Status: Active

The Love in You


I woke up the next morning to Janelle puking loudly in the bathroom. I stretched before looking over at the clock on the DVD player.

5:30 am.

I sat up and wiped my eyes before hearing her heave into the toilet once again. I shook my head and got up as quiet as I could. I went into her kitchenette and immediately searched and found a bottle of Advil. I pulled a water bottle out of the fridge before walking over to the bathroom. The door was wide open, and Janelle was lying on the floor, her head against the side of the bathtub.

I walked in sympathetically and handed her two tablets and the bottle. She looked up at me with bloodshot eyes before taking the pills with the water.

"Hey," She finally managed to say.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her softly. She groaned before trying to smile a little.

"I could be better. I got to hang out with Kyle last night and you too so I'm happy. It was worth it, even though I have to pay for a taxi just to be to work on time." She said attempting to get up. I took her by the arm and steadied her before she turned and went into the shower. She closed the curtain and threw her dress and undergarments over the curtain. I ducked so I wasn't hit by the high heels she was throwing. She turned the water on, and I was about to leave when she stopped me.

"I'm sorry if I ruined your night," She said softly. I nodded, but she couldn't see me.

"It's okay. I had fun. Who were you with last night?"

"My friend Kyle. He's more like a friend with benefits. He always knows how to make me scream every night." I scrunched up my nose, hearing too much information. I muttered an incoherent response before leaving the bathroom. I didn't want to know my cousin, who has basically been almost my twin my entire childhood, is having sex with some random kid.

I walked back to the couch and decided to turn on the TV. I flipped through the fuzzy stations until the first one came in clear, which was MTV. I watched the end of some show where We the Kings were cracking up in the middle of a library before I saw a familiar face singing above the credits of the show.

This couldn't be him...could it?

I knew it was him from his hair, his piercing, and those eyes. Great, I was just a one night thing. Look at all those girls around him...he probably even has a girlfriend.

Darn it.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when I saw Janelle run out of the bathroom full force towards her bedroom. I heard a loud crash before she reappeared a few seconds later. She was fully dressed. I was amazed at her fast pace all of a sudden.

"You can't be late or they fire you," she said honestly. She gave me a big hug before grabbing a duffel bag and her purse before heading for the door.

"The first show is at noon. Can't wait to see you there! Your ticket it on the coffee table. Love you!" she said before whirling out the door and slamming it shut in her hurry.

"Bye," I said after she had shut the door. I snuggled back up on the couch and watched lazily as Punk'd came on. I looked at my phone and saw no new messages. I figured it was because it was so early. I made sure my alarm was set before shutting the TV and falling back asleep.
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Sorry for the wait!