Status: Active

The Love in You


"So when's the next show?" I asked Janelle about fifteen minutes later as we left Chipotles and walked down the street. Janelle picked up her phone and clicked a few buttons before slipping it back in her pocket.

"Tonight at five, and then it's going to be five shows a day for the next three months," She said, a look of excitement and panic slipping over her face. I gave her a side hug as we continued down the street.

"You're going to do great!" I said as she looked at me with a smile.

"You don't mind me gone so long, right?"

"Only if you're of having a great time doing what you love. Besides, you're doing me the favor letting me stay with you," I said honestly. She quickened her pace as we past hundreds of people and stores on our way back to the apartment.

We made it back fairly quickly, walking past a now silent Angels and Kings and up to the door leading up to the apartments. I was a little winded and a little sweaty as we made it to the door. I wasn't totally out of shape, but I knew I would have to start getting used to walking longer distances than a few streets in Boston.

"How did you find this amazing apartment, by the way?" I asked her as she unlocked the door and we headed up the stairs.

"Funny story actually. Kyle from last night is the son of the owner of this building. So as long as I keep licking his lollipop a few times a week, the rent is affordable," She said opening up her apartment door. I didn't know what to say to that, so I laughed a little as she unlocked the door and we headed inside. She automatically threw her bags underneath a table before heading for the shower. I shut and locked the door behind me. I took a deep breath before realizing that I had no idea when the show was.

I went into my suitcase and pulled my laptop out of its padded case. I logged on, and I searched under Madison Square Garden. I found the website, and the first thing that popped up was Bill's face. He was looking at the camera with attitude, holding a microphone stand with one hand and a microphone with the other. I quickly scrolled by, a blush creeping over my face. I didn't understand why I was embarrassed to look at him with his band. I ignored the feeling as I looked over the information to see when the doors opened for the show.


I checked the time now.


My breath caught in my throat, realizing I needed to get ready. Janelle opened the door to the bathroom, her body wrapped haphazardly in a towel.

"What's wrong?" She said looking at me.

"The doors open earlier than I thought they would. I'm still trying to figure out what I should wear," I said. Janelle's eyes lit up.

"I can fix that," She said, hurrying off into her room. I went into the bathroom and freshened up, washing my face and under my arms. When I got out of the bathroom, I heard a couple thumps from down the hall.

"Come here Kate," Janelle yelled from her room. I hadn't been to her room yet, so I walked past the bathroom and saw that there were three doors in the hallway. I opened the first one, and the first thing I smelt was a lot of Abercrombie and Fitch cologne. I shut the door before seeing a broom hanging out of one of the other doors. I kept going and opened the last door to see Janelle already changed and rummaging through her closet.

"I have the perfect concert outfit for you," She said, throwing a mini skirt over her shoulder and letting it hit the floor next to a pile of clothes.

"Thanks for helping me," I said to her as she shrieked, finding the perfect thing for me to wear.

"No problem as long as I'm invited to the wedding when you two get married," she said, standing up and showing me what she had found for me. I saw a pair of jeans, a purple sequenced blouse, and a pair of tall black pumps.

"The heels will make the outfit," She assured. I decided to give them a try as I changed into what she had picked out for me. I stumbled in the six inch heels, and Janelle clicked her tongue before pulling out a pair of black flats for me. I thanked her and switched shoes quickly. Janelle came over with a bottle of hair product. After smoothing it through my hair, she tossed me a pair of dangly silver earrings. I put them in as she began rummaging through her makeup box.

"Now close your eyes," she said assuringly as I closed my eyes. I felt my eyelids being poked and prodded, but I knew she wouldn't make me look like a clown. I opened my eyes as she applied mascara, and when she finished with me, she smiled and clapped her hands together. Janelle led me over to her full-length mirror, and I stared at myself with a smile.

I felt really pretty