The Dragon Tamers


iza mi iza ma iza ji iza ja
mi ma to ta mi ma
iza mi ma iza ji ja
mi ma ji ja yi ya

Fate, in true form, stood in front of a huge stone. One of the only reminders of how life used to be. In the centre of the stone was an engraved heart shape with with three F’s inside.

Fate smiled sadly as her fingers traced the F’s. Such happy times...

“NO!” She shook her head and moved her hand away. It was too late. They couldn’t go back to the way they were. No matter how much her heart betrayed her.

“Well, what brings you here?” Fragone called from behind. Fate turned to face him, instantly on defence. Fragone slowly inched towards her. “Relax, Farida. I won’t hurt you.”

Dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante soora
hi ha hi so si sa ya
iya mi so sa se so inyan de mia moore
dante moore dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi so si sa ya

Tyris was outside with Raphael, while the boys were inside the living room. King Than in Tyris’ ‘bed’. Since she never slept they didn’t worry about where to put the King.

It now was Akira’s turn to check in on the former king.
He knocked once. “King Than? May I come in?” He waited before he heard a muffled yes.

Akira slowly walked into the room and looked at the depressed king, whose head was low and buried in his hands.
“King Than... um...” Akira didn’t know what to say. He was never a king and so couldn’t understand just how the king himself was feeling. “Listen, I know you’re hurting but...”


Everything was silent. Tyris, outside, heard this and walked away with Raphael in her arms. When men started accusing Fate and Destiny, she preferred not to hear.

Akira cautiously drew nearer to the king, confused. “What do you mean? I’m not sure I understand. Don’t you care about your men?”

Than snorted and looked away, ashamed. “I’ve never really thought about them as men. They were soldiers. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“But then why did you demand to know about survivors?” Akira muttered, suddenly growing irritated by the king’s pride.

“I asked because I needed to know what chance I had of a rematch!”

Akira’s eyes had narrowed and his face was totally focused on the proud king. “You... arrogant, proud, bastard.” He hissed.

“How dare you insult a king!” King Than yelled, though a bit surprised that the boy would do something his men could never have the courage to do.

“You’re no longer a king since you’re kingdom was overthrown by the Vulcan. Besides, I hardly see you as a king, anyhow! You don’t care what happens to the men you rule!” Akira roared. Suddenly not wanting to be in the room, he quickly walked out. Leaving a shocked and confused king behind.

winra miha ro ra you ji
winra hi ha mi ko ki
winra miha ri ra yu yi ji ja
winra miha ro ra yu yi
winra miha mi

Aura raced rapidly towards Than. She was scared and confused. If Zoran was a killer, it wasn’t safe for Tyris to be so close to him.

Meanwhile Tyris sat on a wall, that overlooked the palace garden. Though it looked pretty, the nymphs of the garden and the MerDrags of the nearby lake weren’t happy. They complained and were exploited. It didn’t please Tyris.

Raphael started clapping his hands and his eyes faced upward.

“TYRIS!” Aura called, flying down to her and transforming. Tyris smiled and got up, Raphael clapping happily.

“Look I need to... Awwww... he’s so gogeous!” Aura said, taking Raphael out of Tyris’ arms and into hers. “Aren’t you beautiful? Yes you are.” Raphael was smiling with a twinkle in his eye. You could see he liked the attention.

“I know he is.” Tyris smiled, watching the air shifter. “He’s Rogan’s reborn.”

Aura’s eyes widened, as her eyes darted from Raphael’s adorable face to Tyris. “But...He’s so dreamy!”

Tyris giggled. “So there was something you wanted to ask me?”
Aura’s smile vanished. “I want to...... Has Zoran or the others ever mentioned...?”

iza mi iza ma iza ji iza ja
mi ma to ta mi ma
iza mi ma iza ji ja
mi ma ji ja yi ya

It was rare and a long time since Fate and Fragone stood side by side in front of the rock. Without any alternative motives or pretenses.

Fate sighed. “You hate me, don’t you?” Though it was a question, it seemed as if she was stating a point.
Fragone turned to look at her and then shook his head. “I don’t.” He whispered. “I couldn’t.”

Fate looked at him, staring in his eyes. Trying to find something in them. Time passed slowly and they seemed to be in another world, together.

Fragone chuckled quietly. “It’s been a while since you interrigated me with your eyes, Farida.”
Fate smiled and shook her head, turning her attention back to the rock.
“Far too long.”
Fate stiffened and glared at him. “Why do have to make things harder than it already is? You could never understand. I didn’t have any other choice, Fragone!”
Fragone grabbed her arm. “Yes you did, you just chose what was easy!”
“You think that was easy!?!” Fate hissed, eyes moisting up in anger and regret. “You think I don’t regret losing you!?”

Everything was silent. Fate used her free hand to wipe the traitor tears that had escaped her eyes. Fragone’s free hand helped her.

“You could’ve tried something else...” Fragone trailed off, still thinking of her last words. Maybe she still...

“What else could I have done, huh?” Fate asked, frustrated. “Please enlighten me!” Tears began to spill again and she furiously tried to get rid of them.

Fragone stayed silent. He saw her point but it didn’t make things any easier. His thoughts now were consumed by memories.

Fate sighed and released herself. “I should get going...”

But before she could transform or anything, Fragone grabbed her and kissed her, pulling her close.

Fate tried to pull away, but she took too long. Her eyes drooped and her arms, by nature, wrapped around Fragone’s neck.

For one moment, life was back to the way it used to be. That moment was theirs.

It had been too long.

They were consumed by too many emotions that had been pushed aside for too long.

They clung to each other with need, their hands remembering old habits and things the men of today’s Roarwol would not know of.

After what seemed like forever, they slowly broke apart. They still were in each other’s arms and their eyes refused to separate.

“...Like... I... said...” Fragone whispered, a little out of breath. “It’s... has been... far...too...long.”

iza mi iza ma iza ji iza ja
mi ma to ta mi ma
iza mi ma iza ji ja
mi ma ji ja yi ya

Zoran and Karim were playing cards. Alven was studing a map he’d just found. Elric was pacing back and forth, completely freaked out that Raphael and Tyris weren’t in sight.

Well... mostly Raphael.

Akira stormed into the room, angered... sorry, enraged by the conversation he had with King Than.


The remaining boys jumped at the sound of Akira’s enraged voice.

“What do you mean?” Alven asked, timidly eyeing his brother’s scary attitude. “How’s the King? Is he ok?”

Akira glared at his brother and looked away. “Where are Tyris and Raphael?” He asked, trying not to think of the monsterous king.

Elric, who had stopped pacing to watch Akira, started panicking. “Oh, we don’t know! She took off while you were talking to the king.”

Karim and Zoran watched Akira with confused and cautious eyes. Karim knew first hand what would happen if Akira lost control of his temper. Let me tell you... It isn’t pretty! Zoran also knew first hand, but, he rather saw than felt.

Akira closed his eyes and pinched his nose. The boys watched him, waiting. Finally he opened his eyes and walked towards the door.

However, as his fingers touched the door handle, Tyris stormed in. Nearly knocking Akira into the wall. Tyris didn’t notice, but went to give Raphael to Elric and then walked right up to Zoran.

“Is something wrong, Tyris?” Zoran asked, confused at her sudden behaviour, as were the others.

Tyris didn’t speak but rather stared into his eyes, trying to find something in them. What is was, Zoran had no clue.

Aura slowly and quietly walked in to see Akira sitting on the floor.
“Um...” Akira looked up at her. “am I missing something?” Aura asked.

Akira shrugged and got up. “What are you doing here?”
Aura’s eyes instantly left his and her body became rigid. “Well, you see.. I happened to have heard something quite... um ... interesting about you boys from some fellows who I believe come from your kingdom.”

Zoran’s whole form went rigid. “Would you happen to know their names?” His voice was extremely wary as he looked away from Tyris to Aura. Tyris’ face seemed helpless and confused.

Aura herself was also wary. “I think their names were Domion, Worn, Bongo, Rod and Eriol... So you know them well?” Since with every name, each of the boys grew scared and wary and awkward.

Zoran’s attention went back to Tyris. Her eyes were begging, pleading for answers. “So... what... did you hear?

iza mi iza ma iza ji iza ja
mi ma to ta mi ma
iza mi ma iza ji ja
mi ma ji ja yi ya

Fragone and Fate stood facing each other for what seemed like forever. One pair of hands were stuck to the other pair.

“So... how is it?” Fragone broke the silence, Fate blinked. “Running the world?”

Fate snorted and looked away. “Well, our argument about running the world has proven my theory!”

Fragone raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Remember when we were discussing about what would happen if men only lived on earth?”

“Yeah but what has...?”
“My theory was that men would not know anything about peace and love and would fight and battle all the time. I was proven correct!” Fate said looking a little smug.

Fragone gaped at her before shaking his head. “Don’t you ever wish you hadn’t gone to HIM?” Fate’s eyes were confused. “If you never went with Destiny, Roarwol wouldn’t exist.”

“Sometimes...” Fate said, looking back at the stone that had resurfaced so many beautiful and painful memories.

Silence fell among them.

In the distance, Fate heard Aygul’s voice and noticed the sky turn into a beautiful sunset colour.

dante ezi bi ba nes ji ja
yi ya miso dante ya
dante ezi eza
dante yo ya yesa
dante ezi bi ba nes ja ja

“Wragone is probably waiting for you.”

Fragone looked at her with almost pained eyes. “For some strange reason I don’t want this moment to end, Farida.”

Fate looked at him with a similar expression. “For some strange reason, I feel the same... You miss her don’t you?”
“Farida. You wish I was still her. Still weak, still useless...”
“I thought you were useless!”
“She did and I still do.”

“FATE! FATE! FATE! FATE! FATE!” Destiny’s voice broke the bubble they seemed to be in.

Fate now, for some strange reason, seemed nervous. “Before either of us takes off. There’s something I need to tell you... something I should’ve done long ago.”

Fragone motioned her with his eyes to continue.

Fate became very uncomfortable. “Well... you see... remember when we were here.... Before ‘you know what happened’? Well... we were talking about children, remember... And children names...”

“Yes and I said if it were a girl I’d want her name to start with a T... What importance has this conversation...”

“What did you want her name to mean?!” Fate said in desperation.

“I wanted the name to mean ‘The Lord’s promise’. And the only name we could... think of... was...”

A gust of wind flew passed him and Fate, in dragon form, had gone. Fragone stared at their stone with wide and confused eyes.

What was Fate trying to tell him?

Gragone ran up to him. “Where has you been? Wragone wants to plan another attack on another kingdom.”

Fragone looked at Gragone, then at the stone. “Alright. I’m coming.”

iza mi iza ma iza ji iza ja
mi ma to ta mi ma
iza mi ma iza ji ja
mi ma ji ja yi ya

“Hey! There you are Fate! Where have you been?” Destiny asked.
Fate looked down through the clouds. “Just dreaming about the past.”

iza mi iza ma iza ji iza ja
mi ma to ta mi ma
iza mi ma iza ji ja
mi ma ji ja yi ya

Silence had engulfed the seekers and their dragon friends.

“So... tell me, Zoran.” Tyris begged. “Is it true... that your masters...” She stopped, trying to understand but not being able to grasp what she was saying. “Did your masters die within four years of having you?”

And as if things couldn’t get worse... Mesi dropped by for a visit.

“Heya Guys!” She sang, walking in. Karim looked and smiled slightly at her, but still was very uncomfortable.

“Umm... Am I like interrupting something? And Tyris... Fate like needs you for something.”

“She can wait.” Both Aura and Mesi were dumbstruck. Never, and I mean never, had Tyris put something else in front of what Destiny or Fate needs.

But Tyris didn’t notice. Her attention was completely on Zoran, who stared back.

“So... Zoran. Is it true? Or is it a misunderstanding?”