The Dragon Tamers

Fiery Conversations

Dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante soora
hi ha hi so si sa ya
iya mi so sa se so inyan de mia moore
dante moore dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi so si sa ya

Seren passed the battlefield of Stron and the Vulcan.
Magone grinned and walk out of his tent. “Ah, another day! Can’t wait to destroy it.”

A faint sound caught his trained ears. He turned to see Chi flying towards him.
“Why hello, my dear Chi.” He greeted with a grin as Chi transformed and bowed to him. “What can you tell me?”
“Nothing of importance. The enemy are weakening terribly. They’re not planning any surprise attacks as of yet.”
Magone nodded and waved a hand in dismissal. “You’ve been great help to the Vulcan. Keep an eye on Stron in the mean time.”
Chi nodded, transformed and flew off. Magone watched her and then turned towards his troops. Soon, he could almost feel it, he would defeat Stron.

Soon. Very soon. All of Roarwol would belong to the Vulcan.

winra miha ro ra you ji
winra hi ha mi ko ki
winra miha ri ra yu yi ji ja
winra miha ro ra yu yi
winra miha mi

Aura flew down to a cloud and bowed before Fate, in her dark coloured dragon form. “Fate.”
The Dragon Shifter nodded to her, “Aura. What brings you here?”
“What the hell is happening?” Aura snapped, her fangs sharpened to match her voice.
Fate gave her a worried glance. “What do you mean?”
“What do I mean? Dragons and men aren’t supposed to interact and now, out of nowhere, you decide to change that! Just because the Vulcan are trying to kill the rest of the male race off! And by the way, what are these boys doing to us? Why do I get all flushed when I’m around Akira?!” Aura’s voiced roared louder and louder as Fate’s eyes widened with each question and statement.

Silence fell between the two. Both stared at each other. One in confusion, the other in fear.

“This...wasn’t planned.” Fate’s sharp voice whispered. Her head turned to the side and looked down on the battle raging between Stron and the Vulcan. “We didn’t know...”

“What are you talking about, Fate? What’s going on? Answer me!” Aura demanded and took a step closer to Fate.

Fate turned to look at her and sighed. “There’s a reason why we never allowed interactions. This would be the result.”
“What would? My feelings?” Aura demanded.
“That and falling... in love.”
Aura took a step back. “Love? What the hell is that?”

Fate sighed. “It’s not so easy to explain...”

Dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante soora
hi ha hi so si sa ya
iya mi so sa se so inyan de mia moore
dante moore dante moora
hi ha hi si so sa
dante moora dante moora
hi ha hi so si sa ya

Rogan woke the boys up once he himself had awoken. He looked around for Tyris before remembering she had left for awhile. Probably wanted her space.
“Hey, where’s Tyris?” Karim asked, puzzled.
“She took off, she said she’ll be back soon. Now let’s pack up.” Rogan replied.

“Hey guys!” Everyone turned to see Tyris flying towards them. They waved and then noticed a fiery dragon behind her. Who were they going to meet now?

Tyris transformed and ran to them. “I want you all to meet the fire shifter, Gabija.” She turned to the said person.

Gabija transformed too and walked up. “Heya.”
Elric’s eyes doubled in size. “Woah.” Now this dragon looked... interesting! A shiver went up his spine before he knew what hit him.

Gabija looked at him, eyed him up and down and then smirked. “See something you like, little man?”
Elric recoverd and glared at her. “You...just took surprise that’s all. Nothing interesting or special about you!”
Gabija’s fiery eyes narrowed, “Oh really?”

The others had all stepped back. The two fiery haired persons glared at each other and started bickering over the something off topic.
“Um...maybe it wasn’t a good idea to let those two meet.” Tyris groaned.
“I dunno about that. This is kinda funny really.” Karim said, watching. Very eager to see the outcome.
“Glad you think so.” Alven muttered, with worried eyes darting between Gabija and Elric.

Akira felt himself smirk. This dragon had interested Elric like Aura interested him. This was getting interesting. These dragons were almost making them forget about their mission and Ausra.

Both Gabija and Elric had definitely seen something they liked, but were too stubborn to admit it. What had started as a little joke, had turned into a little fight.
“Honestly! You men love to fight don’t ya!”
“So what if we do? That’s how we survive!”
“Whatever helps you live with yourself!”
“Well it does so there!”

“Enough!” Tyris yelled. They both looked at each other, and then at Tyris. “Please try to stop arguing for a while...”
They both pointed a finger at each other childishly. “He/She started it!”
Tyris’ eyes doubled with cuteness. and she lightly bit her lip. “Please?”
Both sighed and looked at each other. “Fine!” And they turned away with heads high.

winra miha ro ra you ji
winra hi ha mi ko ki
winra miha ri ra yu yi ji ja
winra miha ro ra yu yi
winra miha mi

Love... Was that really what Akira was making her feel? Aura wondered as she flew through out land of Ruin.

Looking around she noticed Lur in one of the forests. Swooping down, she decided to have some company.

“So... that’s what we’ve been feeling?” asked Lur as they both, in dragon form, lay on the grass. Protected by the nymphs of the forest. “It kind of makes sense. That’s why I can’t get Alven out of my head. It’s because I’m falling in love with him.” She looked relieved to finally understand, but Aura did not. “What’s wrong?”

“They don’t have to feel the same way.”
Lur looked wary in an instant. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, they might not love us! They could just feel an attraction but nothing more and then we’ll have to deal with rejection.” Aura sighed and looked away. “Besides, we have an important job to do. We can’t be distracted by some youths who just happen to steal our hearts!”

Lur and Aura stared at each other in silence.

“At least...” Aura began. “That’s what I keep trying to tell myself.”
“But don’t you want to take a chance?” Lur pleaded. If Aura couldn’t admit, she’d never be able to admit ever. And more than anything, she’d love to Alven she was falling in love with him.

Aura sighed and got, ruffling her wings. “I’m not sure I’m strong enough for that. Besides, their men. They don’t know about love.” With that she took off.

Lur watched her go with sad eyes. “Guess Alven will never know that bit of information.” She too got up and flew off.

shia mi wawa me
shami ki ko sa so
shia ni mi hi miha
shia mi wawa me
shiami ki ko sa so
shara ri ra wawa miha
shia amora shai amor
shia amora shai amor
shia mi wawa me
shami ki ko shia amora

Mesi swam and dived happily with her MerDrags. Today was a day to enjoy oneself.
She leaned her head against some rocks and looked up at the sky. Contently watching the clouds.

Hey! One looked a lot like her in dragon form. She giggled at it, then frowned as she noticed Aura fly past. Ruining the cloud’s formation.

She was about to transform and complain, when she saw Aura looked really upset. Then she did transform and flew in front of Aura.

“Hey! What’s wrong?” She asked. Flapping her wings to stay in the way.
Aura sighed and looked away. “It’s nothing...I just...I’ve got to go!” With that she flew past Mesi without giving the dragon time to respond.

Mesi watched her leave, really confused. What was going on with Aura? Ever since she met those boys Tyris was travelling with...

Karim’s face in an instant came to mind. She found herself daydreaming about his cute voice and the way he felt when she hugged him...
“Woah! How’d I get onto that subject?” Mesi muttered shaking her head. “I need to get back to the sea for some more fun.” And with that, she stopped flapping and fell head first into her favourite pool. Causing a massive wave to hit another boat. Causing screams and yells from the men on board.

“Wow!” Mesi said as she watched from the shore. “I didn’t even realise they were there.”

yi yi yo to ri ra ri so
ayi ya to mika tra
ori pisa yiyo miha
aker me a mora me
yiyi me mo ni no ni na
trilts miam si so mi
yiyi yo to ri ri ria so
ayi ya to mika tra

Lur walked with a heavy heart near the burnt forest of Stron. Many of her favourite companions had disappeared due to the fighting. She sighed sadly as she noticed all the bloody dead bodies. Why were the Vulcan doing this?

That was an interesting question she hadn’t thought about before. She stopped beside a dying soldier of Stron. She transformed into her true form and knelt beside him.

“Sh... its okay. You can leave.” She whispered to him. He tried to turn his eyes to her but his eyes caught something else. Lur shook her head and walked off. Fate and Destiny had come to grant him death and a new life. It pained her to know this was the world Alven lived in. She stopped trying to prevent from entering her thoughts after her conversation with Aura.

“Alven can handle himself.” She whispered to herself sadly. “He doesn’t need me to worry about him... But I can’t help it.”

Just then, a flash of hazel brown caught Lur’s eye. She turned to see Chi in the distance. Secretly watching the Stron troops. After a few moments, Chi flew off. In the direction of the Vulcan.

Lur raised an eyebrow. “I wonder what she’s up to.” With that, she transformed and followed Chi at a safe distance.

dante ezi bi ba nes ji ja
yi ya miso dante ya
dante ezi eza
dante yo ya yesa
dante ezi bi ba nes ja ja

It had been hours since the group had first met Gabija. Elric and Gabija had started another fight. The rest were watching them. None of them bothering anymore to stop them.

Rogan watched both of them wearily. He got up slowly and turned away.
“Where are you going, old man?” Elric suddenly barked.
Rogan cursed under his breath as the attention now was all on him.
“Oh I just need to go do business if you know what I mean.”
The boys grimaced. “We didn’t need to know that, old man!” Elric whined.
Rogan shrugged and walked off. “What should I have said you little ingrate?”

Rogan walked until he was out of sight. Then he began to run to the next darkest part of the forest. Once there, he looked around.

“Fragone? Are you there?” He called in a whispered yell.
“Right behind you.” a dark voiced called from behind, giving Rogan a shock.
“Don’t do that!”
Fragone ignored the comment, “So what can you tell me?”
Rogan’s eyes lowered. “Why am I doing this?”
“It is Wragone’s orders!”
“I never asked for this!” Rogan snapped. “I never was asked to leave the Vulcan to raise a boy so that he could some day join with his friends to fulfil some prophecy. I didn’t ask to watch him grow up and learn to admire him and his faults. I didn’t ask to betray him.”

“Who are you betraying?” countered Fragone. His coal black eyes stared into Rogan’s pale amber. “The Vulcan have brought you up and taught all there is to know about fighting and surviving. When we found that baby, when Gragone predicted what he would become, we chose you to take him and travel to Tyme. You raised him and taught him all the ways of the Vulcan yet he still chose to befriend the rest of the seekers. Then, after all these years, you finally contact us and you give us the most valueable information. Why would you betray a plan you have no control over?”

Rogan was silent and he could not move his eyes away from the dangerous sorcerer. Then finally, he found his voice. “I don’t know anymore. I’m tired. All these years, I’ve given my soul to do what is good for the Vulcan. I don’t know the first thing about raising children, yet I raised Elric for the sake of the Vulcan. I watched him grow into a fine young man. I found myself proud of him whenever he beat an oponent. Then Gazini told me to travel with the boys and I did it for the sake of the Vulcan. But then... I met the Dragon Shifters. They had something, something that...I’d never encountered before. For once in my life, I never thought about the sake of the Vulcan. I...”

“You think those Dragon Shifters are so great do you?” Fragone growled angrily. “One of them has betrayed her kind just so she can feel important. The others can’t be much different.”

“Tyris isn’t...” Rogan whispered.

Fragone began to laugh. “Oh the Rainbow Shifter is the one who brought it all on, isn’t she? Well let me let you in on a little secret. There’s things ol’ Fate and Destiny keep even from her and those that care for her because they want to stay Dragons. Instead of what they were!”

“What...they were...? But what...” Rogan stuttered.

“Who are you with, Rogan? Decide now! Are you with the Vulcan? Or are you with some misguided youths who Fate and Destiny have chosen to destroy us?!”

“What do you mean? I thought they have to find Ausra? What aren’t you telling me?” Rogan asked. Confused and tired. All the years seemed to finally hit him.

Fragone shook his head. “That doesn’t matter! Who are you with and who are you against?”

Rogan sighed and shook his head. “I just... don’t know anymore.”
Fragone’s eyes closed as he sighed. “So are you against the Vulcan?”

Rogan’s eyes lowered. “I’m not... actually I think I might be.”

Fragone opened his eyes and frowned. “Then I’ll have to kill you, Rogan.”

A loud yell was heard by the seekers and the shifters with them.
Alven’s eyes widened in realisation, “that sounds like...”
“OLD MAN!” Elric raced off in the direction of the yell. Everyone else following close behind.

“OLD MAN! Are you...okay?” Elric stopped dead in his tracks. His master was lying on the ground, covered in blood.

“Did you find him?...” The others stopped next to him.

Elric’s light grey eyes were wide in disbelief, “Old man? Master? MASTER!” He ran to Rogan and took him in his arms. “Talk to me!”

Rogan coughed and looked up. The seekers breathed a sigh of relief, but the Shifters knew he wasn’t going to last very long. This was going to be the finale moments they would ever have with Rogan.