Shades of Love


I talked to my parents about this whole "road trip" thing and they said that as long as I was being careful and responsible that I could go. It wasn't like they could really say no to me, I was almost in college. They just wanted me to believe that they let me because they wanted me to go; they definately did not want me to go.

London was supposed to be extremely warm this week and I was looking forward to that. There was one beach as far as I knew and I was definately going to be spending the majority of my time there. Apparently the house we were staying at has the beach as it's backyard, so it's not like it would be a hassle.

The only part of this whole situation that I could do without, was the fact that I had to spend 24/7 with Brett and Ashton. It may seem like I don't love Ashton as much as I should, being her best friend and all, but I do. I would die for her, I'm just a little bitter when it comes to the two of them being together. Ashton was oblivious to all of my feelings towards Brett, but for some reason I got the feeling that Brett had always known. I hope that, that isn't the case.

I was packing my suitcase; cramming everything inside. I knew that I had overpacked once I was done, but I didn't care. I wanted to look good, and I wanted to feel good; especially when I have to be around people all mushy gushy that are going to bring me down.

I guess it would have been a good idea to tell Ashton about how I felt, but it's too late now and it's not like I can just erase everything and start over. It's also not like it would have changed Brett's feelings towards her. He loved her, he chose her, I was just a friend.

I double checked everything and then dragged my suitcase and myself down the stairs and out the door where Brett and Ashton were talking to my parents and waiting for me. I admit that I did wait a few seconds before stepping outside to see what they were talking about. They were talking about food and the weather; not something worth eavesdropping over.

"You ready to go?" Brett asked taking the keys to his escalade out of his shorts pocket. Those holister shorts looked so good on him. I seriously needed to stop checking him out everytime I saw him. I was way too addicted to him for my own good.

"Yeah," I said picking up my suitcase. I started to walk over to the back of the escalade to put my stuff inside but Brett, being the gentlemen that he was, took the suitcase from me and put it inside himself. My parents stood there smiling as I gave them a big hug each.

"You be careful, Neh-Neh," My dad said kissing me on the forhead. I flinched at the embarresing nickname that my very stupid father had to give me. Why couldn't it have been something cuter, something a lot better than Neh-Neh?

"Love you, dad," I said smiling. I realized that I was going to miss my parents. It was one week, but my parents have always been there for me. I've been away from my parents before, but this time I was leaving with two people I loved in different ways, and my parents were proof that I could find happiness.

"Try and call us when you can, alright?" My mom said giving me another hug. I nodded and kissed her on the cheek before I got into the escalade. I felt like I was 8 years old, about to be going to my first slumber party. They were over reacting, I was only going to be gone a week.

We were all in the escalade now, me in the back with nothing but an empty seat beside me and Brett and Ashton in the front. Just the three of us now, for the whole week. I was starting to get excited the more I thought about it though. This whole idea seemed kind of fun now that I thought it over.

I felt a slow smile spread across my face as I watched the outside world zoom by me in a blur of all the different colours that it held. I didn't think about anything other than the beauty that nature held, and I forgot about everything else that had previously been going on in my mind.
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