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"Hello," I Lied.

Chapter Eight.


The drive to the restaurant is in complete silence for the first five minutes. I cough slightly, and Kyle takes that as his cue to start bitching. Now, don't get me wrong, he's my twin, and I would die without him, but he's annoying and stubborn as hell.

"Dad, what about Nate? His life can't even start while he's waiting for a miracle that will never happen. He hates this as much as I do."

Our father turns in his seat and looks at me, asking, "Is that true?" My only answer is to turn away and face the window. We pull up to a fancy restaurant with some weird name.

"Hey, why are we here? It seems like a bit much for a family meal, dad." Kyle speaks up.

Our dad nervously parks and unbuckles. "Well, I'm here to meet with a very important person today, and he wanted me to bring my sons. Apparently he has two children. The daughter's a little young for you, huh, Nate?" I blush, not quite sure what to say to that.

"Actually, Kyle. It's..Well, we're meeting with the chief about this, to see what we can do to stay safe, and if you can enter college."

Kyle looked surprised, then turns to me. "What about him, huh? You know he's not gonna go to college." He knows me too well.

Dad sighs and we enter the restaurant. The waitress sits us near the front next to a large man with big ears, but the people next to him make my jaw drop.

"J-Jack?" I stutter, shocked. "What are you doin-"

Kyle interrupts me, "What the hell are you doing, Nate, talking to this fag?" We all stare at each other, now not just confused, but everyone has a tint of anger in their face. Dad puts a hand on Kyle's chest, exhaling.

"What's going on here? Do you boys know each other?" I sigh the same time Jack does.

"Well, uh, Jack helped me out today. I ran out of gas and he drove me back to my car. Then he charmed a cop out of giving me a bogus ticket.." I just now realize that he must have quite a bit of pull, being the chief's son and all.

We all sit down and Kyle continues to glare at Jack. Both of the older men, however, choose to ignore it and get down to business. Ashleigh scoots her chair closer to Kyle, grinning. I smirk and turn to Jack as our father's talk business.

"So, that's how you got him to leave so fast?" Jack looks uncomfortable and nods. Realizing my hand is resting on his knee, I move it, blushing furiously. Kyle continues to glare. "What the fuck's your problem, Kyle?" I ask, starting to get mad.

"Son, we will not have that sort of language in such a fine establishment, or especially in front of this lovely young lady." I murmur back a sarcastic response and Kyle kicks my leg.

"What the fuck?"


"Jeez, sorry."

And so goes the rest of the night. Jack and I get along wonderfully, and I find out that we both we are in love with mountain dew, haha. He spits out his drink when I tell him my detailed plans to marry a can of the drink, but Kyle glares at him, causing us both to silence our giggles.

So when we all stand up to leave, I decide to piss Kyle off, and do something I've never done before. Leaning forward, I give Jack a peck on the corner of his mouth. His face immediately turns dark red, and he tries to cover up under his bangs, but I just laugh.

Kyle looks murderous, but suddenly, Jack's dad has his hands around my throat. Shoving me against the table, I let out a strangled cry as he pushes tight into my airway. Little black dots dance around my eyes, and then suddenly I can breathe again.

My dad pulls him off and shoved him away. "Chief Hellwig, what the fuck do you think you're doing to my son?" He states in a soft, deadly voice. Massaging my throat, I sink down to the floor and blink, trying to get a hold of myself.

Kyle and Jack both bend down, differences aside. "Ohmygod, Nate, are you okay? I'm sososoosoooo sorry, my dad..he.." But I wave it off, still trying to get feeling back into my neck. Ashleigh looks like she wants to cry.

Kyle grabs my hand and pulls me up. "Dude, you're seriously fucked up." Dad threatens to report Jack's dad to the police, which could get him fired, but the jackass talks him down, apologizing.

However, when dad isn't looking, he shoots me killer looks, as if he wished he had just killed me and gotten it over with. I shudder, and Dad tells Kyle, Jack, and Ashleigh to take me outside so that he can talk to Mr. Hellwig alone.

We walk outside and loiter around the building. Suddenly I start to laugh. Everyone looks at me like I'm insane. "W-well, it's just..I thought this evening was going to be boring, of all things!" Then we're all laughing, clutching our sides.

Dad comes out soon with Mr. Hellwig, who looks like he's going to shit a brick. Yeah, imagine that face. Anyways, he grabs Ashleigh's arm and tells his kids to 'come along', but before Jack leaves, I leaned in again and gave him a peck on the cheek. He blushed again and I smile, happy to be the one to make him do that.

I'm kind of wondering why I did that, twice now. Am I really gay? Or am I bi-sexual? It's weird, but I like this feeling. My family and I get in the car and drive away, plagued by silence once more.
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