‹ Prequel: Metus


Lor's POV

"Hey! Lor!" Romeo called, waving enthusiatically at me. What I saw made me gigle: his entire torso was hanging out of the passenger-side window. Yu, who was in the driver's seat, smiled at me from behind the black-clad body and joined his friend in waving like an idiot.

"Nice car." I commented, making my way curbside to the back seat in the little green jeep. Yu looked to me, dripping with pride.

"I finally got Shin to let me borrow it." he said.

Romeo smiled cheshirely. "Yu loves this car." Yu punched him in the arm. I gigled.

"So.... where are we going?"

They smirked evilly at eachother. "You'll see."

I hurumphed and sat back against the seat. It wasn't long before we stopped outside of a small shop.

"Where are we?" I asked. They didn't answer, just opened the door and basically dragged me into the shop. I looked up to Yu (damn you tall person) and saw that he was trying to fight gigling. I smiled. It reminded me of a kid in a candy shop.

Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear. I thought. In front of me was a bubly pink sign that anounced in loud and irritating neon letters that we were indeed entering a candy shop.

"Welcome." greeted a very blonde woman, dressed all in pink with giant face-sized lolipops sticking out of her pocket. I looked away for fear my eye may start twitching, which wouldn't be at all apropriate.

"Thank you." Yu said politely and the woman walked away.

"Geez Lor, are you alergic to pink or something?" Romeo asked, gigling slightly.

"No.....ok well maybe, but it's not my fault. I was forced to wear the color at an early age. It tainted my brain."

Yu shrugged. "That'll do that to you."

Romeo skipped over to the section of the shop selling double-devil-chocolate-chip cookies.

"So Yu--"

"So me. Why of course it is. That's my name, isn't it?"

I rolled my eyes and he smiled innocently at me. "{i]Anyways, you still haven't told me why we're at a giant candy store."

"Why, because we've kidnapped you of course! Kidnapping is exhausting work, one must have sustinence."

"And by sustinence you mean massive amounts of sugar...." I paused when I saw Romeo grabbing bottle after bottle of cola from a shelf and placing it into a cart that hadn't been there before. "...and caffine?"

"Yes! So choose wisely if thou wouldst like her sustinence to last more five minutes!"


So, turns out this whole 'kidnapping' situation required me to pick the movie we'd be seeing and to designate which sugarry item would be assigned to each person. I got the skittles. ^.^. We ended up seeing a fabulous horror movie that kinda reminded me of Carrie/Polterguist. Whichever. Anyways, I had the strangest snse of deja vu when I heard a squeal below us. I ignored it, this movie was waay too damn awesome for fangirls. That, and if the fangirls went rabid, we'd probably end up attacking them with candy and ask them to come along with us. Funny how things change so drastically in about 6 months. Fame changes you I guess.

Romeo looked over at me and squeezed my hand like he knew what I was thinking. I smiled gently and gave him back his hand. I was glad for the comfort, but I didn't need it. Not if they were here at least. The entire theater jumped when a demon-ish creature lashed near the screen.

Nothing more comforting than a horror movie. I thought. This would be a good day.
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Sooo sorry it's taken me so long. I literally pulled this out of my ass (if you'll pardon the expression). So ha, Rae-chan, here is update eins!