Status: Well, no one on here is ever going to trust me again. I will, however, start reading through and fixing stories, then updating. And my goal is to be much, MUCH, more active...

Move Along


I had gotten sick of trying to avoid my friend Corrina, and not go to this... Anchor thing with her. Plus I had been really bored this particular evening. So, here I was, in the back of my mom’s car, on the way to Grace Bible Chapel, going to a youth night called Anchor.

Corrina was gabbling on about her stupid life, I was so sick of it. But, when you have a limited amount of friends... you deal with what you’re dealt.

When we got to the church, there weren’t many cars parked outside, and you could tell it had just begun. We walked in and went right back to the fridge... Corrina was thirsty.
“Do you have any money?” She asked me.
“Damn.” I scrunched my face at her. I mean, we’re in a church, a little respect?
“Why?” I asked, shaking my head and looking at the sign she was looking at.
“Because the pop is 75 cents.”
“It says ‘Suggested Donations’ you know?” Well that was the wrong thing to say, her face lit up.
“Yeah!” So she got her stupid Mountain Dew and we starting walking to the video game room.
“I hope Michael’s here!”
“Who’s that?” I asked.
“He’s a friend of mine.”

And as we got into the video game room, only one other person was in the room. Michael, my (well I wanted him to be) Michael.
“Michael!” I heard Corrina say as she rushed to him... rushed to him to just stand there stupidly. I followed her, slower.
“Hey.” He said, looking at her quickly and then back to Call of Duty. I didn’t want to take my eyes off of him, but I felt so awkward staring, I looked to Corrina. She turned towards me and tried to chat a bit.
“You guys want to play?”
“I think I’d die right away.” Corrina hack/giggled. I hate her.
He looked towards me. “How about you?”
“Sure.” I said, I’m sure, all too excitedly. Then I was quick to take the seat next to him as he handed me a control.
“You know what you’re doing?”
“Not at all.” I responded, he smiled.
“I’m Michael, by the way.”
“Marguerite.” I smiled.
“I’ve seen you before?”
I nodded, smiling, happy that he remembered me. “Yeah, I think we’re in the same Social Studies class.”
“Oh right! Weren’t you going to go to school here once too?”
Inside I was dying a little from happiness. “Yeah.”
“I guess I’ll try playing too.” Corrina chimed in. I had forgotten she was here. And of course, the attention not being on her for a minute, she was going to do something. She sat down next to me and Michael got us started.

For the rest of the night, him and I played video games. Kind of weird, but I liked it. Corrina had eventually gotten sick of being killed by Michael and I and left to talk to someone else. I didn’t know it was her I was shooting...

As the night came to a close, I helped Michael pick up the video games and their consoles. Each time our hands would touch when I was handing him cords my stomach jumped a mile.

“Hey, you ready to go, I think your mom is here.” Corrina came into the room.
“Uh, yeah, you good to go Michael?”
“Yep.” He said, looking at me. I dazed into his eyes, perhaps a moment too long and left with Corrina.

“You girls have fun?” My mom asked us as we got in the car.
“Yeah.” I said smiling. I don’t know what Corrina said, I tuned her out for most of the rest of the way home.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I wanted to update each of my stories as an Easter gift to my subscribers, it's a little late, BUT I'M DOING IT!!!
This one isn't the greatest, but I hope it'll do.
This is to introduce Corrina and to show Michael and I as being friends and not just me... being creepy.
I wasn't very nice with Corrina... at least in my head, and it'll definitely show later.
Hope it's alright, things are starting to get funner, for me, so more updates will be soon.
There will be at least, very least, twelve chapters to this story. And, something that has just happened (remembering this is a true story) will make a very interesting ending.
I also think there will be a sequel to this story, although it won't be true.