The Dragon Tamers

Dance of Seasons

Dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante soora
hi ha hi so si sa ya
iya mi so sa se so inyan de mia moore
dante moore dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi so si sa ya

Aura and Tyris spent the rest of the night explaining things to the boys. When they finished, the sun was rising fast.
“You boys should be getting back.” Aura said, getting up.
“Thank you for talking to us.” Alven said.
“Actually, I’ve been instructed by Fate and Destiny to accompany you on your journey.” Tyris said quietly.
The boys stared at her. “You serious?” Karim voiced.
Tyris nodded, “Is that alright?”
“YOU BET!” Elric said, jumping up, “Watch out Vulcan! We’re so going to kick your ass!”
Tyris giggled and looked to Aura.
Aura shook her head. “Oh no! I’ve got work to do. See ya.” With that, she transformed and flew away.
Tyris turned to the boys and smiled, “Shall we?”
They nodded in return, except Akira who was watching Aura’s retreating figure.

winra miha ro ra you ji
winra hi ha mi ko ki
winra miha ri ra yu yi ji ja
winra miha ro ra yu yi
winra miha mi

Rogan woke as the sun’s rays hit his face. Yawning and stretching his old bones, he slowly rose from his bed.
“Alright boys! Get up!” He yelled. Then realised he was alone. Very much alone. He sprung to his feet and raced outside.
“BOYS! ALVEN! AKIRA! ELRIC! KARIM! ZORAN!” He yelled against the wind.
“We’re coming old man! Relax!” Elric yelled back. Rogan breathed in relief and then stared in shock. Along with the boys was the most beautiful creature he’d even seen.
“” He breathed.
Tyris shied away from the old man and walked behind Zoran.
“She’s a Dragon Shifter.”
“A Dragon Shifter?” Rogan whispered, staring at the smaller figure in front of him. Seeing as Zoran had moved out of the way a bit. “It’s an honour.”
Tyris bowed with respect, “Same to you! I hope to learn more about you all during my journey with you.”
Tyris giggled. “So we’re heading to Than?” Everyone nodded, “Let’s go!”
And with that, they were off.

ji zi ja ji jo ji jos
jojo jus yi mi
ji zi za zo ji ja ji ka
joja jus ji jus ji
flara fia ria miho
flara fia rio miha

Wragone stared at the fire blazing the once strong village of Stron. None were losing, none were winning. He was growing annoyed and bored of the wasting time.
“Gragone! Fragone!” He bellowed. Two old men in dark robes walked in.
The one with a crooked smiled and gleaming yellow eyes bowed, “Sire.”
Wragone moved his hand in a hello sign. “Gragone.”
The other, with coal black eyes and look that would strike fear in any, walked up to the king. “Wragone. I fear we have distressing news.”
Wragone raised an eyebrow, “What is it?”
Gragone stepped forward, his yellow eyes glazed over, “The seekers are on their way to destroy us. Their quest to find Ausra is near to being complete.”
Wragone waved a hand in dismissal, “We’ve got a Dragon Shifter with us; we needn’t worry about some legendry youths.”
“They’ve got the Rainbow Shifter.” Fragone spoke.
“Well then,” Wragone said getting up. “We mustn’t delay. Tell Magone to finish Stron off!”
The old men bowed and moved away.

ji zi ja ji jo ji jos
jojo jus yi mi
ji zi za zo ji ja ji ka
joja jus ji jus ji
flara fia ria miho
flara fia rio miha

Another Dragon Shifter watched the battle in Stron. Her hair was blood red and wild, falling to her bottom. Her eyes were amber and her body had curves.
She crossed her arms in front of her. She watched the men dying and killing. She watched without once thinking of stepping in.
She shook her head and walked to the volcano she stood on. Smiling and shaking her head, she dived in.

ji zi ja ji jo ji jos
jojo jus yi mi
ji zi za zo ji ja ji ka
joja jus ji jus ji
flara fia ria miho
flara fia rio miha

Zoran watched Tyris at she sat with them near the fire. He’d caught himself staring at her on more than one occasion. What was with him?
Tyris looked to her side and saw the one called Zoran looking at her. Ever since he’d first spoken, she’d been drawn to him.
Zoran snapped out of his stare when he heard her voice. “Yeah?”
“Um. Tell me, why don’t you speak like the others?”
Zoran raised an eyebrow, “Pardon?”
Tyris shrunk back, “Well, the others are so...expressive, loud. You’re so quiet.” She then tilted her head in confusion to her own sentence.
Zoran chuckled and got up, then motioned Tyris to follow him. She slowly stood and walked with him.

When they were a bit away from the others, he stopped and lay down. Tyris sat down beside him.
Zoran looked up at the stars. “Who controls the night?” He asked silently.
Tyris smiled. “That’d be Aygul, The Moon Shifter. She’s the younger twin of Seren.”
“Let me guess, the Sun.”
Tyris nodded and stared up at the sky. Aygul certainly was happy tonight for some reason.
“So, tell me. What do you dream about?”
Tyris looked to Zoran in confusion. “Dream?”
“Yeah, you know. When you sleep.”
Tyris looked away. “Dragon Shifters don’t sleep. The elements need constant attention.”
Zoran looked at her. “Oh, sorry.”
“It’s okay. So why are you”
Zoran chuckled, “My master wasn’t what you call quiet. He was always yelling and cursing. I never got much say in anything. So my tone lowered.” He turned to see her reaction.
She was staring at him in awe. “Wow.”
They stayed like that for a while. Just staring at each other.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?”
Tyris snapped her head in the direction of the voice and smiled.
“Lur!” She said and ran towards the Dragon Shifter.
Lur had hazel hair that fell to her elbows and it was anything but tame. Her hazel eyes were wild with intrigue at the scene before her.
“Hey Tyris. What are you doing with a young man?” Nodding her head to Zoran, who had jumped up in fright.
“Fate and Destiny sent me to stay with them. Zoran, this is Lur. She’s the Earth Dragon Shifter.”
Lur raised an eyebrow in amusement. “I don’t bite much, young man.” Then, just as Zoran seemed to relax, “Just nibble.”
Tyris giggled and ran back to Zoran. “You okay?” She asked, taking his hand. Zoran’s eyes widened in surprise.
Lur watched the exchange. “Interesting.” she whispered.
“HEY GUYS!” Alven halted as soon as he caught sight of Lur. “Woah!” He whispered.
Lur’s eyes widened in surprise. “And you might be?” She asked, glancing from Tyris to Alven.
“Lur, this is Alven. He’s the thinker of the group. Alven, this is Lur.” Tyris introduced happily.
“Um...hi. Nice to meet you.” Alven said, eyes completely wide.
“Same to you.” Lur replied, bowing a little. Then she turned to Tyris, “I’m here on bussiness and your friends are distracting me.”
Tyris nodded. “That time again already?”
Alven glanced at the two Dragons. “What are you talking about?”
Tyris turned to him and giggled. “The autumn dance. They need my help for that.”
“Hey can we watch?” Karim yelled, running up to them. Seeing as he loved to see what everyone else was doing.
Tyris looked at Lur, “I don’t see why not...”
Lur smiled and shook her head, “Neither do I.”

yi yi yo to ri ra ri so
ayi ya to mika tra
ori pisa yiyo miha
aker me a mora me
yiyi me mo ni no ni na
trilts miam si so mi
yiyi yo to ri ri ria so
ayi ya to mika tra

The groups stared as they followed Lur and Tyris into the darkest part of the forest. Around them, trees came to life as dragons. Same with flowers and grass.
“You like it boys?” Lur asked.
“This is amazing!” Elric voiced as he watched the leaves dance in the wind...the wind?
Aura suddenly appeared. “About time!”
Akira was caught again by the Dragon. “Oh, hey Aura.”
Aura turned to Akira and smiled, “Hello, Akira. You and your friends come to watch?” Her only reply was nod.
“Well then. When are we going to start?” Tyris jumped.
Lur crossed her arms, “As soon as Chi arrives.” Zoran’s eyes narrowed. Ever since he first saw the Dragon, he knew something was off. He just didn’t know what!
“Sorry I’m late!” Chi called. “Let’s go!” and turned to see the boys looking at her. “Oh! Okay! Visitors!” She said and turned, sparing a glance at Zoran, whose glaring unnerved her. Like he knew! But he couldn’t...?
Tyris also noticed the exchange. She ran to Zoran and touched his arm. “Whatever you’ve got against Chi, tell me about later. We need her, so try to be in control. Kay?” she whispered, only loud enough for Zoran to hear.
He nodded. “Okay. Now go show off.”
She smiled and ran to Aura and Lur.

“Everyone ready?” Lur called. The other dragons nodded.

There was a faint glow around them. Especially around Lur, Tyris and Aura. Some strange melody began.

Aura changed into her dragon form and flew into the air. Circling around the forest once, she then changed back and began moving. The wind around them slowly began to cool.

Tyris then transformed and joined Aura, copying her and then falling into step with her. Colours like yellow, brown, green and gold flashed out.

Then the singing started.

Inyo do to te ra
Inya do ta ti re
Inye do ti tra ry
Inyo do to te ra

Lur twirled and the colours that flashed out of Tyris drew to her. She kept twirling. The other dragons began to twirl and the colours came to them as well.
Then Lur stopped, and standing in the middle of her companions, she began to join in the singing. Her song mixed with Aura and Tyris’.

Leaves of change
Trees of change
Calm down and give in to the breeze
Leaves of earth
Trees of the earth
Let the colours guide you to the breeze

They continued singing as the earth dragons then transformed and began to fly to different forests and earth. The same thing happened.

The boys watched in absolute awe. These dragons...were something else. Of course, they knew that, but still.

This dance was carried out for over an hour. The boys could not drawn their eyes away.

Soon after the ritual ended, the eath dragons, including Chi, disappeared.

Tyris ran up to the boys, “So? What did you guys think?”
Rogan spoke for all of them, “It was truly an amazing site. Thank you for showing us!”
Tyris nodded. Lur walked up and looked at Alven. “Do you mind if we talk?” He shook his head and followed her.

Aura sat next to Akira, Karim, Elric and Rogan.

Zoran looked at Tyris and motioned her to follow him.

Once they were away, he said, “Look, I’m sorry about Chi. Its just that...when I first, you know, saw you, she seemed...well, fake.”
Tyris looked confused. “I forgive you, but what do you mean?”
“Well, I was watching your exchange, and then when you left, she smiled almost evilly and took off in another direction. If that’s not suspicious, I don’t know what is.”
Tyris seemed to be thinking about his words carefully. She walked a bit away from him. “Hmmm. She has been acting strange lately. Look, this is what we’ll do,” She said, turning to face him again. “I ask Lur and some of her closest companions to keep an eye on her. How does that sound?”
Zoran smiled and, without really thinking, hugged the Dragon. Bringing her dangerously close to him, “Thanks Tyris. You’re the best.”
To say that Tyris was surprised was an understatement. She slowly, abiet unsurly, put her arms around him. “A...a...your welcome?” Then, closed her eyes and leaned into him. It felt so right. So perfect.
But, of course, she knew there was no such thing.
yi yi yo to ri ra ri so
ayi ya to mika tra
ori pisa yiyo miha
aker me a mora me
yiyi me mo ni no ni na
trilts miam si so mi
yiyi yo to ri ri ria so
ayi ya to mika tra

“ can I help you with?” Alven asked. Shy of the beauty before him. Lur had led him away from his brothers and so he was a bit unnerved. He wasn’t completely used to being without them.
Lur stared at Alven, “Please, take really good care of Tyris. You have no idea of how much she means to everyone and everything.”
Alven nodded, before smiling, “I’ll do that, but I think someone else has already taken that job.”
Lur looked confused, then remembered the boy Tyris was first with. “Oh...Zoran, right?” Alven nodded. “You’re right. He does seem strangely protective of her.”
Alven chuckled. “Its funny. He’s never been much to get attached to anything or anyone. Its new for all of us.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, men and Dragon Shifters aren’t actually supposed to interact. I figured that much. Its strange that now Fate and Destiny would change their minds.”
“Maybe because they want calm.”
Lur looked at him, “What about peace?”
Alven looked at the beauty before him, very confused. “What’s peace?”
“Well,” Lur began, lying on the grass. Seemingly to blend right in. “Peace is sort of like comfort but in a deeper sense. It kind of makes you feel whole and in touch with everything around you.”
“Wow...How come no man has ever come across it?” Alven wondered.
Lur began uncomfortable and stood up. “Well, no offence but man is constantly fighting about anything and with anything. That’s why they only know of comfortable.”
“Um...” Alven trailed off. Not really sure how to take in the information.
“HEY GUYS!” Yelled Elric, running towards them. “Sorry Lur but seriously, Alven! You’re not going to believe this!”