Status: In progress

Red Light Blues

In the Neighborhood

"I can't believe this," Milo snarled, attempting to see through his still-swollen eyes, reading over a phone bill Dusti had left behind. He assumed he could look at it briefly and get an idea, but the calls were all to local cell phones, rendering them useless, senseless numbers.

All together, Raleigh had busted Milo's lip, a girl had scratched his jaw and neck when he had gotten too rough the two nights ago, and the previous evening held a bar brawl, where he got two plum-colored shiners. He was a vision.

"We've got to find that cunt. I need my money!" Bruce was turning things over, looking for clues as to where she could be. After two hours, all they were doing was destroying the room out of frustration. Finally, Bruce sat down on the overturned dresser. "Look! Let's just go research the house she was last at. I'm sure we can go from there."

Milo grunted at him like a hooved animal. "I'm not doin'
SHIT 'til I get my fucking fix."


My feet on the dashboard. Jethro Tull on the radio. New York country air on my face. I was on cloud nine.

Raleigh was humming over the lyrics of Locomotive Breath as his free hand's fingers drummed soothingly on my knee. I could see the treeline in the side-view mirror. The sky nearest to the tops of the green hills was yellow, orange, dark red and soft pink. All the colors were getting chased down the horizon's throat by a majestic, deep purple. "One more hour," he said to me in a singsong voice. We passed an adorable barn, which I pointed out. Raleigh's eyes got misty, and he slowed the car a bit.

"What's wrong," I fussed, worrying I'd hit some nerve.

He tossed a now all-too familiar smirk to his left. "We're going to stay with my parents tonight instead."

My heart stuttered. "WHAT- WHY?"

He gestured with his head toward the barn as he slowed to round a corner: "Because, we're in the neighborhood."