Status: Active

The Love in You


I just looked at him. His hair was jet black and was down to his shoulders. He was wearing eyeliner, and he had an eyebrow piercing. He had on a black t-shirt, a fitted leather jacket, and skinny jeans. He was really skinny and tall, too.

It wasn't that he was ugly. He was anything but that. He just wasn't my normal "type" I guess. My mom used to pull me away from Hot Topic at the mall, and my dad called these boys hoodlums. I had friends that dressed like this guy did, but I thought I was into muscular guys.

I guess I was wrong.

I found myself attracted to this mystery boy.

More than I ever was to those boys with the muscles who thought they were the best things in the world. As I was thinking about all of these revelations, I saw his smile start to fade, and I realized I still hadn't said anything to him.

One Dance. What could it hurt?

"What's your name mystery boy?" I asked him, smiling. He ducked his head down until his lips were near my ear.

"Bill. What's your name?" He said, his foreign accent definitely apparent. I liked accents.

"I'm Kate. Nice to meet you. Let's dance," I said, knowing how hard it would be to keep a conversation because of how loud it was in here. I led him onto the dance floor as the song changed to something by T-Pain.

At first, I thought he was expecting me to grind on him. We stood there awkwardly for a moment before I began dancing in front of him. He grabbed my hand and twirled me around. We both laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his around my waist as we danced together. He smirked down at me, and I tried putting a sexy smile on. I think he liked it because he pulled me closer to him. I didn't start hardcore grinding on him because I definitely wanted him to want more.

I was really enjoying myself when someone grabbed Bills shoulder. It was the boy with the corn-rolls. He whispered something in Bill's ear, and Bill turned around and said something I couldn't quite hear. Bill let go of me, and I dropped my arms from his neck.

I knew that our dance was over, and it was time for him to go back to the private section. I turned around and saw Janelle sitting on that blonde boy's lap at the bar. She was taking a shots with him and his friends. I winced knowing the hangover she was going to have the next day. I looked back at Bill and saw him motioning towards the back.

"Follow me," He said before leading me to the curtain dividing the private section from the rest of the bar.

He held the curtain up for me as I walked in. There was a small table up near the curtain where two muscular men sat, playing cards. They nodded at Bill before going back to their game.They were definitely bodyguards. I looked and saw many table pushed together in the back. That was where everyone else was sitting. They were laughing together, not noticing Bill and me walking in. Bill stepped in front of me as he led me over to the back.

"Hallo jeder dies ist Kate," Bill said to the group. They all looked straight at me. I gave them a wave and a smile. I guessed that Bill was German.

"Kate, this is everyone," He said as they all gave head nods or hellos to me.

"Hi, nice to meet you," I said as Bill motioned for me to sit down between him and the boy with the corn-rolls. Conversation started back up, but the guy with the corn-rolls turned to me and stuck is hand out.

"I'm Tom. I'm Bill's brother," Tom said. I looked between him and Bill a few times.

"You two are brothers?" I questioned. They looked nothing alike.

"Twins," Bill said. I looked again, and I noticed their eyes were exactly the same. That was pretty cool.

"I'm the cooler twin," Tom said to me. I giggled a little as Bill frowned a little.

"Well at least I can sing," Bill said, smiling. Tom rolled his eyes before smiling and saying something in German that I couldn't understand. Tom turned back to the other conversation, and I watched the group speak very quick German. There were four other guys and then two girls.

"Our tour manager doesn't know how to speak English, so we have to speak German around him. Sorry," Bill said to me. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"It's okay. So, you're a singer?" I asked him. He nodded.

"I'm in a band with my brother and my friends Georg and Gustav," He said pointing at each one of them.

"Are you playing a show around here?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"Tomorrow night we are playing a show. We had to be on a television show earlier today. Tonight we get to relax. First time in a long time," he said. I smiled at him.

"That sounds like a lot of fun,"

"So tell me about you Kate. I don't know anything about you,"

"What do you want to know?"

"How about where you live?"

"Well," I began, "I've been living in Boston for college, but now I'm done so I don't know what I'm going to be doing. Right now I'm staying with my cousin Janelle next door. She's a Rockette."

"A what?" He asked.

"A dancer. At Radio City Music Hall there's a Christmas show, and she one of the dancers,"

"Are those the ones that kick?" I nodded my head.

"Yeah, that's them,"

"Well I think you dance better than those crazy kickers," He said, moving closer to me.

"Why thank you. You weren't so bad yourself."

"Thank you. So tell me more,"

"About dancers?"

"No, about you."

"I like music and dancing, as you know by now. Hmm, I like nighttime and this one guy who I met tonight,"

"Oh really?" He questioned. I nodded my head.

"Who's this guy?" He asked me when I didn't say anything.

"It's a secret," I said, putting my finger to my lips. My phone began to vibrate from its hidden spot in a small pocket of my dress.

"Excuse me," I said to Bill as I read Janelle's name off the caller ID. I picked up the phone and said hello.

"Kate! Let's go," Janelle slurred.

"Okay, where are you?"

"Back at the apartment. I want to go to sleep. Come home!" She said.

"Alright, be right there," I said to her. I looked at Bill, and his face fell slightly.

"You have to leave?" He asked. I nodded.

"My cousin is already back home, and she's drunk. I don't want her to lock me out,"

"If she does, then you can hang with me more," He said. I giggled and looked at him. I really didn't want to leave.

"You can walk me back to the apartment if you want," I said. He looked a little reluctant to answer me.

"You don't have to," I began to explain, "I was just saying an idea."

"No, I am going to take you home. Just let me tell them I'm leaving,"

"Ich werde Kate zu ihrem Heim zurückbringen," He told them. Tom waved as the conversation at the table kept going. Bill and I made our way back out into the main area of the bar.

He led me out the front door, and screams erupted from the line. Girls began trying to leave the line to walk over to us, but the security officer at the door yelled at them to stay back.

"Where is your house? Quick!" Bill said. I didn't know what was going on, but I figured Bill was more famous than I thought. I led him to the next building over from the bar and we went inside the door. I saw girls following us, so I locked the door behind us.

We both walked up the stairs and walked over to 1A. I smiled at him as he took my hand in his.

"This was fun," He said. I nodded.

"A lot of fun,"

"I want to see you again," He said to me.

"That would be great," I quickly said. I blushed a bit at how immediate my response was.

"Can I have your number?" He asked me, handing me his phone. I dialed it in and saved it before handing the phone back to him.

"Well, bye," I said to him, as I held my arms out for a hug. He hugged me before waving and heading back down the stairs. I banged on the door to the apartment, and Janelle groaned loudly before letting me in.

"You smell," She said to me before walking into her room and closing the door. I saw the blankets on the couch, so I assumed that would be my bed for the night. I changed into my pajamas before going into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wipe the makeup off my face. I threw the blankets over myself as I laid down on the couch. I set my alarm on my cell phone before shutting the lamp off. I laid there in the dark for a few minutes just thinking and smiling.

Even if he never calls me, I had a pretty good time.

I lost my clubbing virginity, and it felt pretty good.
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I hope you like this story as much as I do! The German parts in the story are kind of assumed. Like he introduces Kate, and then he tells Tom that he's taking Kate home.