Status: Active

The Love in You


My phone alarm went off at around ten, and I lazily opened my eyes and stretched. I sat up, yawning, before letting my feet hit the cold wood floor. I wanted to shut my eyes again and fall back asleep. It was because I was having a good dream, but I'd never admit that the dream may or may not have involved a certain black haired boy I met yesterday.

I couldn't think of him. I needed to erase him from my mind. After all I went through in Boston, I needed to stay away from boys for a little bit.

I lazily headed towards the bathroom, scrunching my nose at the smell of puke coming from the toilet. I flushed it, and sprayed a bit of sweet smelling air freshener I found on the sink.

I hopped in the shower, singing to myself as I used Janelle's sweet smelling shampoo to wash out my now-frizzy hair. After conditioning my hair and rinsing off my entire body, I shut off the water and wrapped one of her fuzzy towels around my torso. I let the cool air hit my body as I headed back out into the main room. I walked over to my suitcase and sifted through my clothes until I found something suitable to wear. I wasn't sure what was "in" in New York compared to Boston.

I pulled out a pair of tight jeans and a black t-shirt, but then I threw them back in my bag. I looked once more through my things before pulling on a piece of gray fabric hidden at the bottom of my bag.

As I pulled it out, I saw it was a gray strapless dress with little red and blue flowers on it. With a smile, I paired it with a red cardigan, a belt, black tights, and a pair of black flats. I quickly threw on a bra and underwear before changing into my clothes.

I went into the bathroom, and I peered under the sink to see Janelle's hair straightener and hair dryer. I dried off my hair before plugging the hair straightener in.

I was really excited to see Janelle dance. She always loved to dance since we were little. Her parents were just a tad overbearing. I love my aunt and uncle, but they pushed Janelle to become a lawyer, not understanding her passion for dancing. When my aunt and uncle filed for divorce the day after Janelle's eighteenth birthday, Janelle sent a letter of resignation to the college her parents wanted her to go to before packing up her ballet shoes and going to New York to make it big. This could be her big break as a Rockette dancer. It was always my favorite show to see every year to get in the holiday spirit every year.

After putting on a bit of makeup to look presentable, I grabbed my bag off the coffee table and headed out the door, using the spare key Janelle left me to lock the door.

I walked down the stairs and out the door, heading past Angels and Kings and down to the end of the street. I had written down directions on a napkin in my bag, but as I searched I couldn't seem to find them. As I was searching, my phone began ringing. I groaned angrily before picking up my phone without looking to see who was calling.

"Hello?" I said disgruntled.

"I'm sorry. Is this a bad time?" the voice on the other end said in a cute accent. I'm glad Bill wasn't next to me, or he would have seen how red my face had gotten.

"Oh Bill! No, I'm sorry. I was just trying to do too many things at once. I'm okay now. I'm sorry. Hi," I said, laughing a little at my pathetic attempts . He chuckled into the receiver before I heard him talking to someone in the background.

"It's ok. So how are you," He said as I tried finding the directions once again in my bag with no luck.

"I'm good. Trying to figure out which way to Radio City Music Hall. How are you?"

"I'm good. I'm playing a show tonight," he said. I gave up looking for the napkin, and I raised my arm up trying to get a taxi.

"Oh that's great. Where?"

"Madison Square Garden," I almost dropped my phone when he said that. He must be much more popular than I thought.

"That's a huge place! Are you excited?" I said, trying to hide my amazement.

"Yes, I am. We've never played New York before. I hope they like us,"

"Good luck," I said to him. A taxi finally pulled over to me, and I hopped in before telling him where to go. He nodded as we began to drive off. There was a silence on the other end of the phone, and I thought maybe the call had been dropped.


"Yes I'm here. I wanted to ask you something," He said.

"Ok, ask away,"

"Do you want to come to the show tonight?"

"That sounds great. Do you know if there are any tickets left."

"When you get there tonight, just call me and you'll get in. As long as you don't bring your boyfriend." As he said that, my face turned white as I thought back to last summer. The brown eyed, brown haired boy with the tan muscles and the brilliant smile. The one I trusted. The one who broke my heart. I had to pinch myself to get back into reality and say something back to Bill.

"Ok, sounds great, as long as your girlfriend doesn't mind,"

"I don't have a girlfriend," he said.

"This can work then, because I don't have a boyfriend." I said, unaware of where my confidence was coming from.

"Ok, that's good." I saw we had pulled up to Radio City, so I paid the driver and hopped out of the taxi.

"Ok I just got to the theatre, so I need to go. It was nice hearing from you." I said, smiling.

"No problem Kate. Can't wait to see you tonight. Have a good day,"

"You too. Bye," I said before ending the call. I saved his number into my phone before heading inside the building. I looked to my right, and I thought I saw him. The back of his head, the way he wore his baggy pants and tight Hollister shirts. I didn't know what to do. Do I go say hi? Do I disappear?

As I was contemplating, he turned around, and I saw that it wasn't Jeff. It was just some random kid. I breathed in a sigh of relief, my heart pounding out of my chest. I almost broke down into tears, but I took a deep breath and looked around for the entrance to the auditorium.

I walked past all the excited kids and the smiling parents to the curtain in the back where the ushers were. I showed my ticket to the usher, and he proceeded to open the curtain and lead me down the aisle. I looked down at my ticket once again, not realizing how close my seat was. As we got to the third row, I thanked him before taking my seat. I was trying to hold back from bouncing in my seat as the lights began to dim.

I squealed, hoping the people next to me didn't notice. As Santa's 3-D journey ended, I scanned the stage for Janelle, dying to see her dance.

And all of a sudden I saw her.

She came onstage, the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face.

As all the dancers tapped in unison to "The 12 Days of Christmas", I watched Janelle, up front dancing in perfect harmony with everyone else.

I had to say, she definitely didn't look like she had been partying all night when she was up on the stage, smiling her head off.

I watched the stage with focus and determination, ignoring any other thoughts about boys I was having at that moment.