist. She's been making a shit load of money, too. "Consider this a birthday present for the past two years, okay? Just do it, or I'll buy you clothes myself- and you WON'T like them."

So what else is there to do? I'll spare you all the gory details, but we ending up buying five new pairs of jeans- skinny jeans, too. And not just skinny jeans, these would make an anorexic chick gasp for air. They're way too small, but Rachel had me. They do look really hot. Wow, conceited much? Just a tad bit.

Then she bought me like four jackets, seven shirts, boxers with animal print, and socks. She even bought me a new pair of Doc Martins. I love this girl. But not as much as I love Jack. Speaking of which, I wonder if I could buy a cell phone or something. But I don't even know if he has one, OR what his number is. Wow..I really don't know much about the guy I love, do I? I'll have to fix that when I come back.

Rachel helps me carry everything back to the hotel I'm staying at, and once again I wonder why I keep leaving my room key with her as she digs it out of her pocket. "Come on!" She says, giggling.

We rush into the room only to realize it's full of people already. Standing in various places around the beds, people are talking, red plastic cups in hand. My brother is sitting on the bed, feet crossed underneath him as he counts down.

"Three, two, one!" Kyle swings the shot glass back, gulping the alcohol down in one try. I stare at them, mouth agape, as Rachel assesses the scene. Kyle suddenly looks up. "Oh, fuck. Nate!" Standing quickly, he balances precariously before stumbling over to me and Rachel. "Uh, hi, Rach. Nate. So..what are you guys doing?"

"Where's dad?" I ask, ignoring his question.

"Dad? He's..fuck, I don't remember. He called, left a message. It's over by the phone- Nate, wait..come here, bro!" I fling Kyles are off of me and find the phone, where beside it is a handwritten message. Dad called- went to a friend's house.

I sigh, wondering what that was supposed to mean. Kyle wound his way over to me again, a shot glass in hand. "Hey, Nate. Rachel told me you guys are going to a party..wanna have a drink, now?" I stare at him, annoyed.

"Kyle, first of all, if dad finds out about this, we're both dead. Second, I'm not really supposed to drink. Not after the accident, anyways. The meds they have me on can't mix with that, and-"

"Oh, come on, Nate. Get over yourself." Angry, I push him back, and Kyle stumbles a bit, sloshing the alcohol on his shirt. A hurt expression flashes across his face, and I instantly feel bad.

"I'm sorry, Kyle. Come on, here. I'll drink it, then. Just this one." Taking the glass out of his hands, I toss back the remnants of the drink. Kyle smiles, giving me a hug.

"I love you, Nate. I'm gonna go find, uh..the.." He stumbles away, looking confused. I laugh a little, feeling the warmth of the alcohol in my belly. Rachel finds her way over to me.

"Here," She says, pushing some clothes in my arms. "Go get dressed." I comply, and find my way to the bathroom. A couple of guys are standing at the counter, snorting something and staring at themselves in the mirror.

"Get out." I say bluntly, and they don't seem to care. They file out, eyes blank. In the bathroom, I lock the door and change into the clothes Rachel gave me. A pair of really, really tight skinny jeans with a few rips near the thighs, a tight, purple v-neck shirt, and she even gave me a belt. What the hell do I need this for?

It'd be a miracle if I got these jeans off on my own, to hell with them falling down. I put it on anyways, slipping the black loop around the jeans. Finally, I throw my old clothes in the tub and walk outside. Rachel's in the corner with some other girls, talking about something.

"Rach-" Suddenly, another girl appears out of nowhere, and presses her mouth on mine. Her lips taste like liqueur, and her breath smells really bad. Pushing her away, I don't even say a word to her as she stumbles across the room. "Rachel, come on, let's go." She follows me out the room, and we walk to Cassie and Kiersten's house fast.

Rachel smiles at me on the front porch. "You look good, Nate. Are those jeans too tight?" I laugh as the door opens, and Kiersten lets us in. It's already dark outside, and a couple of people are sitting around the couch, talking and drinking.

"Not a lot of people have shown up, so far, but don't worry, we'll get this party going." I smile loosly at her as Cassie appears at the base of the stairs. Her long blond hair is strewn across her shoulders, and she's dressed in what looks like shorts and a bikini top.

"Nate! You're back!" She screams, throwing herself on me in another one of her legs-across-the-hips hugs. This time, however, I fall back against the wall and she knocks her head into the banister. "Owwie." She croons.

"Oh no.." Cassie jumps off of me quickly. A drop of blood drips down from her forehead.

"I'm gonna go put a band aid on this." She says, walking quickly up the stairs, and probably into a bathroom. Rachel pulls me into the front room, where everyone has a glass of something.

Kiersten appears next to me. "Nate, drink this. I made it myself." She says, smiling slyly at me. I look at her, confused. Rachel gives me a look that says, 'Who knows what they're trying to do?', but I drink the clear concoction anyways. It does taste pretty good, like koolaid.

Kiersten gives me another glass, this time full of it, and I gulp it down quickly. It seems like the more she gives me, the more I need..well, more. Rachel walks over to what looks like another one of her friends, and I look at Kiersten, who points up the stairs. "Where's Cassie? Don't you think you should go find her?" She ask, smiling.

I nod, and walk upstairs slowly. Every step I take, I feel like I'm about to loose control of the muscles in my body and fly off the railing, but I succeed and make my way to the second floor. A door to the right is cracked open, and light appears from inside it.

I step inside, feeling as if someone wanted me to come in this room. It's a bedroom, and candles are lit. Soft music is playing in the radio by the dresser, and on the bed sits Cassie, clad in nothing but a silky black robe.

"Hello, Nate. Come here. I want to talk to you." I comply and sit down on the bed next to her. "You know, ever since Kiersten and I saw you this evening, we knew you were the one. We want to have a baby, Nate, but we just can't find the right person. Nate, come here." I lay back, feeling dizzy.

"What..what was in that drink?"

"Oh, no. I hope Kiersten didn't put too much in the glass. I don't want you passing out on me, now. Come here, Nate. Just relax." I close my eyes, but they fly open a minute later when a warm sensation glides across my lower region. Cassie stands above me, rubbing my crotch.

"Cass- Cassie, don't." I try to get her to stop, but it feels like a million weights are pressing against my eyelids. Her hands unbuckle the belt Rachel had given me only an hour ago. Rachel! That's it! She'll save me! Pushing Cassie's hands away weakly, I try to summon the strength to get away.

Whatever Cassie and Kiersten have planned, I don't want any part in it. "Rachel..Rachel! RACHEL!" I try to yell, but it only comes out in a strangled mewl. Cassie laughs, undoing my pants. Her breasts appear out from under her robe; I feel like I'm going to throw up.

", I don't want to.." She doesn't hear me, and continues to rub at my growing erection. For a second, I can feel myself pass out; my eyes shut, my brains stops, and I even feel like I'm not breathing anymore.

I'm upset and happy at the same time. I don't have to go through whatever they want me for, but I'm also upset because I don't want to do it. They're using me. I mean, I hardly knew them in high school, and now? They're trying to steal my sperm.

Suddenly a bright light sears my brain, and I squint my eyes open a little. Cassie is gone, replaced by Rachel. "What the hell?" She asks, obviously a little more than pissed.

"Ra..chel.." I whisper, feeling myself leaving again. Oh, this night is not what I expected at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes. You guys have no idea what happened, and to be frank, neither do I, nor do I give two shits.

I love this story, but my life, however seemingly fucking perfect it is to everyone else,
is NOT clean cut. I need a break, so Hannah, go ahead and write your chapter.
I need a small, short break from this story. I don't feel like writing right now.

I wrote this forever ago, and I thought it was stupid. I hated it. It didn't match my plans for Nate and Jack at all, but when I wrote it, it flowed, so here you go, because I can't rewrite it even if it meant going back home.

I love all our readers and comments so much, so moral support is welcome.