Shades of Love


"I wanna see you out that door, baby, BYE, BYE, BYE!,
Don't wanna be a fool for you,
just another player in this game for two.
You may hate me but it ain't no lie!"

We were all singing, even Brett. The radio just had to be so generous to play some old time favourites. So I admit that I am having fun, we had just stopped at McDonalds and we were eating our food and driving when this song suddenly started to play on the radio. Two girls and one guy ... who do you think had control over the radio?

I was surprised that Brett had actually let us touch the radio, he usually never let us. I was guessing because we had been driving for an hour and a bit and he didn't want to have to deal with a cranky girlfriend for the next hour and a half.

The windows were all rolled down and I could feel the wind hitting my face and I loved every bit of it. I loved the way the music was making all of us laugh, and the way the fresh air made it ten times better. I thought that this little "road trip" was going to be shit, but it really hasn't been.

The song ended and another song started to play but we all ignored it this time and focused on conversation. I couldn't tell what was playing on the radio now, it was a really weird old fashioned song from a really long time ago. It wasn't well known to my generation.

"You girls okay with meeting some people once we get to our destination?" Brett said lowering the volume of the radio a little bit. I caught Ashton's eye and we both smiled. I could tell that she was just as pumped up about this car ride as I was.

"I'm cool with it," I said shrugging, "Who are we meeting?"

"Aren't we going to be meeting a bunch of new people anyways? I mean you said that we were going to a party at the beach, and then there's your grandparents aswell," Ashton was saying. My mind was suddenly focusing on Brett; he hadn't told me about this party on the beach. Why didn't he tell me?

"Party?" I asked, a little irritated that nobody had told me about it until now. Ashton looked at me like she said something she shouldn't have and Brett just shrugged it off like it was nothing. It wasn't a really big deal, I just didn't do well at parties. I liked to party, but I wasn't used to it, and it wasn't something I did everyday.

"Yeah, on the beach and everything. My grandparents own it, so they don't mind; I already cleared it with them," I slouched back in my seat. I wasn't mad or upset, I was just tired now. I wanted another memory filled song to start playing so that we could all just start singing again, but the volume stayed low and the music playing was crap.

"It's not like we aren't 19, Shenay. It's legal to drink for us, so don't even worry about it. Besides knowing us, we probably know more than half of the people that are going to be there. All of our friends always ended up moving to London, so maybe we'll run into a few.

I shrugged and smiled just as another boring song came on. I hadn't realized that we had all finished eating and were just sitting there while our stomachs digested. Brett started talking about how awesome the party was going to be and he and Ashton started filling me in on everything that was happening. We had an endless conversation that lasted us all the way to london. I quickly got over the fact that they waited last minute to tell me these plans and started to think about how much fun it could all be for me.

The streets were a little crowded and dirty at first and then when we started getting closer and closer to the beach area, it started to become cleaner and cleaner, and everything seemed so beautiful. I couldn't wait to take my first swim in the lake ahead of me. It looked so clean and blue and sparkly. Five more minutes until we can officially say that we've arrived to our destination.
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