Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter Seven

“Wait! I need like, two more bucks!” Marisa whined to the trio standing in her bedroom.

“But Mars,” Jessica dragged on Marisa’s nickname longer than usual, “we’re gonna be late for the movie though!” Marisa continued to dig through her drawers and shelves.

“Jesus! Where the fuck is my money?!” Marisa groaned.

“Under the bed?” It was more of a question, but Marisa still took it as a genius suggestion anyways.

“Thank you Stephen!” she sighed gratefully before lying down on the ground beside the area under her bed. “Now, now, now…,” Marisa repeated to herself as her hand slid aimlessly around under her bed.

“Make sure the Boogey Monster doesn’t grab it.” John joked. Jess and Stephen groaned at John while Marisa chuckled.

“Ah, what’s this?” Marisa cheered as she pulled out a palm-sized box. She eyed it curiously, not remembering where she had gotten it or what it contained. Her hand glided over the colourful box, still trying to figure out its origins.

“Marisa!” She snapped out of her daze and looked up at John. “What?”

“You just spaced out. We’re gonna be late,” he informed her. Marisa nodded sheepishly and just decided to search the box for the last two dollars she needed for popcorn.

The lid creaked open, obviously not being opened for a while. When its fillings were exposed, Marisa’s grip on the box the box weakened, sending everything in it all over the floor.

“Damn it,” she grumbled while beginning to pick up photos and memories. The three standing near the doorway each looked shocked. Stephen and John were just worried because of Marisa’s sudden odd mood today, but Jessica saw. What exactly did she see?

“Hey, Mars. Is that quarter from-,“ Marisa snatched up the scratched up coin and slipped it into her pocket.

“It’s nothing. Forget about the two bucks,” Marisa mumbled while brushing everything else into the box, She shut the lid and randomly slid it under her bed. Marisa began to walk past everyone and out the door but Jess grabbed her forearm before she could open the car door.

“How much do you like Kenny?” she whispered. Marisa looked at her momentarily, her eyes dull and tired.

“Enough to keep this,” she muttered back while pulling out the coin for Jess to clearly see in the afternoon sun.

The heart on the coin shone brightly before being trapped back in Marisa’s back pocket.

( <3 )

“That movie sucked!” John laughed as we walked out of the auditorium. Jess nodded in agreement while Stephen was busy shoving the last of the popcorn into his mouth and tossing the bag away.

“Agreed,” Stephen mumbled through the massive amount of popcorn in his mouth. Marisa laughed at his oddly shaped cheeks, poking at them. He glared at her until they were in view of the arcade.

“Air hockey!” Jess exclaimed as the four of them sprinted towards the neon green table. John slipped four quarters into the machine and the neon table soon erupted into life. Stephen and Marisa silently claimed the spots at the opposite ends.

“You’re going down, bitch,” Stephen laughed as he gripped the white “paddle” in his right hand. Marisa snorted.

“Not if I can help it,” Marisa retorted as she held the blue puck in her left hand and “paddle” in the other. She lied the puck down, sending it gently to the left from the air blowing from the table. She bounced the puck into the center of the table, sending it into the goal.

“Holy shit!” Stephen exclaimed, looking baffled at his hand. “What the shit?” he asked again, earning some stern glares from bypassing mothers.

“What can I say? I’m a pro,” Marisa pretended to breathe on her nails before polishing them on her hoodie.

“Damn it, John!” Stephen pouted at his brother while giving the spot at the table.

“God, you’re such a quitter,” John sighed as he pulled the blue puck out from a slot and placing it on the table.

“She’s too good!” he argued back. Marisa laughed at his slouching figure before returning her gaze to John. He whipped the paddle at the puck and sent it towards Marisa’s goal. She bent her arm down, covering the entire goal. The puck painfully slammed into her arm, making her curse loudly.

“Gah! Jess, play!” Marisa whined as she rubbed her arm.

“You’re so weak!” John scoffed as he flicked his hand much like a cliché girl. Marisa glared at him before throwing the puck, much like a Frisbee, into his stomach.

“Ouch! Owie!” John whined as he petted his stomach. A pout made its way onto his mouth, much like his brother. The machine beeped loudly, informing that their time was up.

“More quarters!” John exclaimed as if the world depended on the four silver coins he needed at the moment. Marisa dug into her back pocket, feeling for a quarter. She was flat out of luck, because what she pulled out instead was more of a taboo. Marisa grimaced at its appearance. She quickly flicked it towards John.

“Here’s a quarter,” she said while nodding her head at the defaced coin.

“Woah! Where’d you get this? It looks so cool!” John almost squealed. He returned back to the leaning pose he had moments ago. “I’m not using this, it’s too nice,” he smiled while gliding it back into her face.

“Just use it,” she whined back while passing it back to him. John looked at her oddly before picking it up. Much to Marisa’s surprise, he tossed it to Stephen, who almost got pelted in the eye if it weren’t for his quick hands.

“Gosh! What the hell?” Stephen screamed at John.

“Get yourself some candy,” John winked as he stifled a laugh. Stephen huffed and grabbed Jess’ hand –sending her into a dark, red blush – and rushed off.

“Did you see that!?” John’s mouth was hung open and his arm was still pointed towards where Jess and Stephen has left.

“See what?” Marisa asked back, ready to giggle at the boy’s expression.

“Jessica! Her face was like…BOOM!” he exclaimed while using over-exaggerated movements over his face. Marisa couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction to Jess’s simple blushing.

“Dude, she totally has the hots for my bro,” John laughed. Marisa thought. Maybe Jess did have a thing for Stephen.

“Why must you waste my loving candies!?” Stephen’s voice interrupted Marisa’s thinking. Her head snapped towards the entrance of arcade where Jessica was laughing whilst she tossed some red candy at Stephen’s face. The two walked over, still goofing around.

“Want some?” Stephen asked while thrusting his hand forwards into Marisa’s face. Small, heart-shaped candies sat in his palm, the smell of cinnamon drifted into her nose.

“Heart-shaped? Really?” Marisa asked. Her tone was harsh, but the Gomez brothers didn’t seem to notice.

“Yeah! There was a heart on the coin, so I thought buying heart-shaped candies would be fitting! But Jess-,” Stephen cheekily replied until he was cut off.

“That’s stupid reasoning,” Marisa nearly snapped, but she held it back.

She was pissed that Stephen actually used the coin, but she wouldn’t admit that. Marisa had been reluctant to keep the coin at first, but when it was actually gone, she wanted it back.

“Yeah, but I didn’t-,” Stephen was yet again interrupted.

“It’s fine. You know what? I think I’m gonna take the bus home now. Have fun at the mall, guys,” she rushed out before grabbing her bag and stalking off. She could hear faint whispers that she was sure were about her mood before hearing soft footsteps behind her.

“Jess, not now,” Marisa sighed while turning around to face her best friend. Jessica stopped in her tracks and look Marisa in the eye. Her hands were shoved in her jeans’ pockets, mindlessly tapping her foot. She pulled her left hand out of her pocket and held the fist in between of her and Marisa. Jessica opened her hand and showed what was in the middle of her palm – the coin. Without thinking, Marisa lifted the coin from Jess’ hand and held it to her chest.

“Stephen was trying to tell you that he didn’t actually use the coin,” Jessica explained. Marisa looked down at her worn, red converse, feeling ashamed that she had interrupted Stephen so rudely.

“Look,” Jessica placed a hand on her shoulder, “go home, take a nap, whatever. Rest up, and do some thinking.”

And with that, Jessica turned around and headed back towards the two boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've had no desire to write lately :\
I don't know what's wrong with me.
You know what would cheer me up?
If someone left the download link for the albums Dance or Die, or Hot Mess XD
~ Okay, Barakitty moment over.

Marisa, babe, I've gone mad as you can see from the example above.
I'm sorry, but I still hope you enjoyed this chapter :3
Come On Baby, Light My Fire
Check it out or I will CUT A BITCH.
Ohkay, sorry, I'll go now.