‹ Prequel: Metus


Lor's POV

It's been six months, three days, and seven hours since my failed attempt at suicide. Mutatio had come out, another best seller. I haven't seen anyone from Tokio Hotel, and only met up with Romeo from Cinema Bizarre once; he was the only one able to get passed the nurse at the hospital. It was nice having him there. He didn't ask questions, and he didn't insist that I could come to him with anything, but in his own silent way, I knew that's what he was telling me.

I'm not upset that I survived, but I'd rather a stranger had found me floating facedown in the ice-cold river water. I pity my friends for seeing me.

"I hope Lor's alright." Angie sighed, walking out into the parking lot with the rest of us, Kiro holding her shoulders comfortingly.

"Lor's fine, she's always fine." Ashley's phone beeped. "That's my cue. I'm supposed to meet Lor at her house to help pack for LA." Ashley then skipped to her car and started the engine, driving towards the bridge. She lived on the opposite side.

What she saw nearly caused a colision with the dozen cars lined up on the bridge, their occupants looking down into the river with panicked expressions. She screamed, though didn't at all believe that any sound came from her throat chocked with sobs. Lying facedown in the snow-melt river was one of her dearest friends Lor.

"Why isn't anyone helping?!?" she cried. Without thinking the brunette dove out of the driver's seat, slipped her shoes off and jumped into the river. The water was so cold the tips of her fingers grew sore the second they were embraced in what felt like liquid nitrogen. Lor was moving so fast.... what if she was too far away? Ashley saw two pairs of feet enter the water near her and move swiftly to Lor's side, lifting the limp, nearly lifeless body out of the water.

Ashley surfaced and gasped for air, her skin bleached from the cold. Someone handed her her shoes. An ambulance that had just parked loade Lor onto a stretcher and roared away.

"You haven't changed at all." said the someone. It was Billy, an upper classman and a friend. "You're still and idiot."

Ashley shrugged. "Some things never change."

"What happened?" he asked.

"I don't know."

I am now on a plane, flying to LA to live the said idiot. "A fresh start" they called it. Fresh start my ass. What had happened, happened and it wasn't going to change any time soon. The doctors had asked my why I'd tried to kill myself. I didn't have the heart to tell them the truth, and they wouldn't believe me anyways. Curiosity. I thought. Partly, also, because the hospital hadn't kept me long enough. It was impulse mainly that led to my expiriment, and the entire flipping reason they kept me there in the first place was so that didn't happen! Ah well. There's no use moping about it now.

Airline security was long and irritating like usual. Melanie was with me, as a precautionary measure, and she had all but stopped spealing to me. A pang of guilt surged through my gut and got caught in my chest. Bill... I thought. Bill had refused to me speak to me, and out of support, Tom Gustav and Georg could only talk to me in secret. Tom was worried about him: he told me Bill had stopped eating, stopped talking, and stopped sleeping. As far as Tom knew, Bill didn't leave his room. Every time I tried to call him I was ignored, and to be honest, it was starting to piss me off. Like ignoring me was going to help anything.

However, Ashley and Angie didn't treat me any different, they were still upset. Though, when the doctors suggested a change in scenery for me, they had been the first to volunteer. Since Lexi wanted to be near me also, and she lived next to Ashley for the time being, I decided that it was the best decision for everyone. Even if I'd rather be alone.

I wasn't looking foreward to living in LA. Stupid actresses. I still can't unbderstand how they can breathe pure smog and still live perfectly well. I swear, there was no oxygen there.

RING! I looked down to my pocket, startled. I hadn't heard my cell ring for months.


"Lor?" It was Tom. He sounded panicked. "It's Bill. He's sick."
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I hope you enjoy my first official sequel chapter! Comment and tell me what you think. ^.^