The Dragon Tamers

Fighting in the rain

ji zi ja ji jo ji jos
jojo jus yi mi
ji zi za zo ji ja ji ka
joja jus ji jus ji
flara fia ria miho
flara fia rio miha

Gabija walked out of the volcano she currently stayed in. It felt odd for her leave. She liked staying where she was. But if Tyris was interacting with men and showing herself, well, she was curious.

She ruffled her wings after she had transformed into a fiery red dragin. “Let’s go fire up the world.” She snorted and dashed up into the clouded sky.

She noticed the clouds and shook her head with an ‘I knew it’ face upon her. “Looks like Aygul and Mesi are fighting again. Honestly, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say they were another species of men.”

winra miha ro ra you ji
winra hi ha mi ko ki
winra miha ri ra yu yi ji ja
winra miha ro ra yu yi
winra miha mi

Aura, in dragon form, appeared next to Tyris and Zoran. “Oh, this is getting irritating!” she growled in annoyance, “they’re fighting over another secret.”
Tyris stared at her in disbelief. “You are not serious! Another one?”
Aura’s nod was the only reply she got.

“What? I’m confused! What are you talking about?” Alven asked.
Akira gazed at Aura, who had turned to him and his friends. “Wanna tell?”
Aura rolled her eyes and turned her whole body towards him. “Aygul is known for knowing secrets and such. Mesi loves to talk about that so they exchange. Though sometimes it gets out of hand...”
“Like now.” Akira finished.
This time, Tyris spoke. “You got it.”
Karim looked between the two shifters. “What secret are Aygul and Mesi talking about?” You could tell by listening to his voice that, he suddenly didn’t like Aygul.
Aura threw him a funny look, “We wouldn’t know. They never tell us.”
“Not even Tyris?” Alven interjected.
Tyris shrugged and kept staring at the sky. “Sometimes, sometimes not.”

Then, Tyris transformed and took off. The seekers looked on, very confused.
“Don’t worry. She’s going to see how bad it is before she stops it.” Aura chuckled at the looks on their faces.
“So, what do we expect now?” Rogan asked.
Aura raised her head, “You’re lucky you’ve got a tent. Because it’s going to get wet.”

Just then, drops began to fall. Slowly at first, then faster and faster into a full on rainfall.
“Oh damn!” The seekers ran off towards the tent, except for Akira who stayed behind.
Aura looked at him, “Something wrong, Akira?”
Akira just shook his head, “What are you shifters doing to us?’
Aura backed up once in surprise. “I could ask you the same!”
Akira sighed. “I should probably get out of the rain...” He trailed off.
Aura looked down, “Me too. See ya.” And with that, she flew off.
Akira’s eyes stayed on Aura ‘till he could see her no more. Then he turned and ran off to the shelter of the tent.

ari done to ta tara
toto ri ro mi ki ker
ari done to ta ti
toti ri ra ker

Mesi, in dragon form, stood on a stormy cloud with a sea storm expression on her face. Across her on another cloud was Aygul, in her true from. Her eyes were saphire stars and her long blue hair was tied at the top with a big blue bow, adorned with stars.

Tyris flew to them and stepped onto the nearest cloud. “Mesi. Aygul. What’s going on now?” She asked in a worried tone.
Mesi ruffled her wings in annoyance. “Aygul says she has a new secret but she won’t tell me!” She whined.
In a velvet voice, Aygul replied. “I would tell you if I could but I can’t okay! What part of that don’t you get?”
Mesi stamped on of her feet. “All of it!”
Aygul then transformed in a blue dragon with stars adorned on her skin. Mesi growled and the two ruffled their wings.
Tyris sighed. Of all things they could be arguing about! Unfortunately she’d have to wait a bit before they would listen to her. Now was the scary part. Watching.
Then, the thunder began. The two dragons banged against each other. Their fangs showed and they glared into each other’s eyes.
They banged then flew back a little, then began again. This carried on for quite a while.

Aygul and Mesi were about ready to deal another blow, but they both collapsed. They stared, or to be more accurate, glared at each other without once blinking. Neither ready to give up. Neither had the willpower to continue either. Tyris, having had to have watched this, glanced between the two. Waiting for the right moment. It couldn’t be too long before...then she saw it. Tyris saw the window of opportunity and jumped for it.

“Alright! Here’s an idea. Mesi, your MerDrags are talkative, so tell Aygul something about that. Aygul, there’s got to be something else you know about, tell Mesi about that. How does that sound?”
Aygul and Mesi looked at each other unsurely.
Tyris sighed and opened her mouth.

tara eri sio mika
tara mi so tati ra
rai bera bow mira
tara eri sio mi
aiso miha dita
arie mimi to to yi
tara eri sio mika
tara mi so tati ra

The rain that had been caused by Mesi’s anger and Aygul’s arguing slowly and gradually stopped.
The others listened to her song. The seekers heard some of it too as it sang them to sleep. Zoran was one of the last ones as he enjoyed listening to her voice.
After she was done, she looked at Mesi and Aygul. They looked at each other and smiled. “Okay!” They said in unison.

Tyris nodded her head and flew away to the tent where the seekers were. Rogan was awake when she arrived.
“Hello, Rogan.” Tyris greeted as she transformed and sat down beside him.
“Oh, hello.” He mumbled, not looking up from his hands.
Tyris cocked her head to the side. “What’s wrong?”
Rogan sighed and looked into her eyes. “It’s not very easy to explain.”
Tyris raised an eyebrow. “Try me.”
Rogan chuckled and shook his head. “Never mind. It’s nothing really. Just some old man troubles.”
Tyris now leaned closer to him like a child captured by a story being told. “What’s it like?”
Rogan laughed quietly. “Do you have anything idea how much you looked and acted like Karim?”
Tyris giggled silently. “I’m guessing a lot, but... What’s it like, being old?”
Rogan gazed upward, “Not very pleasant. You can’t move like you did when you were sleepy’s age.” He gestured to Elric, who was snoring lightly.
Tyris giggled and then asked another question, “How do you choose whose master you’ll be?”
Rogan chuckled at the memory. “I actually wasn’t given much of a choice. They found Elric on the battle field and dumped him on me.”
Tyris raised her eyebrows. “That’s interesting.”
Rogan shook his head. “To this day I’ve never found out why they chose me in particular to look Elric. I’ve never been good at giving orders and teaching...” He trailed off as he yawned.
“You should get some rest.” Tyris said and got up. “I’ll be back. Just go to sleep, m’kay?” Without waiting for an answer, she transformed and flew off.
Rogan watched her with a half smile, before it turned into a small frown. He groaned and buried his face in his hands.

ji zi ja ji jo ji jos
jojo jus yi mi
ji zi za zo ji ja ji ka
joja jus ji jus ji
flara fia ria miho
flara fia rio miha

“Wow! You’re getting good at knowing where I am.” Gabija joked as Tyris transformed and ran up to hug her.
“It’s been a while but it’s so good to see you!” Tyris replied.
Gabija winked and flipped her fiery hair over her shoulder. “Why wouldn’t you be glad to see me?”
Tyris giggled and shook her head. Gabija joined in and for a while they just laughed for no reason.

Dragons do that sometimes.

“So, Fate told me you’re travelling with men now.” Gabija enquired.
“Uh huh. They’re kind of fun to hang around with. I’m going to help them find Ausra.”
Gabija raised an eyebrow. “So the rumor wasn’t true?”
Tyris looked at her companion confused, “What are you talking about?”
“A tree nymph told me that a rumor was going around that you knew Ausra was.”
Tyris rapidly shook her head. “Nope. I have no idea!”
Gabija sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “Oh well.”

yi yi yo to ri ra ri so
ayi ya to mika tra
ori pisa yiyo miha
aker me a mora me
yiyi me mo ni no ni na
trilts miam si so mi
yiyi yo to ri ri ria so
ayi ya to mika tra

Lur stood with about seven nature nymphs around her. She was standing in the forest nearest to the land of Ruin, the land King Odol ruled, well sort of.

“Now listen. Spread this around, keep an eye on Chi. She has been acting strange these past times and she has been known for needing attention. Don’t let her know though, if she has something to hide, she take extra care in keeping it hidden.” Lur glanced around at the nymphs to see if they understood.

“One question.” asked a white rose nymph.
“Go ahead.”
“Wouldn’t Chi stop keeping it hidden if she knew she was getting more attention.”
“Yeah but,” argued a thornberry bush nymph, “then we’ll stop paying attention to her and she’ll start again!”

“Enough.” The nymphs were silent. Lur sighed and squeezed her nose. “Just keep an eye on her.”

“One more question.” asked a weeping willow nymph.
“What brought this on?”
“Tyris mentioned it to me some time ago and Destiny past by to say the same thing. Any more questions?”
The nymphs looks at each other and shook their heads.
Lur nodded and dismissed them. Then turned to the sky, watching the stars that had fallen out of Aygul’s hair and into the sky. Lur was curious to see what new pattern the stars had.

There was one constellation that looked like a tree. Another looked like a man sword. Another one ALVEN?

Lur shook her head and looked back up. Alven’s face wasn’t there. That was weird. Lur couldn’t get him out of her head. His cute brown hair and those adorable deep brown eyes....

“Stop it Lur! What’s gotten into you?” Lur muttered to herself. She transformed and took off to Stron to see what nature was left there.

winra miha ro ra you ji
winra hi ha mi ko ki
winra miha ri ra yu yi ji ja
winra miha ro ra yu yi
winra miha mi

Aura sailed through the sky, invisible to anyone she didn’t want to see. Her mind, however, wasn’t on her job. Oh no, it was focusing on Akira and that really confusing discussion. Did she give him the same feelings that he gave her? What were these feelings?

She shook her head and concentrated on commanding the wind. Akira and the feelings he gave her would simply have to wait.

ji zi ja ji jo ji jos
jojo jus yi mi
ji zi za zo ji ja ji ka
joja jus ji jus ji
flara fia ria miho
flara fia rio miha

“Akira, Alven, Elric, Zoran, Rogan and Karim? Weird names, but hey their men, what do they know?” Gabija shrugged.
“They know somethings but they just don’t know about us.” Tyris defended.
“I don’t suppose...” Gabija wondered as a wicked smile crept onto her face. “Is there any chance I might meet these seekers?”
Tyris shook her head and shrugged, “They’ve already met Lur, Mesi and Aura. I don’t see why they shouldn’t meet you.

“How about dawn?”
“Perfect! Just perfect!”

Dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante soora
hi ha hi so si sa ya
iya mi so sa se so inyan de mia moore
dante moore dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi so si sa ya

Seren walked out from the cloudy cave where she talked with Destiny. Seren’s long golden hair flew out and streaked the sky and her strands on hair adorned the sky with sunlight. the loose ends that fell out sent rays to the ground. Some burning some men standing by the gates of Than. Her honey coloured eyes looked around as she walked everywhere and anywhere.

The guards at the gates of Than were dozing off when something caught their eyes. A long trial of burnt forest. Like fire had quietly burnt a trial towards the hill that was leading to the city.

Wonder what could’ve done that!