Don't Say Goodbye

Chapter Eight

Jessica dug through Marisa’s closet, tossing shirts and jeans behind her and occasionally hitting Marisa.

“Why do I need to dress up again?” Marisa grumbled while she removed a hoodie from her lap. Jessica didn’t stop to reply; she only continued to search for whatever was “acceptable” to wherever they were heading later that afternoon.

“Don’t you have a…skirt or anything?” Jess asked, standing up straight and turning only her head to ask Marisa. Her face held an expression of annoyance and frustration.

“No, not any I can remember buying…Why?” Marisa retorted back with a question. Jessica rolled her eyes, obviously aggravated with her questioning.

“Just go with it, okay?” Jess asked as she returned to what was left of Marisa’s closet. It actually looked for like a medley of colors now; it looked like a painter with a big, white canvas decided to add a few dozen buckets of paint onto it.

Marisa grunted in response, more upset with the fact they had to clean the mess up afterwards. She was actually used to Jess doing this every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday now, since Jess would always come over, ravage through her closet, and then Marisa would find some loophole out of her trip. Not this time though – all her excuses were sucked dry.

“I hate you, y’know?” Marisa muttered whilst a sock flew past her head, slightly grazing her hair.

“Okay, yeah, whatever you say, Mars,” Jess rambled back. She wasn’t listening, that was for sure.

: )

“Gomez and Stephen’s house? Why the hell did I try to dress up for this?” Marisa interviewed while she unbuckled her seatbelt. Jessica shrugged off her seatbelt, winking at Marisa before opening the door and exiting her car.

“You suck…fifty balls,” Marisa growled while she rushed up to Jessica’s side.

“That’s a new one…”

They both walked straight into the Gomez household, shouts and hollers echoing through the house.

The house wasn’t big, but it was calming and homey. The living room was right where the door was, so Marisa was in the view of the TV that was off, for once. Usually, the two brothers would be fighting over who won in a round of whatever new game out that week,

They both walked towards the basement door, which sat beside the entrance to the kitchen. No one seemed to be in the house except for the people in the basement waiting for Jess’ arrival.

An uncomfortable feeling grew in Marisa’s chest.

“Hello, hello, hello, boys!” Jess chirped as she stepped off the last stair. Her legs immediately carried her towards Stephen, giving him a big hug.

The feeling settled in her stomach, making her feel slightly nauseous.

“John!” Jess greeted, wrapping her arms around him too. He chuckled, curling one arm around her while a bottle of Jones sat in his left hand.

Marisa’s skin tingled, her eyes squeezed shut, the nauseous feeling morphing into a bad one, and it ran through her veins. She cringed a bit at the feeling, but blinked her eyes and brushed it off.

“So, ready, Jess?” John asked, followed by a sip from his Red Apple Jones.

“Ready for what?” Marisa questioned, tired of all the mystery and questioning.

“Nothing!” Jess nearly shouted. “Can you uh, go up and get us some pop? I’m thirsty,” Jessica laughed nervously. Marisa took a look at Jess, questioning the events that were currently happening. But Marisa nodded and climbed up the stairs. Her feet padded across the kitchen and towards the silver fridge. She pulled it open and grabbed three pops, balancing one at the crease of her elbow.

Marisa walked back towards the basement door, but halted when the sound of shouting floated up the staircase.

“Are you serious!?” Jessica shouted. Marisa took one gentle, silent step down the stairs out of curiosity.

“Yes!” John’s voice retorted, painfully loud.

Everything else was muffled, only one or two words escaping the basement and actually making it to Marisa’s ears. She decided to go down and investigate on what they were freaking out about. As she descended the stairs, more and more words could be heard.

“One of them is going to flip bitches,” Stephen groaned. Marisa raised her eyebrows. She wondered who they were talking about.

“I know!”

Marisa landed on the last step, making it more dramatic and noisier to end their conversation.

“Hey guys!” she greeted, over the top cheerfully. She had a grin on her face that could be found on any cheesy sitcom.

The three of them mumbled greetings and Jess grabbed two sodas, handing one to Stephen. Marisa walked over to the fading fuchsia couch and sat down. The awkwardness in the room began to swallow them. John moved his right leg, adjusting to the tight, tension filled room. The trio was almost sure that Marisa had heard them.

They all immediately tensed up more when the closing of a door sounded through the house.

“Is he already here?” Jess mumbled.

The footsteps came closer to the basement door. Stephen and John’s expressions mirrored each other’s – both horrified.

“Are we in a horror movie or something?” Marisa asked, but her tone just above a whisper. She was nervous about who was coming, since the rest of them looked scared…shitless too.

The door flung open and then a shout echoed down.


A boy clad in a gray v neck and basketball shorts skipped from the fifth stair to the ground, raising his hands above his head like an Olympian winner. The smile on his face was joking, but still proud.

Marisa’s mouth was forced open, but she was able to keep from hitting the ground.

“You’re kidding me,” she groaned. Kennedy’s eyes caught her form quickly after she had finished sighing. He narrowed his eyes at her.

“Why are you here?” he snarled. Marisa stood erect, huffing.

“I’m allowed to come to my friends’ houses, Kennedy,” she growled. He scoffed whilst crossing his lanky arms.

Jess stepped in the center, holding both of her hands out as if they were boxing.

“Now, now, let’s just go home, okay Mars?” she giggled nervously. Marisa’s glared softened on Jess, but didn’t completely vanish.

“You’re the one who brought me here,” Marisa retorted.

Jess sputtered, trying to answer. She really didn’t know how to tell Marisa who else was here. Of course, if she wasn’t going to do it, someone else would right?

“Hello!” a hazel eyed, red head greeted.

“H-hey Faith,” Kennedy smiled, faltering slightly.

She pecked him on the lips while grabbing onto his hand. She giddily looked up at him.

“So, when does band practice start?”
♠ ♠ ♠
I realize this sucks, but I wanted to get this out ]:
I hope the drama can at least make up for the suckiness~ of this chapter :\

And then get Garrett to use his zombie powers to arise me once again (:
Luuuuuuuuuuhs you sweetheart <3