Status: Active

The Love in You


I was constantly checking the time, anxious to start heading out. As soon as I thought it wasn't too early to go, I jumped right up and grabbed my purse and keys off the table. I could barely hold my excitement in as I slipped on a coat and headed out the door. I walked outside, and I hailed a taxi fairly quickly. As the car stopped, I jumped inside, not even looking at what sort of line was forming in front of the bar.

"Hello, Madison Square Garden please," I said as he began to drive off. I bit my lip as I looked out the window and looked over at the sidewalk. I saw all the different types of people walking up and the down the street quickly. Soon, as we reached the arena, I saw that the wardrobes have darkened. Almost everyone was wearing black, their hair spiked up of straightened flat down. I could hear the screams and loud chatter of everyone as we pulled up to the sidewalk.

"Thank you," I said paying the driver before stepping out of the car. I walked over to the front, and I felt a couple kids push past me to get in line. The doors were about to open, or so I heard from a couple screaming girls who had t-shirts saying they were "Mrs. Kaulitz". I laughed to myself as I pulled my phone out of my bag. I searched through my contacts until I came upon his number. I was nervous to press the send button.

What if I was too early? What if he didn't think I was going to actually show up?

I took a deep breath, knowing that everything would work out. I pressed the send button before putting the phone to my ear. I heard it ring for a few minutes before someone picked up. I heard some yelling in the background before there was some rustling and it got quiet.

"Hello?" Bill said on the other line.

"Hi Bill," I said, hoping I didn't sound nervous.

"Hi Kate! How are you doing?"

"I'm good. I'm outside Madison Square Garden actually," I said, watching the line begin to stretch even farther around the corner.

"Okay, you can go to the Will Call desk and say your name, ok?"

"Okay, thank you for inviting me again," I said, my eyes scanning for the will call booth. I figured it was near the entrance, so I began walking parallel to the long line to get in.

"It is no trouble. I can not wait to see you again," He said. I reached the front, and I saw that behind a few large burly security guards there was a little will call booth. I headed over to it, surprised at how there was no line.

"Me either," I said, as he laughed a little.

"Okay I need to go. I will see you soon, yeah?" He said.

"Yeah, okay. Bye," I said as I reached the booth.

"Bye," He said as we hung up. I walked over to the window and smiled at the tired older woman sitting there.

"There's no will call tonight honey, all the tickets were send to your house or sent online. No, we have no extra tickets to the show tonight. I'm sorry," She said looking down at the computer she was typing on.

"I'm actually looking for tickets a friend said he left here for me,"

"No, you are not a girlfriend of anyone in Tokio Hotel. This is the fifth time tonight someone tried that. No, you are not Mrs. Kaulitz," She said looking at me. I was insulted, and I don't know why, but she made me feel like crying.

"My name's Kate," I said, knowing I should try once more. She looked at me before looking down at the list. She looked at me and down at the name once more.

"ID please?" She asked, a curiosity in her voice. I got it out of my wallet before handing it to her. She looked at me sternly for a moment before handing it back.

"I'm sorry Ms. Imblum. I'll get someone to escort you in." She said to me, an unreadable look on her face as she said something quickly into a walkie-talkie. I waited for a moment as a large bald man walked over to me.

"Is she causing a problem?" He asked the girl behind the desk. My eyes widened as I shook my head no.

"No, she's the guest of the band. Bring her in back," She said, scurrying us off with a move of her hand.

"Right this way ma'am," The guard said, leading me with a hand behind me as we headed around to the side of the building. All he did was nod at the other security guards as they opened the door and let us go into a dark hallway. I was trying to remember my self-defence course as we went into a secluded hallway.

"So how are you tonight?" I asked to lighten things up. He just shrugged a little.

"There are so many kids here. Feels like a Jonas Brothers concert in black," He joked. I laughed uneasily as we began to see people running around in and out of doors. We went over to a door with a piece of paper taped to it that read Tokio Hotel.

"Here you go ma'am," He said before knocking on the door lightly. I held my breath as I few voices were heard and the door began to open.
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Hope you like it! :D