Let Love Live

Chapter 3

Great. School. I'm not sure why I was even going. No one noticed when I wasn't there, or when I was there. I opened my locker grabbing my English book for 2nd period.

"Hey! Alex! Wait up!" I heard a guy shout. He was running to catch up to "Alex," whoever that is. Luckily, I was right in his way. It's not like he noticed though. He knocked right me to the ground.

"Eh, sorry about that," he said quickly, before jumping up and sprinting again. I slowly got up and brushed myself off. I'm sure you're thinking this is the part where some hot guy comes and asks me if I'm okay. Then we instantly fall in love. Well don't count on it. That happens in fairy tales. The shit I have to put up with everyday is real.

The rest of school sucked as usual. I had to walk home even though it was 114 degrees out. I opened the door to my house. Thankfully my parents weren't home yet. I felt the cool breeze from the air conditoner. I walked upstairs to my bathroom. I turned on the sink and splashed my face with water. As I dried my face, I thought about last night. I thought about the razor on my flesh. I didn't want that to happen again. But I couldn't help the feeling that I needed to. No. I couldn't. I felt like I was in one of those cartoons with a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. The majority of the time, the devil won. I won't let that happen today. I fought the urge and walked into my room. I grabbed my laptop which was sitting on my desk. I went onto my e-mail to see if "LeelandWon'tLiveOn" had sent anything. Sure enough, their was an e-mail.

To: claire_of1993@hotmail.org
From: leeland1992@hotmail.org

Hi. Uhm. I'm sitting in my room and I have nothing to do so I decided I would e-mail you..........Please write back soon. To tell you the truth, you're the only person I've talked to that agrees with me rather than telling me "Suicide isn't your answer" and crap. You seem like someone I can trust.

For someone reason, I felt the same way about him. I replied back.

To: leeland1992@hotmail.org
From: claire_of1993@hotmail.org

Hey. For some reason, I feel the same way about you. I feel like I can trust you, too. You can trust me. I have no one to talk to anyway. You're pretty much the first person that I've had an actual conversation with in years.

Sent. That was the truth. He was the first person I've had an actual conversation with in what seemed like forever. I had no one in my life that could understand the pain I was going through.

I put my computer away and turned on my TV. It's funny how my parents got me a TV in my room, yet they slam me against a wall all the time.

My stomach began to growl. My parents would be home within 10 minutes so I ran downstairs and made Top Ramen. I raced back upstairs, Top Ramen in hand, just as I heard my mother pull into the driveway. I locked my door and the door to the bathroom so she didn't have access to my room. It's not like she needed to come in here anyway, unless she was pissed off and wanted someone to take it out on.

I sat back on my bed and watched some shitty show that I didn't need to care about. I couldn't follow what was going on anyway, because I had other things on my mind. For example, avoiding my "parents." Why the hell did I even call them parents anway! All they've ever done is shit on me! I hate them! They don't mean anything to me! I felt tears fall down my cheek. I didn't care right now. I let them fall. I watched them splash onto my bed, leaving a temporary mark. I buried my head in my pillow so my mom couldn't hear me crying and bitch at me. I heard my dad's car pull into the driveway. I wish he would just leave. I wish they would both leave. I didn't want them in my life. I didn't need them. I thought about Leeland, the only chance I might have of getting out of this hellhole alive.
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Sorry it sucks. Both my wrists are hurting really bad and I'm tired. I'll try writing a better chapter next time. But I'll still love you if you comment.