
Never Mind That Noise You Heard.

Desolation. I separated myself from the others. I felt I had to. I felt it was necessary. I was trying to figure out what was going on here. Was he watching? Where were the cameras? Was this really all for his entertainment? What was the big plan? Was there even a big plan? So many questions and no answers.


I sat with my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around them, trying to ignore the growling coming from my stomach. It has to have been three days since I've had something to eat or to drink. I strived to find the source of the dripping. Water would be nice.

"Let's just kill him already." Z mumbled.

"No." I deadpanned.

"Why not?" Ari moaned. It was a bad sign when even she agreed to kill someone. Well, to me it seemed like a bad sign.

"I'm thinking."

"But you're stupid." Britnay groaned.

"Thanks. And that was a weak comeback." I murmured.

"I-" Britnay started, but was cut off by Ari.

"Shut up you two."

"Make me!" Britnay cried.

"What if I do?" Z yelled back, exasperated. "What if we kill you?"

"You wouldn't." Britnay gasped. I layed my head down and sighed. Can we stop it with all of the dramatics already? Maybe we should kill her.

"Oh yeah?" Z asked calmly. "Because I sure as Hell could! And right now, that idea is looking pretty damn good."

"Be quiet. Please!" I mumbled, it was too low for anybody to hear though.

"Oh yeah?" Britnay challenged. She obviously hadn't picked up on his tone.

"Please?" I half whispered.

"Yeah!" Z roared.

"Please?" I whimpered.

"Well, then just kill me!" Britnay screamed.

I groaned. "Just shut up!" I complained.

"Yeah. No crap." Ari murmured.

There was a bi of movement before it was quiet. It was a deadly silence. I started to shake.

That's when he said it. That's when the great oaf spoke. "What's going on?" Jack asked stupidly between a quiet yawn.

"Were you asleep?" Z said it quietly, like the calm before the storm.


"Oh God." Ari mumbled. Z let out a strangled scream before moving. Alot.

"Are you telling me that we're all starving and dying and fighting and... and you were asleep?!" Z screamed, huffing.

"Pretty much, yeah."

It didn't make any sense to me, but it must have somehow all clicked in Z's mind. It must have made terrible sense. "That's it!" He yelled. "I'm killing him. Any complaints?" He paused.


No one spoke, no one needed to. We were all afraid he'd turn on us if we objected. We were all to afraid to save his life.


"Good." Z murmured and the tone of his voice sent shivers down my spine. I never wanted to hear it again. Ever.

There were a few dull thuds after that and sick sounds coming from Jack. Struggling. I knew what was happening. I closed my eyes tighter and rocked a little trying to block out the sounds. I tried not to visualize what was happening. My hands covered my ears and I burrowed my nose in between my knees. I didn't want to hear it.

"DONE!" Z screamed. "We're DONE! Now let us out!" He calmed down a little but we could still hear his breathing. "Please?" It was soft. Almost as if he'd given up.

I felt tears on my cheeks, but that didn't mean that I couldn't deny them. I could pretend they weren't there; I could pretend I didn't care even though I really did.

"Y-You killed him?" Ari asked. "You killed him because he was asleep?! She sounded horrified.

"That and other... things." Z murmured before trying to change the subject. "FEED US, you bastard!"

"Yeah, that's the way to not aggravate an already mad man." Britnay sneered sarcastically.

"Shut up." Ari murmured, just as tired as I was. I relaxed my body trying to not think about it. Trying to be numb. I shifted a little before deciding to crawl over to Ari. She decided to crawl towards me and we met at what I assumed was halfway. Finding comfort in Arielle's shoulder I closed my eyes and let my tears run into her shirt silently. I'd needed a shoulder to cry on for so long.
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Word Count = 725

I'm so sorry for not posting in forever. I really have no excuse. I was going to post a few chapters tonight but things happened and I still have homework stuff to do. Again I'm sorry. :(

Still going with the same three songs. No one knows what they are?

I'll try to get another chapter or two out in the next few days!