Status: Active

The Love in You


"He's just this guy I was dancing with last night. He seems nice," I said, her eyes glowing and wide waiting to hear more. I just shrugged and smiled at her, knowing not telling her everything would drive her crazy.

"Well tell me more! What does he do? Besides you?" She joked. I gaped at her before throwing my napkin at her. We both giggled as I shook my head no.

"He's in a band. He's really cute. He's different than the other guys I've ever dated. I want to see what happens," I said smiling. She clasped her hands together excitedly as she squealed quietly.

"I'm so glad you're over Jeff," She said happily, before watching my face falter slightly. As her eyes widened at what she said, I smiled at her.

"It's okay. I'm getting over him. I really am," I said, avoiding eye contact as I nervously began pulling on the sleeves of my sweater. His face came into my mind again. The way his abs looked when he took his shirt off. How he easily picked me off the ground before jumping into the water with me still under his arm. The way he kissed my shoulder as we both sat on the edge of the dock, letting the setting sun dry us off. When I realized what I was doing to myself, I blinked a few times to get him out of my mind. I looked up at Janelle, and I saw her scowling at her phone.

"He thinks he can mess with her. He thought wrong. I want to just call that little spiked hair d-" she began mumbling under her breath, scrolling down her list of contacts on her phone. I immediately shot my arm out and grabbed her wrist. She just looked at me.

"Don't make it worse. Just let it go. Karma will come around," I said to her, looking her dead in the eyes. She just looked at me.

"Don't let him ruin your fun time tonight. Don't let him ruin anything for you anymore. Promise?" She said, holding out her pinky finger. I knew that when we did pinky promises, we couldn't break them under any circumstances. It wasn't like I wanted Jeff back. It definitely wasn't that. What he did to me was unacceptable. It was just the way he treated me before that was the thing I missed. I thought that no one would ever treat me that nicely. I looked at her dead in the eye as I twisted my pinky finger around hers.

"I promise,"
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New update tonight as well!