Status: Active

The Love in You


I was walking through Grand Central Station, my bag trailing behind me. A homeless man cut me off as I tried to remember how to find my way to the street. I missed the smell of Boston already. I was excited though. I haven't been to New York in over a year. I haven't seen Janelle in over two.

"Kate?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me. I turned and saw Janelle standing there.

"Janelle!" I exclaimed, dropping my bag and attacking her in a hug. She squealed and hugged me back twice as hard. We let go and I looked at how much she has changed. Her short extremely curly hair is now long and wavy. She used to only wear jeans and sneakers, and now she is in a black dress, tights, and boots. She's definitely lost a lot of weight too.

"What's up little cousin?" She asked me, as I grabbed my bag and followed her up the stairs and onto the street. Once I saw all the buildings and all of the people, I was definitely excited to be there. Janelle hailed a taxi and we both hopped inside.

"500 East Eleventh Street," she told the driver. She smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

"So you didn't tell me what's new hun," she said to me. I smiled at her.

"Well I just graduated college, as I've probably already told you. I don't know where I'm going to go after I get my teaching license. I was thinking back home to Rhode Island, but I don't know yet. I'm so excited to be here for your big premiere!" I told Janelle.

"I'm so nervous, but I know it'll be okay. I've rehearsed over and over again. I can barely focus on anything else!" She squealed, bouncing up and down in her seat as the driver pulled over. The sign on the building read Angels and Kings. I looked at Janelle as she paid the taxi and we both hopped out. I was about to protest her for paying, but she just gave me a look.

"You can pay next time," She said as she led me to the door next to the bar. She unlocked it with a key that hung around her neck before opening the door for me.

"All the way up," she said as I headed up the steep staircase. She closed the door behind us and followed me up. As I reached the landing, Janelle cut in front of me and led the way to her apartment on the right. 1A.

She opened the door and led me into her apartment. It was a little messy, but I could definitely tell it was her apartment because of the picture of Radio City Music Hall she had hanging up on the wall. It was actually bigger than I thought it would be, but I figured she had a roommate so she could afford it.

"What do you think?" She asked me.

"Definitley your apartment," I laughed, picking up a pair of her pants off the ground. She ran into a room I suspected to be the bathroom and turned the light on.

"You're free to use the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for tonight,"

"What's tonight?" I asked her.

"We're going clubbing. I wanted to be the one to help you lose your New York partying virginity," I scrunched up my nose at her wording before smiling.

"Thanks," I said to her as she came out and grabbed her pants from me.

"Dress nice, and I bet I can find you a cute boy. Plus, we can dance," she said. I liked dancing and boys, so she got me hooked on the idea. I took one look at her Radio City poster and frowned.

"Shouldn't you be getting your rest for the big show tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Of course not. This is my one free night for the next three months. It's party time," She said heading off into another room. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

What did I have to lose?
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I was inspired by my trip to New York City last week. I hope you enjoy :)