Status: Active

The Love in You


A large burly man in a black t-shirt opened the door. His intimidating looks weren't lessened at all by the grimace on his face.

"Hello," He said in a thick German accent.

"Hi, this is Bill's guest," The security guard said before nodding at the bodyguard and walking away. I looked up at the bodyguard for a moment as he held the door and stepped aside.

"Come in," he said. I walked past him, turning to him to tell him thanks. I looked ahead to see a few couches pushed against the walls. There was a set of the fancy dressing room mirrors with all the lights on them on the far left wall as well. A few people talking in German were walking in and out of the room, leaving and entering out of an array of doors. There weren't that many people in the room, and as soon as I entered I could spot Bill near the mirrors. His hair volume was immense. I walked over to him, and I saw him putting on eyeliner. He felt me come up behind him, and I heard him sigh.

"Georg I promise I will get you the toilet-" He began to say before looking at our reflections in the mirror and seeing me there instead. He smiled sheepishly before dropping his eyeliner onto the table and turning around to give me a hug.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were Georg. He's trying to pester me today," He said, still embracing me. I smelt the cologne he was wearing, and a part of me didn't want to let go just so I could smell how good he was. I decided that wasn't a good idea, so I let go and smiled at him.

"It's fine. Thank you for inviting me," I said to him as he put his arm around me.

"It is no problem. Come have a seat and relax," He said leading me over to one of the couches. I saw Tom on the couch, and I waved as I sat near him, Bill on my other side.

"Hello again," I said to him. He was strumming on his guitar, and he looked up to smile and nod at me.

"Hello sweet," He said winking at me. I looked over at Bill, and he just shook his head.

"I'm sorry about him. He really likes girls."

"That is true," Tom said before going to back to strumming on his guitar. A boy with long brown hair came walking over, his hand intertwined with a small blond girl's hand. The both sat down on an opposite couch, her legs automatically going over his.

"Okay, I bet Emile that there are more McDonald's here than anywhere we've been." The boy said as the blonde girl giggled and put her hands over his.

"I think that more in France," She said, struggling to talk in English. He whispered something German in her ear, and she giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Does anyone know if it's true?" He asked us. The boys shrugged.

"You live in New York? You know?" She asked me.

"I know we have the most in the smallest area I think. But I'm not sure which one has more," I said.

"Kate, this is Georg and his lady Emile. This is Kate guys," Bill said introducing me. Emile just smiled and waved. George waved at me before saying something in German to Emile. She beamed before coming over to me and giving me a big hug. I hugged her back a little less forcefully before she sat back down on Georg's lap.

"I'm sorry, she's trying to work on her English. She's getting better though," Georg said, looking proudly up at Emile. She just giggled a little and kicked her legs playfully.

"It's okay. I don't mind," I said kindly. A man burst into the room before saying something quickly in German. He left immediately, shutting the door forcefully behind him.

"We have an hour until we go onstage," Bill said.

"Oh okay. Who is performing before you?" I asked him. He shrugged before looking at the guys.

"Green something or other," Georg said, leaning back on the couch.

"We have a new opening band for states. We haven't met them yet," Bill said honestly. I was about to reply when Bill took a cell phone off the coffee table and put in into his tight jeans.

"Would you like to go on a walk?" He asked me. This was the point where my parents would tell me I was going to get raped and murdered and hidden in a back space where even the janitors couldn't find me. He didn't seem like a mass murderer, and plus I think that the pepper spray in my bag, the self-defence class I took, and my strong upper right hook would be able to stop him if he tried to kill me. The thing I knew I couldn't stop was getting attached.

"Okay," I said as we both got off the couch and headed towards the door.

"Nice meeting you. Good luck at your show tonight," I said not knowing when we'd be back.

"Be seeing you," Tom said as Emile just smiled. Georg was too busy interlocking his hands with hers. I didn't mind because the two of them were adorable together. Bill opened the door for me, and his bodyguard whispered something to him in German.

"No," Bill said to him before we began walking down the hallway. A silence overtook us for a few minutes as we listened to the crowd of people outside.

"I like walking around before shows. It gets me focused," He said to me, as he turned down a hallway and we headed towards the sound booths.

"Do you ever get to walk around outside?"

"No, I rarely do. I never get to walk around without a guard, but tonight he let me because theres a lot of security around. Making sure I don't get into trouble."

"Trouble?" I asked. He just looked at me and shrugged.

"I tend to try and go out to the vendors to buy sweets. I love candy, especially American candy. I'll put on my hat and sunglasses and try to go get something at the venue or maybe even in the street, and some crazy girl will notice me. Suddenly, I'm getting chased. All I wanted was some sweets," He said. I giggled at the scared look on his face.

"You think that's funny?" He joked.

"I can just picture you running away from a few twelve year olds and their moms," I giggled. He chuckled a little.

"It was scary. They were tearing at my jacket. I lost the back pocket of my pants," He said point to his bottom.

"Well I'm glad they didn't kidnap you," I said as we turned down another hallway going farther from the stage.

"Me too. They all wanted to marry me, but I want to get to know my bride first, you know?" He said.

"Yeah, you want to know who you're going to spend the rest of your life with,"

"There's this song I've been writing for the new record. It's about finding the right person,"

"Did you find the right person yet?" I asked him, curious if he had lost his true love somewhere. I loved hearing about people's relationships. They were all so different and fascinating to me.

"I don't know," He said. I swear he began edging closer to me as we walked. There was an awkward silence between us for a moment before I began to giggle. I giggle when I'm nervous.

"This is a pretty deep conversation for our first time together," I said as he smiled.

"This is our second time together. Remember dancing the other night? But it's our first date. Well, if you count this part of the evening as our date," He said as he stopped walking and looked at me.

"I'll count it as a date if you do," I said, smiling at him. He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

"It's a date," He said, holding up our hands so I could see our intertwined fingers. I immediately gave him a hug, breathing in his scent again, never wanting to let go.
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Sorry for the wait! Comment it if you want! :)