The Dragon Tamers

The Dragon Shifters

dante ezi bi ba nes ji ja
yi ya miso dante ya
dante ezi eza
dante yo ya yesa
dante ezi bi ba nes ja ja

Alven woke up suddenly at the sound of the rain slowing. He yawned and looked up. Glancing around, he checked his friends and brothers. Then he noticed that Zoran wasn’t there. He got up and walked to Akira, shaking him.
“Hey Akira,” He whispered, “Akira, wake up!”
“I’m up, I’m up, I’m up!” Akira groaned lifting his head from his pillow. “What?”
“Zoran’s missing! I can’t find him!” Akira sprung to his feet, one of which kicked Elric.
“HEY!” He yelled jumping up, causing Rogan to wake up with a start.
“What is going on?” Rogan demanded.
“Zoran’s missing.” Alven said for the second time.
“I’m up! What’s up, down and around?” Karim groaned, stretching.
“Again, Zoran’s missing!”
“Well, let’s go find him then.” Akira muttered.
Elric glanced at him, “Oh? And how do you know in which direction he headed?”
Akira nodded his head to the opening of the tent. Everyone turned to see tracks from Zoran’s shoes in the muddy ground.
“I stand corrected.”
Rogan rolled his eyes at the youths and walked out, “Let’s go boys.”
“Yes sire!” muttered Elric sarcastically.

tara eri sio mika
tara mi so tati ra
rai bera bow mira
tara eri sio mi
aiso miha dita
arie mimi to to yi
tara eri sio mika
tara mi so tati ra

Zoran stared behind his tree as the Dragon’s voice sang the rainbow song again. Watching the Dragon, well, if he was right and he was actually looking at a Dragon. It looked just like his first master had said. Big wings; though his master had never mentioned that they looked like colourful, unmoving waterfalls. Horns; though it was never mentioned that they looked like colourful stars. Its long tail.

Suddenly the singing stopped. Zoran froze. Had the Dragon heard him? The colours around it disappeared and Zoran stared. What he saw was no beast, nor a man. It

It looked similar to a man but different. Its groin wasn’t there and two hills bulged from its chest. Its body was smaller than a man’s and looked more fragile. Its body had...curves. Sort of what grassy field curves, but far more beautiful. Its hair was coloured and curled and fell to an end near its bottom.

Well whatever it was, it looked around and smiled.
“Hey Chi? Chi? I know you’re here!” It called in a beautiful voice. Its rounded face brightened at it looked up. Zoran’s followed. Another beast appeared and flew down to the first. Then in an instant, it changed into a similar creature.

This creature’s body was more slender and its face was sharper. Its hair was grassier and less curled and stopped its flowing near its elbows.

The first one ran to the second, apparently known as Chi, and hugged it. “How is it going? Lur hasn’t been working you and your friends too hard I hope.”
Chi laughed, but it sounded high and squeamish, “We’re okay, Tyris.” Chi said in a high, almost baby voice. “Lur’s just peeved about the land being destroyed in Stron.”
Zoran’s eyes widened. Was the Vulcan attacking Stron? If so, why?
The first one, Tyris, shook its head, “Honestly, I don’t what these men hope to gain from violence and destruction.”
“Maybe what Gabija enjoys?”
“No, she’s only interested in lava baths, not in men. I had a lava bath when I visited her a while ago. It was really...”
Tyris looked at Chi and laughed. It sounded like music to Zoran’s ears. “That too. It was refreshing. Trust me, running around giving messages from one dragon to another gets a little dull. And you know I hate dull.”
Chi laughed in that high voice again, “I think so.”

Zoran watched the exchange in awe and curiosity. It looked like they were having an ordinary conversation. But the way they spoke, the way they acted towards each other. It was the same way men did different.

Zoran cursed under his breath. He’d forgotten about his friends and their quest. He turned to see Tyris and Chi staring at each other wearily.
“Um, Tyris. Who’s Zoran?”
“I don’t know. Most probably FATE AND DESTINY ARE GOING TO KILL ME!!!!” Tyris in an instant transformed into a dragon and flew off.
Chi watched Tyris leave. Then, suspiciously to Zoran’s eyes, grinned with a strange glint. Chi then transformed and left in a different direction.

Zoran stepped away from the comfort of the tree watching the two dragons leave. The guys would never believe this!

Dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante soora
hi ha hi so si sa ya
iya mi so sa se so inyan de mia moore
dante moore dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi so si sa ya

“So let me get this straight. You saw a dragon for what it really was?” Alven asked quizzically.
Zoran nodded and spoke quietly. “Yeah! Two in fact. When they heard you guys they transformed and flew away before I could talk to them.”
“They had good reason.” muttered Rogan from his perch in the tent. “Man and Dragon are not to interact. Dragon Shifters are creatures whose true self you will only see on your death bed.”
Zoran closed his eyes smiled and lay back. “In that case, I’m looking forward to dying.” He said quietly.
Karim’s eyes widened, “Were they that beautiful.”
Zoran half opened his eyes, “More.”
Akira raised an eyebrow, “If you’re not careful, you could land up being more of a dreamer than Karim.”
Elric chuckled. “Hey Zoran, next time you see those Dragon Shifters, ask them where we can find Ausra.”
Karim’s eyes lit up. “That’s a great idea!”
“Think about it. If we meet up with the Dragon Shifters and get them on our side, the Vulcan is done for!”
“What?” Akira glared, clearly not liking the idea.
“Well, Karim’s got a point. They have already mentioned dislike towards the Vulcan; it’s a win-win option for both. Well, with the exception of the Vulcan.” Alven said, quite liking the idea.
“OH YEAH!” yelled Elric.
“Just one problem you misguided youths.” Rogan butted in.
“What’s that, old man?”
“Where are you going to find them and how are you going to get them to talk to you?”
Everything was quiet. The birds chirped and flew in the distance, but could not be heard by the Seekers.
Alven lowered his eyes and walked outside the tent, “Its midday. Let’s go guys.”
Everyone followed him. No one spoke throughout the journey.

ji zi ja ji jo ji jos
jojo jus yi mi
ji zi za zo ji ja ji ka
joja jus ji jus ji
flara fia ria miho
flara fia rio miha

“Honestly Dragon Shifter. Your spirit never ceases to amaze me.” Magone chuckled and walked closer to Chi, whose head was bowed,
“I’m tired of being over looked.” Chi spoke coldly. Then Chi smiled and got up. “Fate and Destiny made a big mistake letting you see me for what I am.”
“I, for one, do not regret it.” Magone grinned with malice. “So tell me more about what Tyris told you. She really must be well informed.”
Chi nodded. “She’s loved by all Dragon Shifters. She even has the trust of Fate and Destiny. I’ve even heard a water nymph say that she may be holding Ausra.”
Magone raised an eyebrow, “Really now.”
SHE smiled, “Shall I find out?”

iza mi iza ma iza ji iza ja
mi ma to ta mi ma
iza mi ma iza ji ja
mi ma ji ja yi ya

Tyris flew through the clouds and landed on the biggest one. Getting down, she lowered her eyes.
“Fate? Destiny?”
Two Dragons appeared and surrounded her.
“We know.” One said in a soft voice.
“We want you to greet them. They’ll need your help and the help of the others.” the other said in a sharper tone.
Tyris nodded and flew off.
The soft one looked at the other. “Really, Fate. Does it really...?”
Fate looked at her companion, “I’m afraid so.”

iza mi iza ma iza ji iza ja
mi ma to ta mi ma
iza mi ma iza ji ja
mi ma ji ja yi ya

It had been days since Zoran’s encounter. They were coming ever closer to the land of Than.
“Wow. Look at this beauty!” Karim yelled in delight at the flowers surrounding the dark forest ahead of them.
“If we don’t hurry, Karim.” muttered Akira, “There’ll be none of this tomorrow.”

Rogan was quiet the entire journey. What Zoran saw, frightened him. He was worried for the boys.
“Let’s stop here for the night boys.”
“FINALLY!” Elric stopped and jumped into a heap of dead leaves.
Zoran quietly walked next to Elric and sat down beside him. “C’mon guys. Let’s get some rest.”

dante ezi bi ba nes ji ja
yi ya miso dante ya
dante ezi eza
dante yo ya yesa
dante ezi bi ba nes ja ja

Karim watched his companions in their slumbers. He felt bad for Zoran. He’d seen something truly amazing and it was proving costly.

shia mi wawa me
shami ki ko sa so
shia ni mi hi miha
shia mi wawa me
shiami ki ko sa so
shara ri ra wawa miha
shia amora shai amor
shia amora shai amor
shia mi wawa me
shami ki ko shia amora

Another sound caught Karim’s ears. It sounded similar to the first he heard but this sounded but happy and giddy and carefree. He slowly got up and walked to Zoran.
“Hey Zoran.” he whispered, shaking the said boy. “Wake up! C’mon.”
“Ok! Ok! I’m up!”

shia mi wawa me
shami ki ko sa so
shia ni mi hi miha
shia mi wawa me
shiami ki ko sa so
shara ri ra wawa miha
shia amora shai amor
shia amora shai amor
shia mi wawa me
shami ki ko shia amora

“Heya Tyris.” Another Dragon Shifter waved. This one was clad in blue with silver blue hair and baby blue eyes. She looked similar to Tyris, but younger and carefree.
Tyris smiled and ran up to the Dragon Shifter. “Hi Mesi. How are you these days?”
Mesi laughed in a carefree manner, “You should have like been here! Men are like so much fun to tease. They got all like scared when I like sent some small waves.”
Tyris shook her head at her. “Honestly.”
Mesi laughed, “OK! Now, I have like some unsuspecting men to like tease tonight! Buh bye Tyris.” Hugging the dragon. Then Mesi transformed into a big blue Dragon and flew off.
Tyris looked on and shook her head. “Ah, Mesi. Gotta love her.” and with that, she too transformed and flew off.

winra miha ro ra you ji
winra hi ha mi ko ki
winra miha ri ra yu yi ji ja
winra miha ro ra yu yi
winra miha mi

“Shhh! C’mon!” Elric whispered. Karim had woken the boys up, and leaving Rogan to his sleep, set off to find the latest melody Karim had heard.
“This way.”
“Hey! Who goes there?” A voice shouted. The boys froze. Out of no where, the breeze became a solid. That solid was again a Dragon.
“I said, ‘Who goes there?’ Honestly, men are truly idiots.” The Dragon’s voice spoke. It was sharper than the other dragons, but not as sharp as Fate.
“We’re looking for someone who can help us locate Ausra.” Akira bravely spoke, successfully concealing the terror inside his heart.
The Dragon looked interested, “Ausra?”
Akira nodded. “Could you help us......?”
“It’s Aura.”
“Aura? Ok, could you help us?”
“No I cannot.” And with that the dragon ruffled its wings.
“Wait!” Zoran whispered, halting Aura.
“What is it?”
“Do you know anything about the Vulcan?” The other boys looked at him, in confusion.
Aura looked thoughtful, “They’re currently at odds with Stron. No victor as of yet, but the Vulcan have an advantage. What the advantage is, I’m afraid I do not know.”
Zoran nodded and bowed his head, “Thank you.”
Aura’s head lifted in a surprised manner. “You’re welcome.”
“Aura! Aura!” Zoran’s head snapped up. He knew that voice. It had been haunting his thoughts for a while now.

Tyris flew down to Aura. “Hey Aura! There you...” Tyris finally realised that Aura was not alone.
Zoran stared at her. From a far Tyris really was beautiful. It was as if Tyris’ beauty doubled up close. Even in Dragon form. “Um. Hi, you’re Tyris, right?”
Tyris was taken aback, “Yes. I am she.”
Alven voiced the confusion, “She?”
Tyris nodded. “You know replacement of the name. For males, its he. For Dragons, its she. Oh, never mind.” Then she turned to Zoran. “How do you know my name?”
“I sort of saw you.”
“A couple of night back, I saw you perform your rainbow ritual and then I saw you transform.”
Tyris and Aura froze.
“I knew it!!!” Tyris spoke, terrified. “I thought someone was watching me.”
Zoran lowered his head. “I’m sorry. I know it was wrong.”
Tyris stared at the boy before her. Then she transformed.
Karim, Alven, Akira and Elric stared in awe of the ceremony. Zoran watched in renewed intrigue.
The boys stared at Tyris. Zoran’s description of her just didn’t do her justice.
“WOW!” Karim stared. “What are those?” He asked, pointing to the hills on her chest.
Tyris looked down and then went red. “They’re called breasts. All dragons have them. If you don’t mind, they’re a sensitive area, so steer clear of it.”
“Oh okay!”
Aura looked at the travellers and then at Tyris. “Well, since they already know.” She, too, transformed.
She was a lot like Tyris. Her hair wavy and silver, falling to an end near her bottom. Her eyes were lavender. Her body was slender but was built for strength. Her breasts were smaller than Tyris.
Akira was taken with Tyris, but seemed entranced by Aura’s true form. She certainly seemed interesting.
“So, are you interested in learning more about females and Dragons?” Aura asked.
“Oh yes we are!” the boys replied.