The Humanoid Diaries: Aerieus

Entry Two

Dear Diary,

Well…I am still in the same place.


My only company is you.

You don’t speak back to me Diary.

But you listen to me.

I hate this place.

I want to be back in New Babylon. I want to go back home. This isn’t home. I am not in control here. I feel small. There in New Babylon, I was large. I was larger than life. My heart breaks as I speak of my home. I loved that place. I created it. I put all of my energy into perfecting it. New Babylon was my heart.

I wanted New Babylon to be superior to any other kingdom to have surfaced on the Earth. Greater than Rome…Persia…Egypt…Heaven or any kingdom. I wanted New Babylon to be remembered! I wanted it to contribute to the history of the world, and it was. New Babylon was on the cutting edge of technology. Advanced. Productive and contributive to the dreams I had.

I wanted New Babylon to be strong. I didn’t want it to fall. Fall like the other kingdoms did…I tried desperately…trying to fortify it. I am not a fool. I know the prophecies against my beloved kingdom, and how the Light would destroy it one day, but my desire is to defy Him! Prove prophecy wrong.
[COLOR="Pink"]The prophecy had to be wrong. The Book of “Revealings” had to be wrong. I read it over and over again, studying it…doing what I felt necessary to contradict it. That is why I banned “The Book” and any other literature that spoke against all that I built. I didn’t want any defiance. I wanted obedience from every little thing in the world. I would be the KNOWLEDGE. I was the only subject that my subjects needed on their minds.

My desires would prove difficult at first, especially when I began my reign over the world. I was six years old, and the world at that time was “Old” meaning that it was still a slave to its old ways. Ways that include concepts such as Freedom and Equality. Ha…how funny. Freedom and Equality, in my mind, is rubbish. No one is truly free. Everyone is a slave to some kind of rule, some type of Government…and Equality is abstract at best.

My desire was to establish ORDER. Yes, strict, order. I would be the ORDER, and they would follow my rules, or suffer the consequences. In the beginning, when I was crowned, the world laughed at me. They could not understand why a child…would be fit to rule. Never mind the fact that I had extreme amount intelligence, greater than any adult…or any other human being in the world. I was a small goddess. (Or so the vision my parents received had said.) And I was determined, to bring that vision to mind. My parents catered to my every whim, encouraging my intelligence, putting me in the best schools. I managed to inquire many degrees and educational accolades. I studied every subject…but I found true happiness in the studies of Government, Physiology, and Psychology. Those three subjects appealed to me because all of them were linked to the human spirit…the weak, fallible, human spirit.

Governments fell because weak men, with vain ambitions ruled them. They were so much in desire for riches that they lost focus, and were conquered, and another kingdom would take its place, and thus the process began again, with kingdoms falling and rising. Over and over again, this endless process, and over the centuries it would continue. Governments fell because of money…Money ruled….money was the true King. Money was paper. Paper could burn, and so would these Kingdoms. Not only was money the source of the end for these countries, but also…the human mind. There was no intelligence, earlier Kingdoms survived off of knowledge, but with the human mind being curious, new inventions were made, and the people grew lazy. Human ingenuity was a thing of the past.

Ah, hah!

And that is when I began to understand. How to rule this world!

