The Humanoid Diaries: Aerieus

Entry Eleven

Dear Diary,

Bill…(that was his name) would be the perfect face for my humanoid male. So I imprisoned him, his brother, and two friends, within my castle. So I could keep an eye on him, and continue studying to see how I would go about my project. After a few weeks…I ordered that a certain chemical be placed in his food, to render him unconscious. He was then brought to my lab, and I began the process of making a copy of him…soon I had a humanoid body created, and created an exact replica of his face.

From Bill’s body (human) I took his heart…and fitted it with electronic instruments…and put it into my humanoid male. For the original body, I gave it a machine to keep it alive. I scanned Bill’s (original) mind and programmed it into the brain of my humanoid male. I wanted them to be exactly a lot in mannerisms, thoughts…all things.

Soon, I was finished. I had my humanoid male, and name him “Bill.” The difference between this humanoid system and Phoenix is that I made sure it had no idea, that it was not human. I wanted Bill (humanoid) to believe that he was as real as the original. To make sure this was to be…I kept the human Bill with me, and instead of placing him back into his cell, I placed the Humanoid Bill.


The Humanoid Bill, to my pleasure, had not discovered his true identity, and carried on as the original Bill had. I was delighted to see that even the human Bill’s Brother Tom, could not even detect a difference. Likewise, Georg and Gustav (the friends) couldn’t either.

The Humanoid Bill, as I programmed, is made to have feelings for Phoenix. Phoenix, I likewise programmed to have feelings for Bill. My hope was one day that both would unite together. However, I will not be allowed to see that come to pass it seems.

